Online Marketing

TikTok Music Promotion Results And Platform Comparisons | How To Use To For Music Marketing

I really don’t understand this thing. I decided to go ahead and do a free training using real campaigns and I’m going to go through some real results, but also explaining it in a way that if you get tick-tock in this way, it will be a game-changer for you with your music. I promise not only that, no matter what type of music you have and no matter what age and you’ll see why.

So, let’s start here Muse, seven hundred and thirty, four thousand nine hundred views on this particular campaign. Twenty seven thousand eight hundred and ninety nine likes two thousand six hundred and sixty one shares and eighty-seven articles have been generated from this campaign. Now, let’s look at the finer details, though, because this is where it becomes more important for those views than views came out at point: zero, zero, one, one, five cents per view: that’s a fraction of a penny, twenty seven that will the same thing for the likes Shares were thirty, one cents per share and articles came in at nine dollars and seventy seven cents per article now you might not have Rannoch tick tock campaign, so I want to ask you in general: do you feel like these are good results for anything they’re? Not the worst results in the world I’ll tell you that, but they are the worst results that I’ve ever gotten on tick tock.

This was a situation where the artist had some business issues in the back end where the campaign didn’t even come to fruition like it was supposed to it had to halt mid campaign. But we still got these results and I’m going to go through the rest of results before I talk about some more aspects of tic TOCs, so check this out right here that same campaign just market it on tick, tock got some streams.

They’ve got about 1700 streams and those streams came out at 49 cents per stream industry average, and you have a really good play on this broker: you’re, probably going to see around two to four cents per stream. This was at 49 cents, but remember this is over time we just marketed on tick-tock and it bled over to here same thing for YouTube about about 1800 views on the YouTube article 47 cents per view.

You can get lower. You can get better than on YouTube. If you are dangerous enough, you learn it well enough. It’s easy to get 1 to 5 cents per view on YouTube. Of course you got. You know, fractions of a penny views that you can get on YouTube as well. If you really know what you’re doing, but let’s stick stick with an average of what most people are going to get one to five cents, all right 47 cents per view higher than that? That’s what this campaign got.

But again this is overtime. This is extra now, with that being said, a campaign. That’s currently running right now, point to one six well, two point: one cents per view is what it’s getting per stream on: Spotify, that’s right in the pocket of an industry average, and this is about 50,000 views that this campaign is gotten. Probably you know it’s still going it’s still going on. I just talked about it talk to the people earlier today.

So that’s still going remember this one only got 1,700 streams. This one at point, zero to one one. A fraction of a penny is at fifty thousand streams and still going on Spotify just from being marketed on tik-tok. Now we look at the YouTube results. It’s about 15,000 views in on the YouTube article that came from tick tock now the average well get remember. We said went to five cents if you’re pretty solid.

The average, for that particular campaign is about that’s a zero five. Seven. You probably can’t even see that so it’s about five point, seven cents right per view on that campaign. So that’s on the top end. If you were running but remember this, is it ad on YouTube? This is come over from tick-tock. Lo and behold, it’s about 10 million views on tick-tock right now, thousands of articles being created to it so you’re talking about four.

What this artist has done. The first campaign, by the way, when we talk about it being the worst campaign, it hasn’t it’s not even a thousand dollars spent on that campaign. Isn’t it’s not that much money that’s been spent and it got the results it did. This is somewhere a little around neck, but it’s some very good results, so maybe double the money, but you have far more results because we were able to keep running it and run with the strategy that we planned for – and this is what I love about – tick Tock you run in one place and get all of these results that get pushed in all these other areas right where traditionally, you might run something on Instagram and it stays on Instagram or it might be a programmatic ad, where you’re running it on Instagram and you’re.

Pushing the Spotify, so you see the results there or you’re running on YouTube and you push it there or it’s just one platform. That’s really seeing prime results a lot of times and a lot of people’s campaigns, but this is one campaign. That’s having people go to all other aspects because of something on tik-tok that I like to call transfer ability that has to be kept in mind. Whenever we consider any type of campaign, people will discover your tick-tock and they will happily go find your music, because up until now, there had it even been other direct link to select on Tik Tok.

For a long time, people hadn’t even been able to put a link in their bio when it comes to tick tock, so people could go directly to the music. So this isn’t people even saying hey. You go check out the link in my bio with the call-to-action. This is people literally hearing a song and then going to find it. Google searching in YouTube, searching it so 50,000 streams based on that behavior. Not go.

