Online Marketing

TikTok Music Promotion Results And Platform Comparisons | How To Use To For Music Marketing

I really don’t understand this thing. I decided to go ahead and do a free training using real campaigns and I’m going to go through some real results, but also explaining it in a way that if you get tick-tock in this way, it will be a game-changer for you with your music. I promise not only that, no matter what type of music you have and no matter what age and you’ll see why.

So, let’s start here Muse, seven hundred and thirty, four thousand nine hundred views on this particular campaign. Twenty seven thousand eight hundred and ninety nine likes two thousand six hundred and sixty one shares and eighty-seven articles have been generated from this campaign. Now, let’s look at the finer details, though, because this is where it becomes more important for those views than views came out at point: zero, zero, one, one, five cents per view: that’s a fraction of a penny, twenty seven that will the same thing for the likes Shares were thirty, one cents per share and articles came in at nine dollars and seventy seven cents per article now you might not have Rannoch tick tock campaign, so I want to ask you in general: do you feel like these are good results for anything they’re? Not the worst results in the world I’ll tell you that, but they are the worst results that I’ve ever gotten on tick tock.

This was a situation where the artist had some business issues in the back end where the campaign didn’t even come to fruition like it was supposed to it had to halt mid campaign. But we still got these results and I’m going to go through the rest of results before I talk about some more aspects of tic TOCs, so check this out right here that same campaign just market it on tick, tock got some streams.

They’ve got about 1700 streams and those streams came out at 49 cents per stream industry average, and you have a really good play on this broker: you’re, probably going to see around two to four cents per stream. This was at 49 cents, but remember this is over time we just marketed on tick-tock and it bled over to here same thing for YouTube about about 1800 views on the YouTube article 47 cents per view.

You can get lower. You can get better than on YouTube. If you are dangerous enough, you learn it well enough. It’s easy to get 1 to 5 cents per view on YouTube. Of course you got. You know, fractions of a penny views that you can get on YouTube as well. If you really know what you’re doing, but let’s stick stick with an average of what most people are going to get one to five cents, all right 47 cents per view higher than that? That’s what this campaign got.

But again this is overtime. This is extra now, with that being said, a campaign. That’s currently running right now, point to one six well, two point: one cents per view is what it’s getting per stream on: Spotify, that’s right in the pocket of an industry average, and this is about 50,000 views that this campaign is gotten. Probably you know it’s still going it’s still going on. I just talked about it talk to the people earlier today.

So that’s still going remember this one only got 1,700 streams. This one at point, zero to one one. A fraction of a penny is at fifty thousand streams and still going on Spotify just from being marketed on tik-tok. Now we look at the YouTube results. It’s about 15,000 views in on the YouTube article that came from tick tock now the average well get remember. We said went to five cents if you’re pretty solid.

The average, for that particular campaign is about that’s a zero five. Seven. You probably can’t even see that so it’s about five point, seven cents right per view on that campaign. So that’s on the top end. If you were running but remember this, is it ad on YouTube? This is come over from tick-tock. Lo and behold, it’s about 10 million views on tick-tock right now, thousands of articles being created to it so you’re talking about four.

What this artist has done. The first campaign, by the way, when we talk about it being the worst campaign, it hasn’t it’s not even a thousand dollars spent on that campaign. Isn’t it’s not that much money that’s been spent and it got the results it did. This is somewhere a little around neck, but it’s some very good results, so maybe double the money, but you have far more results because we were able to keep running it and run with the strategy that we planned for – and this is what I love about – tick Tock you run in one place and get all of these results that get pushed in all these other areas right where traditionally, you might run something on Instagram and it stays on Instagram or it might be a programmatic ad, where you’re running it on Instagram and you’re.

Pushing the Spotify, so you see the results there or you’re running on YouTube and you push it there or it’s just one platform. That’s really seeing prime results a lot of times and a lot of people’s campaigns, but this is one campaign. That’s having people go to all other aspects because of something on tik-tok that I like to call transfer ability that has to be kept in mind. Whenever we consider any type of campaign, people will discover your tick-tock and they will happily go find your music, because up until now, there had it even been other direct link to select on Tik Tok.

For a long time, people hadn’t even been able to put a link in their bio when it comes to tick tock, so people could go directly to the music. So this isn’t people even saying hey. You go check out the link in my bio with the call-to-action. This is people literally hearing a song and then going to find it. Google searching in YouTube, searching it so 50,000 streams based on that behavior. Not go.

