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Masonic Curators – 045 – A Masonic Knife Collection

Today, on the show, I’ve actually got something I’ll show you. That is a bit of a collection. I know I collect a lot of things and Mason’s collect a lot of things.

I collect knives, and so I’ve got several knives from you know all over the world and different kinds, and some of them just happened to be Masonic, and so we’re going to go to a car way. Right now – and I will show you just a bit of the Masonic collection of knives that I have, some of which are also used – they are straight razors used for shaving. Those have also been explained a little bit in a Midnight Freemason post a few years ago, and I’m sure that you have readed a previous article right here on Masonic curator’s, which talks about some interesting Masonic, razors, so kind of in line with that check.

This out. All right y’all will go ahead and not worry about the mess I’ve got going on up here. This is my knife collection. What part of it anyway so I’ll just kind of open it up here. Now, it’s not a ton. It’s just some nice things that I’ve collected over times with Swiss Army knives and things, but right away. You might see a couple things in here that might speak to you. The first is this guy.

You know nothing, nothing real special! You know the United States doesn’t really make steel anymore. So almost any knife you buy today is going to be Chinese steel and American design, Chinese steel and it’s produced over there and shipped back here. So nothing real special about this, but made Mason. That says in search of more light and the other side doesn’t have anything but made in China. So just you know nothing real special, the other one that I’ve got, which is kind of cool.

The first Masonic straight-razor I ever bought after I became a Mason. I bought this one I had shaved for years with, with straight razors. That’s what my dad actually taught me how to shave with this was the first one I bought after my dad’s. I had to have my dad’s redone. So normally they look like this. You know they’re hollow ground, so they’re real thin to see how they have this scoop. That’s called being hollow ground and if you ever see it, it just looks like a big triangular thing, like that’s called a butcher wedge or a wedge or butcher blade.

They’re kind of interesting right, but you know it’s fairly nice. It’s a good shave now as much as I’ve wanted to. I have never ever used the Masonic ones to shave fairly, certain Terauchi p –. You know this kind of fake pearlescent and, of course it comes out, and you can maybe read that, let’s see I can focus, and it just says, George Washington, the first Mason president. I mean I mean that’s kind of true right: the Continental Congress, the first president of the Continental Congress, was also a Mason, so this is also just another hollow ground.

This one those Steel’s made in Pakistan, so a little bit a little nicer. I guess I promise. I won’t cut myself while making the article. This is the other one that I I bought, and I think this one I just got from one of these odd companies yeah. So this is a butcher blade. This is a butcher blade this one. You can see how much different that looks and look at that. So this is a butcher blade. It is sharp.

You should never do that. There’s microscopic teeth and now I’ll have to use a strop to straighten that out, but nonetheless, pretty cool still has oil on it. I’ve never really used it, but I just thought it was kind of cool. I saw it in one of those like knife, catalogs and the imagery is kind of cool in there. So yeah that’s about it. This one was made in Pakistan. It’s the only butcher blade I’ve ever owned.

I think they’re generally they’re hard to find if you guys ever find yourself a razor and you find a butcher blade, that’s in good shape. You should maybe buy it if it’s reasonable. Almost everything that you find that’s antique. This one here looks like it’s got. Maybe some odd fellow markings on it FLT not really sure what that’s for, but so look it’s a big ol chunk taken out of that bad boy and most of them look like that.

So not something you’re going to want to Hugh’s collect sure, but don’t use it. I got this one for my father-in-law, who actually gave me my first real Masonic ring. But last but not least, I guess I’ll show you this one, which I’m pretty proud of. It’s the only one it actually was given to me. I didn’t buy it, it’s really nice and it was actually given to a lot of different guys who were in attendance of the Grand Master’s dinner a few years ago, but nothing special, just probably made by case or another company like it.

But there you have it. Some Masonic knives and that’s it so if you’ve got something cool share, it we’ll talk to you all next time right here on masonic curators, thanks

Knives and daggers are awesome! Plain and simple, right? Let me say, I enjoy my dagger collection with a little music playing in the background.


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Review Medieval Fight Club Crusader Knight Dagger

So in this article today we’re going to do a review of the medieval Fight Club, crusading Knights data. That’S this one right here, hi guys it’s Ben from medieval mayhem. On this blog. We do a lot of reviews and we look at DIY costuming and furniture for medieval reenactment, the Society of creative anarchism and also for live-action roleplay game, as well as taking a good, in-depth look at many of the medieval cultures throughout the Western world.