I’r pushing you over here. This is oh. I hear it whoa. What’s that song and that’s what we’re seeing again and again and again on tick-tock. Can you look at Instagram? We already know those prices have gone up: you’re not going to pay $ 100 $ 100 per 10,000 followers for an influencer, because we know it’s not worth that anymore. Right $ 100 per 10,000 followers means you’re paying $ 1,000. Just someone who has a hundred thousand followers and stop and think and tell me if you think, that’s worth it on tick, tock, I’m not on Instagram today.

I don’t think it is. As a matter of fact, I know for a fact. Many of those influencers know that it’s not they’re trying to hold on as much as they can, but so many of them have come down since I’ve been working with them because they already know and understand that there’s more competition in these other spaces they’re trying to Maintain if they can, but a lot of them have come down because they know it’s not worth it.

Instagram is suppressing traffic. So, to really understand, though, here’s something to consider when we look at tick tock right. This is how the content flows through tick, tock. There’s four buckets that you can look at content always starts in bucket number one. It’s shown to a small audience. It gets stressed test for a period of time and I can go deeper into the algorithm in another article, but just understand that is here for about two hours and it starts to move throughout the platform and it stops on level three for about four days.

Actually, you understand that when you start to get into tick-tock and see how the content flows as well, but if you need to make it there once you make it to each level, it’s shown to more and more people, so these levels also coordinate with the size Of the box you’re being shown to a small bucket, let’s say maybe 2,000 people and then you’re being shown to maybe 20,000 people think you’re being shown to 200,000 people, think you’re being shown to two million people and beyond right.

That’s how the flow of the content works, but outside of the transferability, which is one of the most important factors of tick-tock. When it comes to an artist. People are looking for your music they’re hearing your music and then they’re actively going to look for it, because this platform works like promo daily. Every single article is promo, except people are giving you permission to show it to them.

That’s um, marketers dream. The other thing is viral loops, so because of how this works, the way the platform is built. If you drop a article right, then it’ll go through these levels and your article might make it to level 2. Somebody sees that article and they decide I’m going to create a article, and this person could be better. You then creating articles. In matter of fact, they might actually have a lot more followers and be a strong content creator, so they might do it and then it’ll take it to level 3.

Multiple people see their article and then they might do it. Let’s say 5 people see their article and one person stops on level 2. Two people stop on level three and then four four of them make it. No that’s wrong, math to people who make it to level four alright. So now you have people being planted as seeds on different levels, all coming from one article, all right, so you drop a article that article creates other articles and being dope that article inspires other people to make articles, and next thing you know you’re entering into this Viral loop right so now it’s marketing for itself.

In the same way, we think about passive income and people say I want my money to work for myself on tic-tock. Your content is working for itself. It’s a little soldier that gets other pieces of creators and content out there to create for it and then, when they create. That brings back more content that gets created and it continues this loop. While your article is working for you, you can continue to make strategic moves to boost that content as well.

So that’s one of the biggest beauties we have the transferability of content on tick, tock and then also the viral loops being built in and just to actually drive that point through. Let me pull this something right here, so that first campaign the worst campaign that I talked about 87 articles generated. We only created four articles for this campaign, so 83 of those articles all came because of that viral concept, that’s ingrained into tick-tock.

There were other people who saw those articles and said I want to create articles off of it, which allowed our cost per article to come down to nine dollars and 77 cents. As a matter of fact, remember I mentioned this is that worst campaign that I’ve ever had run on tik tok, that artist was actually extremely delighted from the results and what based on what they had to pay any results. They saw somewhere else and they wanted to do more and more work, hopefully after they finished figuring out all the back end business troubles that are going on right now.

We because we know what it could have been and it could have gotten closer to those other campaigns that we run. We were kind of sad about it. We were highly disappointed, especially with that song and another thing about that particular song. It had zero bass in it, zero, so the type of music that you think blows up on tick-tock, it’s not just high-end, energetic hip-hop. It’s not just super poppy songs that song.

I don’t even know what to call it. Honestly, it’s pretty slow. It’s not even our abhi song, it’s some kind of mid alternative, modern, whatever you want to call it right, but it’s it’s an interesting type of sound and it still is taking off in its own with those little pushes that we put behind it EDM. I see that blow up on Tik Tok, all the time country plenty of traction on tick-tock. It doesn’t matter your type of genre and it doesn’t really matter your age, because it’s about the music itself, if you run and understand how to push the campaigns in the proper way right, people are hearing the music and going to find the music before they even Think about who they see in it like who the actual artist is.