I’r pushing you over here. This is oh. I hear it whoa. What’s that song and that’s what we’re seeing again and again and again on tick-tock. Can you look at Instagram? We already know those prices have gone up: you’re not going to pay $ 100 $ 100 per 10,000 followers for an influencer, because we know it’s not worth that anymore. Right $ 100 per 10,000 followers means you’re paying $ 1,000. Just someone who has a hundred thousand followers and stop and think and tell me if you think, that’s worth it on tick, tock, I’m not on Instagram today.

I don’t think it is. As a matter of fact, I know for a fact. Many of those influencers know that it’s not they’re trying to hold on as much as they can, but so many of them have come down since I’ve been working with them because they already know and understand that there’s more competition in these other spaces they’re trying to Maintain if they can, but a lot of them have come down because they know it’s not worth it.

Instagram is suppressing traffic. So, to really understand, though, here’s something to consider when we look at tick tock right. This is how the content flows through tick, tock. There’s four buckets that you can look at content always starts in bucket number one. It’s shown to a small audience. It gets stressed test for a period of time and I can go deeper into the algorithm in another article, but just understand that is here for about two hours and it starts to move throughout the platform and it stops on level three for about four days.

Actually, you understand that when you start to get into tick-tock and see how the content flows as well, but if you need to make it there once you make it to each level, it’s shown to more and more people, so these levels also coordinate with the size Of the box you’re being shown to a small bucket, let’s say maybe 2,000 people and then you’re being shown to maybe 20,000 people think you’re being shown to 200,000 people, think you’re being shown to two million people and beyond right.

That’s how the flow of the content works, but outside of the transferability, which is one of the most important factors of tick-tock. When it comes to an artist. People are looking for your music they’re hearing your music and then they’re actively going to look for it, because this platform works like promo daily. Every single article is promo, except people are giving you permission to show it to them.

That’s um, marketers dream. The other thing is viral loops, so because of how this works, the way the platform is built. If you drop a article right, then it’ll go through these levels and your article might make it to level 2. Somebody sees that article and they decide I’m going to create a article, and this person could be better. You then creating articles. In matter of fact, they might actually have a lot more followers and be a strong content creator, so they might do it and then it’ll take it to level 3.

Multiple people see their article and then they might do it. Let’s say 5 people see their article and one person stops on level 2. Two people stop on level three and then four four of them make it. No that’s wrong, math to people who make it to level four alright. So now you have people being planted as seeds on different levels, all coming from one article, all right, so you drop a article that article creates other articles and being dope that article inspires other people to make articles, and next thing you know you’re entering into this Viral loop right so now it’s marketing for itself.

In the same way, we think about passive income and people say I want my money to work for myself on tic-tock. Your content is working for itself. It’s a little soldier that gets other pieces of creators and content out there to create for it and then, when they create. That brings back more content that gets created and it continues this loop. While your article is working for you, you can continue to make strategic moves to boost that content as well.

So that’s one of the biggest beauties we have the transferability of content on tick, tock and then also the viral loops being built in and just to actually drive that point through. Let me pull this something right here, so that first campaign the worst campaign that I talked about 87 articles generated. We only created four articles for this campaign, so 83 of those articles all came because of that viral concept, that’s ingrained into tick-tock.

There were other people who saw those articles and said I want to create articles off of it, which allowed our cost per article to come down to nine dollars and 77 cents. As a matter of fact, remember I mentioned this is that worst campaign that I’ve ever had run on tik tok, that artist was actually extremely delighted from the results and what based on what they had to pay any results. They saw somewhere else and they wanted to do more and more work, hopefully after they finished figuring out all the back end business troubles that are going on right now.

We because we know what it could have been and it could have gotten closer to those other campaigns that we run. We were kind of sad about it. We were highly disappointed, especially with that song and another thing about that particular song. It had zero bass in it, zero, so the type of music that you think blows up on tick-tock, it’s not just high-end, energetic hip-hop. It’s not just super poppy songs that song.

I don’t even know what to call it. Honestly, it’s pretty slow. It’s not even our abhi song, it’s some kind of mid alternative, modern, whatever you want to call it right, but it’s it’s an interesting type of sound and it still is taking off in its own with those little pushes that we put behind it EDM. I see that blow up on Tik Tok, all the time country plenty of traction on tick-tock. It doesn’t matter your type of genre and it doesn’t really matter your age, because it’s about the music itself, if you run and understand how to push the campaigns in the proper way right, people are hearing the music and going to find the music before they even Think about who they see in it like who the actual artist is.

That’s after the fact, as a matter of fact, there’s there’s some I’ve seen some instances where people have been highly surprised to find out who the artist is, how they actually look and all that after they hear the music and become fans of the music is so, But that’s what you want right! You want followers based off the merit of your music. First, that’s what so many artists are looking for tick.