So if you’re interested in the medieval period you might want to consider subscribe, hi, okay, I recently purchased this dagger. I was really looking for something to add to add some really nice touches to my costuming and my weapons. So I do some um some Hema, which is historical European, martial arts with one of the local reenactment groups and I’ve really gotten into it. I was really looking for a good sort of secondary weapon, as soldiers of today would refer to it.

I did a lot of research there’s a lot of rubbish out there. Then the market is really flooded with with cheap stuff and it’s just not packed right, but I found this one. It is actually very inexpensive, but the quality is really quite remarkable, so this cost $ 50, and I was quite impressed with that. The quality of the workmanship is very, very high. I’M really quite impressed the detail is is very good.

I find this a very easy sort of weapon to wield. It comes as a dull blade. It’S a total of 41 centimeters long, it’s a blade being 27 cm. The blade has a 35 millimeter width and weighs a total of four hundred and ten grams. So, let’s take a little bit more of a look already, so you can see this good shape of the blade here as a saying it’s nice and dull, so you don’t need to do anything with it to make it suitable for role play games, reenactment purposes.

That said, it is going to depend on the rules of your group. The the hilt has a really nice leather grip, and you can see it’s got a nice, rounded pommel. The cross guard is, is nice and firmly in place? I really like this. This is um. This is a classy piece of kit, I’m going to be making a leather sheath for this dagger in about a week’s time. So please remember check back so my recommendation fall of the crusading Knights.

Dagger is a 9 out of 10. I think it’s a fantastic piece of kit, otherwise guys please like subscribe and share and I’ll catch you in my next article


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Review MFC Norman English Dagger

I know from personal experience that I have g’day guys my name’s Ben, for a medieval mayhem on this blog. We do reviews into other companies equipment. We look at DIY furniture and equipment, we do articles about costuming and all sorts of reenactment, but we also look at the politics and the religions and the battles of the time.

So if you new here, you might like to consider subscribing recently, I was purchasing some equipment from a company in Australia called medieval Fight Club, I’m going to leave the link in the description below and one of the pieces of equipment that I bought. I was very, very impressed with is this piece here, and this is the Norman dagger by medieval Fight Club. I was looking for something that was suitable for my son.

I’D need it to be a dull blade, something that’s not really going to hurt. Anyone he’s just 10 years old, so I didn’t want anything that was too heavy too cumbersome and too unwieldy, and it also needed to be safe and well-made. I was nothing but impressed with this one. I took this out of the packaging. This is incredibly well-made. It’S it’s a really nice weight. It’S it’s very easy to use, though the quality of manufacturing is really superb and I’ve got nothing but praise for this, and it wasn’t that expensive.

I was super super impressed. This is a total of 41 centimeters long. The thickness of the blade is three millimeters and you can see it has a rounded tip, so it’s reenactment safe. This is not actually going to hurt people. Obviously you need to be quite conscious of what you’re doing, but still it’s really good. You can see the pommel either is a really nice norman shape. This would be from around the sort of 12 ish 13th century sort of mark.

You’Ve got a nice leather wrapped handle it’s really good. It’S a nice one-handed, blade, obviously being a being a dagger, but you can see a lot of fantasies out there on the market and it just looks rubbish. The nice cross guard here is well built. I, like it, it’s um, it’s not overly, so that exaggerated or anything this is nice and simple and very functional. You have a good, fuller here. That goes, probably you know 80 % of the blade.

The blade itself is 25 centimeters long, and the width of the blade is 35 millimeters, and this cost at the moment $ 55. I thought was incredibly good. This is a really good value for money. You’Ll find it comes with a bit of an oily kind of greasy finish to it, you’re going to need to clean that off, and it will require some maintenance through the year so just to keep just to keep a um any rust off it.

And that kind of thing, but this is really good. I really like this – I’m nothing but impressed it’s. This is such a really good piece of kit I’ll be buying some more and similar sorts of knives and daggers from this company, because I think the workmanship is so good and it’s definitely worth my time in my effort. So look. I think this is a really good, solid, 9 out of 10 and I’ve, and I’m going to be doing a DIY dagger sheath in the next few days.

So please keep an eye out for that article already guys, please like subscribe and share and I’ll catch you in my next article