That’s after the fact, as a matter of fact, there’s there’s some I’ve seen some instances where people have been highly surprised to find out who the artist is, how they actually look and all that after they hear the music and become fans of the music is so, But that’s what you want right! You want followers based off the merit of your music. First, that’s what so many artists are looking for tick.

Tock of is that, in a way that a lot of these other platforms aren’t necessarily affording all right, it’s more Spotify. In many ways than it is Instagram because people are truly discovering music or in tik-tok that’s another conversation for another day, but just understand that this should be enough to give you an idea that you don’t have an excuse on age. You don’t have an excuse on your type of music, because all of that stuff is there.

Alright, Gary Vee is talking about it, a lot, because it’s a very real thing. You hear a lot of people talking about it, because it’s a very real thing from using results, and so much of the industry, I’m in meetings all the time. These people are coming right. These people are coming and the prices are going to triple at minimum. For a lot of these influencers and a lot of these other types of campaigns that you might be looking to run on tic toc, because they’re going to bring the money, you need to make sure that you get in before the prices rise.

Particularly if budget is a constraint for you, so if you want to make sure you understand tick-tock and you want to get onboard as quickly as possible on how you specifically can benefit as an artist, because there’s a lot of content and ideas for just creatives. In general, but how you can benefit for music then check out our free training. It’s at tic, toc, music, promo calm, and you will reap a lot of benefits from not having to go through figuring out tic toc.

It’s a completely different platform so get on there. Utilize the information and put it to work because tic toc is a game changer and I’ve yet to see a social media platform that impacts an artist music directly like this get on while it’s sweet, because it won’t always be this easy, tic, toc, music, promo dot-com. We have an entire free training and for those of you who want to share this article with your friends, you can check it out on the brand man page I’ll, make sure it gets posted on the brandman page on YouTube.

That’s it

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Online Marketing

How The TikTok Formula Will Transform Music Industry (It Already Is!!!)

Com, because I saw myself now we got to talk about two major ways that tick tock is it’s ruining music and a lot of people’s opinion, but really the impact will be everlasting and A lot of people aren’t even seeing it right now all right for me. It started on January 22nd of 2018, when I said there would be a unique artist with a unique hit.

That’s only 15 seconds long, but some people didn’t take it too. Well, people are saying things like absolutely not lol. I can’t see it being 15 seconds I wouldn’t enjoy it. Maybe 30 seconds see I’m a push back on that, because there’s already some 15 seconds hits out there and y’all actually probably know of them. Michie got moves said. I rebuke that in the name of Jesus and Bull City, Dion said maybe 30 seconds, but not 15 seconds.

That’s not enough time for anything, but understand. I’m not saying that everybody will create 15-second music, not intentionally at least, but I am saying the format will become more popular and hits will occur and before I get into that, what better way to actually make the point then starting with music in the first place. So we’re going to show some examples of why this has already been present in some ways anyway in music over the years, because there’s been a lot of odd moments in music.

So, let’s start with rowdy, which, though, if you know about rowdy rich rowdy rich, is a rapper from Compton. He’s really been rising it up starting in 2018, and he has a song with marshmallow EDM producer. The song is called project dreams. It’s about two to three minutes, long, that’s it, but somebody actually took this song and they looked it for an hour, and I know that sounds weird, just listening to the same song, looped and loop in luton and looped it for an hour.

But for one we do like to hear certain songs on repeat, but this song being looped for an hour sounds absurd. However, I’m not going to lie when I was playing this just to see what it sound like. I end up long portion of this, and I was feeling it personally but check out some of these comments as well. Now, out of all these comments, the most interesting one is Jase Jones. This is my second time listening to this in a year.

Oh and if you go to the article you’ll see that his comment isn’t the only one like that, so just being able to listen to one song again and again and again and again and again is interesting. So if you want to argue for the 15 second hit, let’s think about the fact that some people say that’s too short. But don’t we already listen to songs and repeat so? Maybe people might want to just loop that for like three minutes and then they still get their feel just like.

We listen to other songs and repeat and just listen and listen and listen. Even if you think about how certain production is made. Some people literally take 15 seconds nine seconds 20 seconds of a beat and then they’ll loop it and that creates the entire beat for the song. So that’s something to consider as well. For example, this song by a group named mandrill is called children of the Sun. Came out in 1972 people and it’s a five-minute song.

You know it used to make some long songs back then. This is probably short for a song back then, but what’s important is from 314 in this track to 325 there’s this portion of the song. That sounds nothing like the rest of the song in that portion. That 11 second stretch was actually repeated again and again and again in a song called. They know by shawty low for three minutes long, so they took an 11 second sample and then literally just looped.