Tock of is that, in a way that a lot of these other platforms aren’t necessarily affording all right, it’s more Spotify. In many ways than it is Instagram because people are truly discovering music or in tik-tok that’s another conversation for another day, but just understand that this should be enough to give you an idea that you don’t have an excuse on age. You don’t have an excuse on your type of music, because all of that stuff is there.

Alright, Gary Vee is talking about it, a lot, because it’s a very real thing. You hear a lot of people talking about it, because it’s a very real thing from using results, and so much of the industry, I’m in meetings all the time. These people are coming right. These people are coming and the prices are going to triple at minimum. For a lot of these influencers and a lot of these other types of campaigns that you might be looking to run on tic toc, because they’re going to bring the money, you need to make sure that you get in before the prices rise.

Particularly if budget is a constraint for you, so if you want to make sure you understand tick-tock and you want to get onboard as quickly as possible on how you specifically can benefit as an artist, because there’s a lot of content and ideas for just creatives. In general, but how you can benefit for music then check out our free training. It’s at tic, toc, music, promo calm, and you will reap a lot of benefits from not having to go through figuring out tic toc.

It’s a completely different platform so get on there. Utilize the information and put it to work because tic toc is a game changer and I’ve yet to see a social media platform that impacts an artist music directly like this get on while it’s sweet, because it won’t always be this easy, tic, toc, music, promo dot-com. We have an entire free training and for those of you who want to share this article with your friends, you can check it out on the brand man page I’ll, make sure it gets posted on the brandman page on YouTube.

That’s it

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Online Marketing

How To Upload Your Music To TikTok | How To Get TikTok Famous P2/4

What I want to talk with you guys about is how you can get your music on tick-tock now. This is pretty much a DIY way that you can do in case. Your distributor is not letting you put your salon on tick tock, for whatever reason now.

This would pretty much give you a high quality version that you can use as a part of your tick-tock content and for your ticks out campaigns that I know you guys have been planning now. This article is a part of the brand man network, tick tock series I’ll make sure to leave a link to those other articles in the description below. We also do tick tock consultations for those of you who are thinking about running those types of campaigns, I’ll make sure to link that in the description below as well.

Now, before we get into the tick tock stuff come and follow me on Instagram, I make sure to put my name on the screen. Come talk to me. Come engage with me. Come give me some article ideas, all of that good stuff. Now, with that being said, let’s get right into it. Now, for those of you who may not know tick, tock is pretty much a social media outlets used for lip-syncing articles sketches comedy stuff.

It’s pretty much vine 2.0 for those you who remember that the app has been used in previous viral campaigns, with the most notable being little knobs X’s. Oh time row. Now it’s something that men Shawn have preached you guys before that you should hop into. But before you can start to run your campaigns on that, whether it be through your own content or through influencers is, you must first get your music on the platform now normally.

This is something that your distribution would handle, but I have gotten DMS and emails from people asking. What are you doing the situation that it’s not on there? What do you do if you’re, a distributor does not offer the service to put your music on tick tock? So what I want to do is go into my phone and show you guys pretty much the DIY way that you can put your music on the platform in a pinch, all right guys.

So here we are on the home screen in my phone now the method that I’m going to show. You is pretty much the best way that I’ve seen to put your songs on tick-tock. It gives you the ability to put a high quality version of your song on there, and it also allows you to choose which section of your song that you want to actually be on tick tock, outside of that it links back to your profile. So as you’re doing what you do and the song starts to spread as people are using it and clicking on it and seeing it they’ll be able to see that it started on your profile now.

For this example, we’re going to assume that you know Drake has reached out to me and asked me to put his song on tick tock, because his label has dropped the ball, and just like you guys, I would tell Drake that the first thing he needs to Do is to create some type of promo article with the song attached now this can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be, meaning it could be an animated article or it could be you dancing to the song or like a mashup of Clips or it could be something as simple as the cover art, with the song underneath now I already created one so pretty much.

What I did is this so, as you can see, it’s nothing crazy. It’s just a cover art with the song playing underneath. Now I made this in adobe premiere. If you don’t have access to the adobe suite and I would recommend you something like iMovie or whatever the Android equivalent of our movie. Is you pretty much just need a software or app that allows you to edit article or stitch together pictures and music or article, or something like that now I’ll talk about a different method later that, if you just for whatever reason, can’t get access to these types Of resources there’s something else that you can do.

The quality of the song will be a lot lower in that, but it’s something that you could do in a pinch like, I said: if, for whatever reason you really can’t find an app or a software or something to edit articles on now, once you get you A problem of article credit: what you’ll want to do next is to actually go to tick-tock. So so here we are um. This is tick tocks, home screen. Pretty much content from people doubt that you already follow is the first thing that shows up.

You can see in the bottom left that there’s the home screen. You have your discovery button, which is pretty much the equivalent of instagrams Explorer fee. You have your inbox and then you have your homepage now. What you’ll want to do is you’ll want to click that plus button in the bottom middle of the screen. This brings you to the screen where you can either create a article. You see, has the filters, the timer, the flash all that cool stuff.

What you’ll want to do is you’ll want go to upload on the bottom right and you want to upload your promo article and it pretty much brings you to this screen. You just want to click Next and then once you get to this screen, you’ll want to click Next as well, and it pretty much bring you to the posting screen now, of course, you want to add some type of caption. It doesn’t have to be complex. Don’t overthink it so it could be something like new single out now stream it on all platforms, something like that you can be as creative as you want to be.

You can use hashtags on tik-tok, so very similar to Instagram and Twitter. Tick saw also uses hashtags to categorize your content to help spread it out. You can use genres, other artist names or I would recommend going to the the Explorer feed of tick, tock and kind of stealing hashtags from those posts and using it there, and you also want to leave the article public. You want people to be able to see it unless, for some reason, I guess you do something weird with it.

You don’t want people to see it for the most part, you’ll just want to leave the article public. So once you have this situated you’ll just want to post a article and it does take a while for the article to go up, but once you have a situation we’ll move on to the next step. So now we have our post. What you want to do? Next is to click on the post and, as you can see, and that bottom of the screen, the bottom left, you see the music icon.

That is pretty much the sound. So you see it says original sound Cory. So whenever you make a article on tick-tock or you upload something, it’s always an original sound, that’s attributed to you now. What you’ll want to do next is you’ll want to click on the sound, and it will bring you to this page right here now. This page is what everyone sees whenever they click on a sound. It pretty much shows what was the original article so going back to it’ll be linked to your page.

This is what I meant and you’ll just want to come up here to the top and click Edit. Now, if you’re, a tick-tock page is your artist name, then you don’t need to put your artist name in the title. So if my was called Drake, if I was Drake, then I could just put the song how about now and very similar to the sound. It would be how about now my ad named Corey, but if your ad name isn’t your artist name.

That says something unique. Like how Drake’s Instagram name is champagne poppy, then you will want to put your name in this, so it would be something like this so Drake how about now – and you can’t use dashes in the title, so you can’t have it dashed out so you’ll have to Pretty much leave a space out so Drake. How bout now put your title and then click confirm, and it does take a second, so I’m going to close out tick tock and come back into it just to show you guys what’s up so now that it’s kind of taking a second to update ourselves.

If you come back to it, you can see in the bottom left now. It says how about now Drake how about now and as you can see right there, like, I said if your artists name is your profile, you don’t need to put it in there, but like I’m, not Drake, so it has to be in there. So this is pretty much the best way to upload a high quality audio of your song tik-tok. The only downside to this, as opposed to having your distributor do it is.

It doesn’t link directly to your Apple music, which, yes, there is kind of a problem, but I personally feel like if the song is good and you’re really pushing it and you’re really promoting it and people like it, they will go, find it they’re not going to. Let the fact it isn’t linked directly to it to Apple music, stop them from being able to find your song. Now earlier I did say that there’s another method that you can do if, for whatever reason you don’t have some type of article editing software and that’s pretty much if you go back to the the plus button, where you can make a article, what you could do Is you could record a article with the song playing in the background? Like I said it will give it a very low quality sound, but it is something you can do and then pretty much follow the exact steps, as mentioned before and that’ll get you set up.

That’ll give you the ability to still create the song and rename it whatever you want it to be so there we have it guys like. I said that is the DIY version of putting your song on tik-tok. If, for whatever your reason, your distributor is not letting you so get creative with your promotional articles because there will be public, people will be seeing it on your page as you use it, because I’m going to assume that you’ll be actively using your tik-tok page.

So make something brand, that’s know congruent to your brand, something that’s compelling, make sure you get the catchiest part or the best part of your song on there and yeah go ahead and get yourselves Leon, tick tock! So there’s guys that’s pretty much. How you will put your music on the platform now, like I said before this article is the first in a series of articles from the brand men Network detailing how you can best use to talk to help you out.