It for three minutes, and that became a hit when you think about something like that is not even that foreign of a concept I would play the two songs and instead, I’m going to put them in the description below just because you know YouTube with these. Copyright strikes, I ain’t trying to get one and I’ll make sure I provide the timestamp below as well, so you can easily see where they match up, but let’s play some other songs that were legitimate hits in their time.

That song only had six unique words in it: the entire song and we talked about format and why it happened. It’s going to be a glaring insight for you to understand why tick tock is going to be a huge part of this moment in a way that some people don’t understand, but here’s another song only has about 15 unique words in it. Here’s another song with only a few sentences and here’s another song with only a few sentences.

Now, while I use so many examples, well just to show the range, if you’re already able to have songs to only have a few words in it again and again, and they become hits or songs, they have the same beat over and over and again and they Become Beats, or you have songs that only have like two or three sentences and the whole song, and all these things that become hits in their own way. It’s not so bizarre when you think about it that way to have a short song, especially when you think about the capability for it to just be looped.

Just like the marshmallow Andrade, Rich project, dreams track and as a reminder, you can see links to any of the articles or just music that I’m referencing in the description below. But let’s get back to tick, tock, so co2 child fast. Now some people actually know the song. Some people don’t realize they’ve heard the song, but trust me there’s a good chance that you might have heard this song. So, but let me go ahead and play the snippet buzz fo hundred on the fifty five bills per city.

Footage now I played a real short snippet of stepping at the beginning of this article because it took off on tick-tock and fast did the same thing, and this is where it gets interesting, though, because if you go to the YouTube article, that’s where you can listen To the full track versus just you know, being on tick-tock, look in the comments and you’ll see something pretty interesting. Business from area 51 said at six seconds: tick tock has entered the check in at 22 seconds tick.

Tock has left to chat. Now that’s about 16 seconds when that adds up, but even somebody named babby BAC said maybe 20 seconds actually so that takes it down to 14 seconds either way it goes. You can see we’re straddling this 15 seconds that I’m talking about. So what exactly does that allude to? What does it mean? Well, the big point that I made in my original article is musically, first and foremost, because musically was the thing back then it was it tick tock, but you get it they’re.

The same thing at this point and on musically people be listening to this content right, I might take a song, let’s just say, fast, existed back then, and then I’m listening to multiple people take the exact same loops from the song and then also dance to that Song for the most part, because either I’m a content creator, I’m trying to jump in so I’m going to take that same 15 seconds or I’m the listener and I’m just reading all these different pieces of content.

But I’m not necessarily going back to the same song. So to clarify the impact of that and what that actually looks like, let’s think about the platform, tick-tock who’s, taking the challenge method right, and they basically put that on crack. It’s exploded. It’s a far greater version that then we’ve seen on any other app at the time. I’m recording this article, the music article for fast, has four million views.

Now, if we go to Spotify, we can see that there’s 31 million streams of it and I’m sure it’s around that number as well somewhere on Apple. That’s a lot of place, people for it to have blowing up on that platform because for y’all who don’t know so good, a child did use tik tok to blow this song up. But at the end of the day, if you go back to tick tock, you see three million. Ninety seven thousand 44 post on fast.

What does that mean? That’s not streams right! That’s not place! That’s unique articles that was created on this, so you’re talking about four million views on the music article versus three million different articles, no telling how many individual plays each article collectively got in this category, but what we can do is just scroll a look at a Few of them this one article on fast got 2.4 million streams, this other one 1.

7 million 1.6 million – where are already clearly above the amount of place for the music article 1.3 million 1.2 million 1.2. 1.2. 1.1. All right now just 70 that, like we’re slowly getting down there right, but it’s going to take a while, and we have three million of these articles. So I guarantee you that these articles add up to over 31 million streams. So, let’s stop and think about a few things one.

You will have a lot of people we’ll hear this and then they go find it in other places because they’re like yo. I really like this song and then some of those views on the music article and the streams on Spotify they’re, coming from completely outside of tick-tock people, and I hadn’t seen it on tick-tock. So there’s a huge portion on tick-tock. That only saw the articles posted on the platform, and this is really going to lead to this second huge impact that tick tock is going to have that I’ll mention at the end of the article.

But for now focusing on this, you have to realize this means that a lot of people only know the intro. Basically, they only know a hook to the song, basically even further an article on the ringer that com called memes or the new pop stars how tick tock became the future of the music industry has a quote by a guy named Jack. Who’s worked at companies like planned, hora and United masters, and he said, YouTube created a class of five-minute content.