If you would like to check that out, I make sure to put the link to that in the description below now. As always guys, if you feel like you, learn anything today, please like and share this article hit those post notifications as well. Is I wouldn’t want you guys to miss anything once again, my name is Cory and I’ll see y’all next time.

My favorite musician as of right now.


Online Marketing

How To Get TikTok Famous P3/4 | Make Your Music Go Viral On TikTok

Com, because I saw myself now we ought to talk about how an artist can get their music popping on tik tok. That simple, but there’s two things in this article that are extremely relevant, because this is part three of a four part series on how to get moving on tick-tock. So there’s two things that we are going to go over in this article right here: one: should your music even be on tick-tock in the first place, because a lot of people are going to like hear the wave and follow the wave, because that’s what people love To do alright, they’re going to say yo music is popping on tick-tock.

I need to get on tech talk about want to blow up like these other guys like little knives X like SuperDuper. You know there’s so many people, but everybody’s music doesn’t work into the tick-tock formula right, there’s a square and you might have a circle or vice versa, or whatever that’s saying is so we’re going to talk about how you can kind of identify that and then some Of our ladies into the second part, which is what is the tick-tock formula for your music, we’re going to talk about some of it just some of the sauce? Alright, so one to understand if your music works on chick talk first, you got ta kind of consider.

Why a lot of people were ignoring when I was saying before that she needed to get on musically right? I did articles back in like January or February of 2018, saying yo musically is that thing and a lot of people need to really really make more use of it and then in 2018 still, but in August of 2018, when they merged. I was still like yo brah y’all got to use this thing, but a huge part of why people couldn’t understand that it’s because tick tock has a younger user base than when we think about Instagram, because Instagram, I’m just going to say Instagram, because Instagram is it’s.

Like that main thing, it’s the main cool thing Twitter. It’s like something that everybody uses at this point, but they’re all in their own pockets. Youtube is just like TV, everybody uses it. You know I mean, then Facebook gets looked at as the old thing, but we look at tick-tock a lot of their like users were like 15 and below at the beginning, all right and now people are starting to get older and older, and now some of that Influence is also moving up into their big brothers and and just other people, as the word starts, to get out there yo.

This is a thing and, as other people start to experiment and bring their own types of fan, bases or interest groups on to the platform. So for a lot of people before, if you didn’t have music that cater to that fan base or that fan base was relevant to then you weren’t even looking at it, it wasn’t even relevant, but one that’s a bad way to look at things sometimes because sometimes All you need is that younger group to influence and get you popping and moving, and then you might find a fan base, that’s more relevant to you in terms of going out to your shows.

It can be used that way as well, but think about this, though, how relevant is it to your fan base or your type of people on there? And then we can look at Triller as an alternative, there’s tick tock, and then there is trailer. Trailer Aires is pretty much more hip-hop R & B based, and is it simple enough because there’s a lot of songs when we think about tick, tock and the ones that are moving most of them are relatively simple, not to say that you can’t be an outlier, But just know that you’re working against the formula at that point and kind of along the same lines as the age thing.

Do you see people that look like the fan base that you want to have on the platform? Take that time do that research get into those categories and niches and all that good stuff and see if it’s even making sense for you to get on there. It is a great space, but it’s not a great space for everybody, but I’m going to get into that a little bit more as I’ll talk about other things in this article, like the formula for success that a lot of people are using for now, though, let’s Bring out screen share Sean well, first of all, how do you get your music on tick tock? Well, we have a article completely dedicated to that.

You can find a link to that article in the description below and other than that, though, we got a look at the fact that there’s so many people blowing up on the platform, and this is going to lead to the tips right. So let’s use low Nozick’s with otero so get a child, and super duper humble stepping we’re interested in seeing some other rappers and their songs that blew up there’s. Actually, an entire playlist has been created by a youtuber named Patrick CC.

So in my process of doing this article, I said you know what let me see what somebody else is already saying. I happen to stumble across this guy’s article. He has some really dope articles. I readed his tick tock article and like two other articles, but he created this entire list of rappers that blew up. I’m tick tock having their song so I’ll. Put that link in the description. Um y’all want to check it out on soundcloud and then also y’all.

Go check out, Patrick CeCe’s blog, and now what are some of the things that contribute to success when it comes to having a song that blows up on tick-tock. Now we can, when we get into the strategy and targeted omnipresence and approach that I’ve talked about in so many other forms of marketing. That applies here as well, but when we think about tick, tock specific, even the type of music that tends to find success on tick tock is similar.

If you go listen to that playlist or if you go just look at the songs that I already listed, everything a lot of times is about. This beat drop right, it’s like the music is playing, and the next thing you know there’s this hard bass beat drop. Where people are able to do something interesting when that beat happens, let’s think about the example O’town role, because you know I don’t really want to play people’s music and stuff like that anymore, to get y’all familiar, I’m not trying to get any YouTube copyright strikes.

So we think about Oldtown role. You already know it’s doom doom doom doom and then you know you get into the whole base drop your the old town, roll starts and all that good stuff right and then the huge base drop happens. When you get. I got my horses in the back that whole thing is when everybody starts to make something interesting happen. You will see this formula again and again and again and then another common thing.

That’s really hopeful and it’s more of an SEO thing search. Engine optimization is the song names being the most recognizable part of the song as well, so think about solution has fast right in the first thing that he says when it gets to the most recognizable. Part of the song is first and of course, we all know we’re little nice XS Old Town Road. So this leads to another thing, which is the simplicity of those songs.

The song have lyrics that people can hear. Clearly it’s not too fast right. There are some fast songs that have taken off like Eminem’s, rap God, but that’s also Eminem, and the way that took off was more of people playing with the fact that it was so fast that it was almost a joke. And I personally say: that’s probably one of the walkies tick tock mean challenges. I’ve seen so, as always as I always make clear, there’s always exceptions to rules and things like that when we think about creativity.

However, what’s working a lot a lot? Is these simple songs? Recognizable lyrics easy to understand and easy for them to interpret to actually do things based on what they hear in the actual song now alright. So this is a basic formula for you to start with. Now, when it comes to me, I do have a more personal, specific formula that I use it’s a lot more comprehensive and it’s really dependent on the person it’s about helping them design their own campaign and where exactly that fits into the landscape.

Now, I’m not going to go all deep into mine right here, but before I get out of here, I want to say: do recognise that you can go live and make money on this platform for those y’all who haven’t seen any of the other articles in this Series, because this is article number three out of the four part – tick tock series you can go, live and make money as artists. This is a great way for you make income.

If you have built a following on tick tock, because then, when you go live, you are able to take donations now again: tick tock, there’s a 50 % of that money that comes through so that part sucks. But it is one of the easier ways to make income in general, so sometimes making 50 % of money that comes a little bit easier is a lot better for people who are having trouble to get fans to go into one of their own platforms at all.

To give them some money and that’s pretty much it. Those are the basics to keep in mind when thinking about promoting a music on tick tock, but also keep in mind that if you need some hell designing campaigns and getting influencers for tik-tok us at brandman Network, you can check us out at the link in the Description below specific to tick, tock right, because we have a database of over a thousand tick tock influencers and we can figure out where to connect you, and not.

Only that, though, help design where the music should be placed. What else should go into the campaign? And all the smaller nuances that go into campaign design, but other than that. As always, this article is brought to you by brain man network calm, because I saw myself if you like this article go ahead and like, but if you liked it might as well share it if you’re not subscribed, you know what to do.

He dares subscribe.

My favorite musician as of right now.


Online Marketing

TikTok Music Promotion Results And Platform Comparisons | How To Use To For Music Marketing

I really don’t understand this thing. I decided to go ahead and do a free training using real campaigns and I’m going to go through some real results, but also explaining it in a way that if you get tick-tock in this way, it will be a game-changer for you with your music. I promise not only that, no matter what type of music you have and no matter what age and you’ll see why.

So, let’s start here Muse, seven hundred and thirty, four thousand nine hundred views on this particular campaign. Twenty seven thousand eight hundred and ninety nine likes two thousand six hundred and sixty one shares and eighty-seven articles have been generated from this campaign. Now, let’s look at the finer details, though, because this is where it becomes more important for those views than views came out at point: zero, zero, one, one, five cents per view: that’s a fraction of a penny, twenty seven that will the same thing for the likes Shares were thirty, one cents per share and articles came in at nine dollars and seventy seven cents per article now you might not have Rannoch tick tock campaign, so I want to ask you in general: do you feel like these are good results for anything they’re? Not the worst results in the world I’ll tell you that, but they are the worst results that I’ve ever gotten on tick tock.

This was a situation where the artist had some business issues in the back end where the campaign didn’t even come to fruition like it was supposed to it had to halt mid campaign. But we still got these results and I’m going to go through the rest of results before I talk about some more aspects of tic TOCs, so check this out right here that same campaign just market it on tick, tock got some streams.

They’ve got about 1700 streams and those streams came out at 49 cents per stream industry average, and you have a really good play on this broker: you’re, probably going to see around two to four cents per stream. This was at 49 cents, but remember this is over time we just marketed on tick-tock and it bled over to here same thing for YouTube about about 1800 views on the YouTube article 47 cents per view.