I’m curious if tick-tock will create the 15 or 60-second song and then that journalist writes the error of the tick-tock single is upon us, and why are they saying this? Well, one of the big arguments that I stated on why I see the 15-second song as a real thing and a real possibility is because it’s all about formatting. They mentioned YouTube just because of the amount of time that it allowed of content to be posted.

But then, at the end of the day, when people were playing around with the amount of time that actually creates an effective article on YouTube at a specific era, it was around 5 minutes right and it’s all about what the actual platform allows. Tick-Tock does allow for. 60-Second content, which is why the person in the quote said the 15 or 60 seconds song but 13 to 15 seconds, is where you see the most viral post consistently on tick-tock and that’s important to consider.

So we were thinking about content and format, restrictions, particularly around the success right where people are finding that people are going to mimic the areas and things that give them success on specific platforms and the limitations of whatever the success formula is is how people will adjust To once the content creators are just to it, then you have the consumers who become adjusted as well, because they are consuming that consistently somebody who’s born in nineteen, eighty or nineteen ninety something it might not be completely adjusted to listening to really short music into them.

It sounds absurd, but then you have somebody else coming up that is used to that format. They hear a lot of the content and consume these bite-sized pieces. So it’s not that bad of a concept and to truly solidify how it’s not just whatever we want to create what we think sounds good and more about the restrictions, the forces to do things differently if we still want to find the same success, let’s revisit the Old song that I mentioned earlier in this article fly Robin fly now remember the thing that was so unique about.

This was the fact that it only had six unique words in the entire song. We can count it out on the screen, but what’s more interesting is when you find out why they had only six unique words in the song? So here’s the truth. The group who sang that song, his name is silver convention silver convention is a West German euro disco recording act right. The group is not from America, and English is not their native language.

So when actually writing a song that they wanted to become a hit, they knew they couldn’t just create an entire song in German that would become a hit over in the US if they could. That would be really really hard. So, let’s just opt for creating a song in English. However, if the entire song was too intricate a unique, it was going to be far too many words for them to remember personally, so they needed to make it super simple and something that they could easily remember and perform over and over again the restrictions that they Faced in this case, not knowing English well enough to really be able to remember it forced them to create a different type of hit.

It just so happens making it super simple for themselves made it super simple for everybody else to remember right and now you can think about other people who don’t know English and those other languages. Now that you can know the whole song, because you’re only saying six words so before we get into how tick tock is secretly warping, genres and music in ways that people do not realize. I got a question if you sing something right.

If you dance to a piece of content, if you remember it, and then you hum it over and over again, what’s the difference? Is that not a song? Does that not qualify or do we have to go by what somebody else’s definition is of a song? Is I’d argued that this is why, again and again, from generation and generation, we’re always arguing what’s real music and was not real music, we’re trying to define something undefinable so what’s to say that 15 seconds isn’t a song now I do understand that there’s a large Amount of people that waits for a larger group of people or some sort of perceived authority to acknowledge something before they can see that it’s happening, but ignoring the fact that this thing is happening right now.

This really isn’t a future thing. It’s truly happening already in its own way, not being able to do this, just because it hasn’t been acknowledged in media. There’s, no clear data for this. It’s the same thing as waiting until 2016-17, where people are like yo hip-hop is the number one genre just because streaming allowed for people to truly measure his impact, even though it had already been number one for like 15-20 years.

People who pay attention see this when it’s happening, and they understand it early on. It’s usually the big corporations right in the larger media that wait to understand these things because they’re at the top, which leads back to exposing tick-tocks influence on music and again. Here’s another quote from the wringer article and you’ll be able to find a link to that article in the description below, but a 16 year old girl said this who’s using tick-tock heavily, but she actually has this Instagram page that has compilations of tick-tock.

But anyway, the quote said: I didn’t really listen to rap before I got really invested into tick-tock, but I’ve been listening to a lot more starter rap, which I have no idea. What starter rap is because of it. The thing to really think about and hone in on from this particular quote, is the fact that the reason she wasn’t listening to hip-hop or rap was because you know that just wasn’t what she was into.

I guess right or that wasn’t her environment. She didn’t perceive it as something for her. Maybe she didn’t even like it. She felt like not a not for me, based on the surface level perception of what’s going on in hip-hop. However, when she got on Tik Tok right hip-hop is that genre there’s so much of the music is borrowing from so with that being said, she’s looking at all this content, these 15 seconds newbies and I’m being entertained through dance and these other types of content that Are happening on the platform, but the backdrop of this content is the music and a lot of this music happens to be rap.