You can get lower. You can get better than on YouTube. If you are dangerous enough, you learn it well enough. It’s easy to get 1 to 5 cents per view on YouTube. Of course you got. You know, fractions of a penny views that you can get on YouTube as well. If you really know what you’re doing, but let’s stick stick with an average of what most people are going to get one to five cents, all right 47 cents per view higher than that? That’s what this campaign got.

But again this is overtime. This is extra now, with that being said, a campaign. That’s currently running right now, point to one six well, two point: one cents per view is what it’s getting per stream on: Spotify, that’s right in the pocket of an industry average, and this is about 50,000 views that this campaign is gotten. Probably you know it’s still going it’s still going on. I just talked about it talk to the people earlier today.

So that’s still going remember this one only got 1,700 streams. This one at point, zero to one one. A fraction of a penny is at fifty thousand streams and still going on Spotify just from being marketed on tik-tok. Now we look at the YouTube results. It’s about 15,000 views in on the YouTube article that came from tick tock now the average well get remember. We said went to five cents if you’re pretty solid.

The average, for that particular campaign is about that’s a zero five. Seven. You probably can’t even see that so it’s about five point, seven cents right per view on that campaign. So that’s on the top end. If you were running but remember this, is it ad on YouTube? This is come over from tick-tock. Lo and behold, it’s about 10 million views on tick-tock right now, thousands of articles being created to it so you’re talking about four.

What this artist has done. The first campaign, by the way, when we talk about it being the worst campaign, it hasn’t it’s not even a thousand dollars spent on that campaign. Isn’t it’s not that much money that’s been spent and it got the results it did. This is somewhere a little around neck, but it’s some very good results, so maybe double the money, but you have far more results because we were able to keep running it and run with the strategy that we planned for – and this is what I love about – tick Tock you run in one place and get all of these results that get pushed in all these other areas right where traditionally, you might run something on Instagram and it stays on Instagram or it might be a programmatic ad, where you’re running it on Instagram and you’re.

Pushing the Spotify, so you see the results there or you’re running on YouTube and you push it there or it’s just one platform. That’s really seeing prime results a lot of times and a lot of people’s campaigns, but this is one campaign. That’s having people go to all other aspects because of something on tik-tok that I like to call transfer ability that has to be kept in mind. Whenever we consider any type of campaign, people will discover your tick-tock and they will happily go find your music, because up until now, there had it even been other direct link to select on Tik Tok.

For a long time, people hadn’t even been able to put a link in their bio when it comes to tick tock, so people could go directly to the music. So this isn’t people even saying hey. You go check out the link in my bio with the call-to-action. This is people literally hearing a song and then going to find it. Google searching in YouTube, searching it so 50,000 streams based on that behavior. Not go.

I’m pushing you over here. This is oh. I hear it whoa. What’s that song and that’s what we’re seeing again and again and again on tick-tock. Can you look at Instagram? We already know those prices have gone up: you’re not going to pay $ 100 $ 100 per 10,000 followers for an influencer, because we know it’s not worth that anymore. Right $ 100 per 10,000 followers means you’re paying $ 1,000. Just someone who has a hundred thousand followers and stop and think and tell me if you think, that’s worth it on tick, tock, I’m not on Instagram today.

I don’t think it is. As a matter of fact, I know for a fact. Many of those influencers know that it’s not they’re trying to hold on as much as they can, but so many of them have come down since I’ve been working with them because they already know and understand that there’s more competition in these other spaces they’re trying to Maintain if they can, but a lot of them have come down because they know it’s not worth it.

Instagram is suppressing traffic. So, to really understand, though, here’s something to consider when we look at tick tock right. This is how the content flows through tick, tock. There’s four buckets that you can look at content always starts in bucket number one. It’s shown to a small audience. It gets stressed test for a period of time and I can go deeper into the algorithm in another article, but just understand that is here for about two hours and it starts to move throughout the platform and it stops on level three for about four days.

Actually, you understand that when you start to get into tick-tock and see how the content flows as well, but if you need to make it there once you make it to each level, it’s shown to more and more people, so these levels also coordinate with the size Of the box you’re being shown to a small bucket, let’s say maybe 2,000 people and then you’re being shown to maybe 20,000 people think you’re being shown to 200,000 people, think you’re being shown to two million people and beyond right.

That’s how the flow of the content works, but outside of the transferability, which is one of the most important factors of tick-tock. When it comes to an artist. People are looking for your music they’re hearing your music and then they’re actively going to look for it, because this platform works like promo daily. Every single article is promo, except people are giving you permission to show it to them.