That slowly builds familiarity. It becomes a gateway into the genre itself and that’s something that people who want to even bring more influence into a certain genre should keep in mind. If you want to bring more influence into a genre, then you need to hone in on platforms like this and get let’s say your entire drama. You can get all here all together if I’m in lo-fi or just some kind of weird nondescript type genre and then get those people to run campaigns and become familiar with people or get people to become familiar with you through other forms of content.

Because now, once they’ve warmed up right, once they’re primed to understanding and just like snippets of you, the next step is an entire song that goes for an individual artist. That goes for a jammer at home, and it goes for so many other variations of what you’re trying to introduce people to this is where it starts, because at the end of the day the truth is people always say things like I’m not going to listen to Certain type of music – I don’t listen to this.

I don’t do this, but at the end of the day it’s not words but behavior that determines the actual result. So when you even think about the fact that you know there’s some people who are like man, I would never do this. I would never do that or when somebody got beat up and then one of the homies or somebody else was reading on reading the article. No one ever took that. I wouldn’t do that if I was doing but then the truth is they probably would have at the end of the day.

What a lot of people do not know is humans, love to project themselves into situations and inform you of how they would act, but humans are also very poor at judging how they would act in particular situations. I know I know you might be special. You might be different, but just generally speaking, this is the truth. People poorly predict and incorrectly overestimate the action of the masses based on their own opinion, but then equally they underestimate how much their actions will be affected by the behavior of the.

In short, people’s conscious projections, of who they are often disagrees with their subconscious, which has far greater impact on their actual action, and it might have something to do with the fact that a lot of times people often talk and know more about who they want to Be versus who they actually are, and this is why marketing and branding works on people again and again and again. This is why politicians sway people’s opinions again and again and again, because when it comes to media masses and just content in general, a lot of things begin to happen.

Whether we like it or not, whether we know it or disagree with there or not. And it’s not a matter of opinion, though the 15 second song is here and if you think about it, there’s probably a song that you know that you only know 15 seconds of even before tick-tock II probably grew up just knowing a certain part of certain songs. You never knew the whole song all right in your head, that song is already a 15-second hit.

Yes, there’s a complete version out there, but the part that’s known, the part that has the greatest impact and Reach is only 15 seconds, and as always, this article is brought to you by brandman network.Com, because I sign myself, we have artists, develop their brand and build Their fan base, so if you like this article, go ahead like button, if you like it might as well share and if you’re not subscribed, you know what to do.

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My favorite musician as of right now.


Online Marketing

TikTok Music Promotion Results And Platform Comparisons | How To Use To For Music Marketing

I really don’t understand this thing. I decided to go ahead and do a free training using real campaigns and I’m going to go through some real results, but also explaining it in a way that if you get tick-tock in this way, it will be a game-changer for you with your music. I promise not only that, no matter what type of music you have and no matter what age and you’ll see why.

So, let’s start here Muse, seven hundred and thirty, four thousand nine hundred views on this particular campaign. Twenty seven thousand eight hundred and ninety nine likes two thousand six hundred and sixty one shares and eighty-seven articles have been generated from this campaign. Now, let’s look at the finer details, though, because this is where it becomes more important for those views than views came out at point: zero, zero, one, one, five cents per view: that’s a fraction of a penny, twenty seven that will the same thing for the likes Shares were thirty, one cents per share and articles came in at nine dollars and seventy seven cents per article now you might not have Rannoch tick tock campaign, so I want to ask you in general: do you feel like these are good results for anything they’re? Not the worst results in the world I’ll tell you that, but they are the worst results that I’ve ever gotten on tick tock.

This was a situation where the artist had some business issues in the back end where the campaign didn’t even come to fruition like it was supposed to it had to halt mid campaign. But we still got these results and I’m going to go through the rest of results before I talk about some more aspects of tic TOCs, so check this out right here that same campaign just market it on tick, tock got some streams.

They’ve got about 1700 streams and those streams came out at 49 cents per stream industry average, and you have a really good play on this broker: you’re, probably going to see around two to four cents per stream. This was at 49 cents, but remember this is over time we just marketed on tick-tock and it bled over to here same thing for YouTube about about 1800 views on the YouTube article 47 cents per view.

You can get lower. You can get better than on YouTube. If you are dangerous enough, you learn it well enough. It’s easy to get 1 to 5 cents per view on YouTube. Of course you got. You know, fractions of a penny views that you can get on YouTube as well. If you really know what you’re doing, but let’s stick stick with an average of what most people are going to get one to five cents, all right 47 cents per view higher than that? That’s what this campaign got.

But again this is overtime. This is extra now, with that being said, a campaign. That’s currently running right now, point to one six well, two point: one cents per view is what it’s getting per stream on: Spotify, that’s right in the pocket of an industry average, and this is about 50,000 views that this campaign is gotten. Probably you know it’s still going it’s still going on. I just talked about it talk to the people earlier today.

So that’s still going remember this one only got 1,700 streams. This one at point, zero to one one. A fraction of a penny is at fifty thousand streams and still going on Spotify just from being marketed on tik-tok. Now we look at the YouTube results. It’s about 15,000 views in on the YouTube article that came from tick tock now the average well get remember. We said went to five cents if you’re pretty solid.

The average, for that particular campaign is about that’s a zero five. Seven. You probably can’t even see that so it’s about five point, seven cents right per view on that campaign. So that’s on the top end. If you were running but remember this, is it ad on YouTube? This is come over from tick-tock. Lo and behold, it’s about 10 million views on tick-tock right now, thousands of articles being created to it so you’re talking about four.

What this artist has done. The first campaign, by the way, when we talk about it being the worst campaign, it hasn’t it’s not even a thousand dollars spent on that campaign. Isn’t it’s not that much money that’s been spent and it got the results it did. This is somewhere a little around neck, but it’s some very good results, so maybe double the money, but you have far more results because we were able to keep running it and run with the strategy that we planned for – and this is what I love about – tick Tock you run in one place and get all of these results that get pushed in all these other areas right where traditionally, you might run something on Instagram and it stays on Instagram or it might be a programmatic ad, where you’re running it on Instagram and you’re.

Pushing the Spotify, so you see the results there or you’re running on YouTube and you push it there or it’s just one platform. That’s really seeing prime results a lot of times and a lot of people’s campaigns, but this is one campaign. That’s having people go to all other aspects because of something on tik-tok that I like to call transfer ability that has to be kept in mind. Whenever we consider any type of campaign, people will discover your tick-tock and they will happily go find your music, because up until now, there had it even been other direct link to select on Tik Tok.

For a long time, people hadn’t even been able to put a link in their bio when it comes to tick tock, so people could go directly to the music. So this isn’t people even saying hey. You go check out the link in my bio with the call-to-action. This is people literally hearing a song and then going to find it. Google searching in YouTube, searching it so 50,000 streams based on that behavior. Not go.

I’m pushing you over here. This is oh. I hear it whoa. What’s that song and that’s what we’re seeing again and again and again on tick-tock. Can you look at Instagram? We already know those prices have gone up: you’re not going to pay $ 100 $ 100 per 10,000 followers for an influencer, because we know it’s not worth that anymore. Right $ 100 per 10,000 followers means you’re paying $ 1,000. Just someone who has a hundred thousand followers and stop and think and tell me if you think, that’s worth it on tick, tock, I’m not on Instagram today.

I don’t think it is. As a matter of fact, I know for a fact. Many of those influencers know that it’s not they’re trying to hold on as much as they can, but so many of them have come down since I’ve been working with them because they already know and understand that there’s more competition in these other spaces they’re trying to Maintain if they can, but a lot of them have come down because they know it’s not worth it.

Instagram is suppressing traffic. So, to really understand, though, here’s something to consider when we look at tick tock right. This is how the content flows through tick, tock. There’s four buckets that you can look at content always starts in bucket number one. It’s shown to a small audience. It gets stressed test for a period of time and I can go deeper into the algorithm in another article, but just understand that is here for about two hours and it starts to move throughout the platform and it stops on level three for about four days.

Actually, you understand that when you start to get into tick-tock and see how the content flows as well, but if you need to make it there once you make it to each level, it’s shown to more and more people, so these levels also coordinate with the size Of the box you’re being shown to a small bucket, let’s say maybe 2,000 people and then you’re being shown to maybe 20,000 people think you’re being shown to 200,000 people, think you’re being shown to two million people and beyond right.

That’s how the flow of the content works, but outside of the transferability, which is one of the most important factors of tick-tock. When it comes to an artist. People are looking for your music they’re hearing your music and then they’re actively going to look for it, because this platform works like promo daily. Every single article is promo, except people are giving you permission to show it to them.