That’s um, marketers dream. The other thing is viral loops, so because of how this works, the way the platform is built. If you drop a article right, then it’ll go through these levels and your article might make it to level 2. Somebody sees that article and they decide I’m going to create a article, and this person could be better. You then creating articles. In matter of fact, they might actually have a lot more followers and be a strong content creator, so they might do it and then it’ll take it to level 3.

Multiple people see their article and then they might do it. Let’s say 5 people see their article and one person stops on level 2. Two people stop on level three and then four four of them make it. No that’s wrong, math to people who make it to level four alright. So now you have people being planted as seeds on different levels, all coming from one article, all right, so you drop a article that article creates other articles and being dope that article inspires other people to make articles, and next thing you know you’re entering into this Viral loop right so now it’s marketing for itself.

In the same way, we think about passive income and people say I want my money to work for myself on tic-tock. Your content is working for itself. It’s a little soldier that gets other pieces of creators and content out there to create for it and then, when they create. That brings back more content that gets created and it continues this loop. While your article is working for you, you can continue to make strategic moves to boost that content as well.

So that’s one of the biggest beauties we have the transferability of content on tick, tock and then also the viral loops being built in and just to actually drive that point through. Let me pull this something right here, so that first campaign the worst campaign that I talked about 87 articles generated. We only created four articles for this campaign, so 83 of those articles all came because of that viral concept, that’s ingrained into tick-tock.

There were other people who saw those articles and said I want to create articles off of it, which allowed our cost per article to come down to nine dollars and 77 cents. As a matter of fact, remember I mentioned this is that worst campaign that I’ve ever had run on tik tok, that artist was actually extremely delighted from the results and what based on what they had to pay any results. They saw somewhere else and they wanted to do more and more work, hopefully after they finished figuring out all the back end business troubles that are going on right now.

We because we know what it could have been and it could have gotten closer to those other campaigns that we run. We were kind of sad about it. We were highly disappointed, especially with that song and another thing about that particular song. It had zero bass in it, zero, so the type of music that you think blows up on tick-tock, it’s not just high-end, energetic hip-hop. It’s not just super poppy songs that song.

I don’t even know what to call it. Honestly, it’s pretty slow. It’s not even our abhi song, it’s some kind of mid alternative, modern, whatever you want to call it right, but it’s it’s an interesting type of sound and it still is taking off in its own with those little pushes that we put behind it EDM. I see that blow up on Tik Tok, all the time country plenty of traction on tick-tock. It doesn’t matter your type of genre and it doesn’t really matter your age, because it’s about the music itself, if you run and understand how to push the campaigns in the proper way right, people are hearing the music and going to find the music before they even Think about who they see in it like who the actual artist is.

That’s after the fact, as a matter of fact, there’s there’s some I’ve seen some instances where people have been highly surprised to find out who the artist is, how they actually look and all that after they hear the music and become fans of the music is so, But that’s what you want right! You want followers based off the merit of your music. First, that’s what so many artists are looking for tick.

Tock of is that, in a way that a lot of these other platforms aren’t necessarily affording all right, it’s more Spotify. In many ways than it is Instagram because people are truly discovering music or in tik-tok that’s another conversation for another day, but just understand that this should be enough to give you an idea that you don’t have an excuse on age. You don’t have an excuse on your type of music, because all of that stuff is there.

Alright, Gary Vee is talking about it, a lot, because it’s a very real thing. You hear a lot of people talking about it, because it’s a very real thing from using results, and so much of the industry, I’m in meetings all the time. These people are coming right. These people are coming and the prices are going to triple at minimum. For a lot of these influencers and a lot of these other types of campaigns that you might be looking to run on tic toc, because they’re going to bring the money, you need to make sure that you get in before the prices rise.

Particularly if budget is a constraint for you, so if you want to make sure you understand tick-tock and you want to get onboard as quickly as possible on how you specifically can benefit as an artist, because there’s a lot of content and ideas for just creatives. In general, but how you can benefit for music then check out our free training. It’s at tic, toc, music, promo calm, and you will reap a lot of benefits from not having to go through figuring out tic toc.

It’s a completely different platform so get on there. Utilize the information and put it to work because tic toc is a game changer and I’ve yet to see a social media platform that impacts an artist music directly like this get on while it’s sweet, because it won’t always be this easy, tic, toc, music, promo dot-com. We have an entire free training and for those of you who want to share this article with your friends, you can check it out on the brand man page I’ll, make sure it gets posted on the brandman page on YouTube.

That’s it

My favorite musician as of right now.