That’s um, marketers dream. The other thing is viral loops, so because of how this works, the way the platform is built. If you drop a article right, then it’ll go through these levels and your article might make it to level 2. Somebody sees that article and they decide I’m going to create a article, and this person could be better. You then creating articles. In matter of fact, they might actually have a lot more followers and be a strong content creator, so they might do it and then it’ll take it to level 3.

Multiple people see their article and then they might do it. Let’s say 5 people see their article and one person stops on level 2. Two people stop on level three and then four four of them make it. No that’s wrong, math to people who make it to level four alright. So now you have people being planted as seeds on different levels, all coming from one article, all right, so you drop a article that article creates other articles and being dope that article inspires other people to make articles, and next thing you know you’re entering into this Viral loop right so now it’s marketing for itself.

In the same way, we think about passive income and people say I want my money to work for myself on tic-tock. Your content is working for itself. It’s a little soldier that gets other pieces of creators and content out there to create for it and then, when they create. That brings back more content that gets created and it continues this loop. While your article is working for you, you can continue to make strategic moves to boost that content as well.

So that’s one of the biggest beauties we have the transferability of content on tick, tock and then also the viral loops being built in and just to actually drive that point through. Let me pull this something right here, so that first campaign the worst campaign that I talked about 87 articles generated. We only created four articles for this campaign, so 83 of those articles all came because of that viral concept, that’s ingrained into tick-tock.

There were other people who saw those articles and said I want to create articles off of it, which allowed our cost per article to come down to nine dollars and 77 cents. As a matter of fact, remember I mentioned this is that worst campaign that I’ve ever had run on tik tok, that artist was actually extremely delighted from the results and what based on what they had to pay any results. They saw somewhere else and they wanted to do more and more work, hopefully after they finished figuring out all the back end business troubles that are going on right now.

We because we know what it could have been and it could have gotten closer to those other campaigns that we run. We were kind of sad about it. We were highly disappointed, especially with that song and another thing about that particular song. It had zero bass in it, zero, so the type of music that you think blows up on tick-tock, it’s not just high-end, energetic hip-hop. It’s not just super poppy songs that song.

I don’t even know what to call it. Honestly, it’s pretty slow. It’s not even our abhi song, it’s some kind of mid alternative, modern, whatever you want to call it right, but it’s it’s an interesting type of sound and it still is taking off in its own with those little pushes that we put behind it EDM. I see that blow up on Tik Tok, all the time country plenty of traction on tick-tock. It doesn’t matter your type of genre and it doesn’t really matter your age, because it’s about the music itself, if you run and understand how to push the campaigns in the proper way right, people are hearing the music and going to find the music before they even Think about who they see in it like who the actual artist is.

That’s after the fact, as a matter of fact, there’s there’s some I’ve seen some instances where people have been highly surprised to find out who the artist is, how they actually look and all that after they hear the music and become fans of the music is so, But that’s what you want right! You want followers based off the merit of your music. First, that’s what so many artists are looking for tick.

Tock of is that, in a way that a lot of these other platforms aren’t necessarily affording all right, it’s more Spotify. In many ways than it is Instagram because people are truly discovering music or in tik-tok that’s another conversation for another day, but just understand that this should be enough to give you an idea that you don’t have an excuse on age. You don’t have an excuse on your type of music, because all of that stuff is there.

Alright, Gary Vee is talking about it, a lot, because it’s a very real thing. You hear a lot of people talking about it, because it’s a very real thing from using results, and so much of the industry, I’m in meetings all the time. These people are coming right. These people are coming and the prices are going to triple at minimum. For a lot of these influencers and a lot of these other types of campaigns that you might be looking to run on tic toc, because they’re going to bring the money, you need to make sure that you get in before the prices rise.

Particularly if budget is a constraint for you, so if you want to make sure you understand tick-tock and you want to get onboard as quickly as possible on how you specifically can benefit as an artist, because there’s a lot of content and ideas for just creatives. In general, but how you can benefit for music then check out our free training. It’s at tic, toc, music, promo calm, and you will reap a lot of benefits from not having to go through figuring out tic toc.

It’s a completely different platform so get on there. Utilize the information and put it to work because tic toc is a game changer and I’ve yet to see a social media platform that impacts an artist music directly like this get on while it’s sweet, because it won’t always be this easy, tic, toc, music, promo dot-com. We have an entire free training and for those of you who want to share this article with your friends, you can check it out on the brand man page I’ll, make sure it gets posted on the brandman page on YouTube.

That’s it

My favorite musician as of right now.