Online Marketing


Just people forget about the word guru forget about that term.

I mean, I think it’s stupid or title or whatever the hell. You want to call it, I mean people are just teaching stuff. That’s all. It is man now, if you’re teaching, unethical stuff or if you’re teaching stuff, that is not right at all. You’re charging a lot of money if I dude you’re a freaking crook, but whatever you’re teaching, we all have something to teach man. You don’t have to be the smartest person to teach something like at all like you could put together any simple tutorial: teaching someone how to yarn and sell it for $ 19.

99, like people will buy it 20 bucks for articles teaching people a yawn are not freaking Yarn, I’m talking about yarn, you know the freaking yarn, like you net. Are you not you freaking knit? You know blankets and stuff like that yarn right people could teach anything man, people could teach anything, and I just truly believe that there is opportunity – and I just truly believe I found my niche in the basics in teaching people the basics, like that’s what I do With my social media agency, I teach people the basics and then it grows in gross gross from there right the the value ladder you have to have that value ladder in place man, and so when it comes to Facebook’s Facebook ads.

I totally believe a lot of people gurus whatever you want to call it a lot of people out of people. You know teaching leave out the basics and I’m like dude like this right here. That’s why I shot to my boy Joshua, because this is such a basic basic question and it’s such a powerful question. It’s such an important question. It’s such a question that tons of people have on their mind because they’re just beginning they haven’t, you know, ran a facebook ad.

Although you’ve been reading 15 million articles on how to run a Facebook ad, other people haven’t right, they’re just getting into it. Just like you have shot to Josh looks like a younger. You know younger kid. It’s like dude, he’s, probably just getting started, and I just and that super cool you’re definitely asking the right person man so shout out to Josh. I love teaching the basics. This right here is basic and this is super powerful man trying to run a regular Facebook ad.

I’m a beginner, don’t know anything, you know about landing pages or pixels. So, let’s start, let’s start regular Facebook ad. Let’s start there. First, all right, I’m going to take you guys through it, I’m going to break this down into three to four parts. Okay, this is the page right here you want it. You want a bookmark, and the way you get here is just come to your Facebook page. Let’s go to your Facebook page and all you’re going to do is up here at the top click on create and then you’re going to hit the drop down and you’re going to hit you’re going to click on add if you guys are on Instagram man.

Follow me on Instagram inspired digital or you can follow me here too, but Instagram and then also subscribe here, because this is where I’m dropping all my content. All my value, all my articles, everything I’m doing goes on to YouTube. Facebook Ads is just our Facebook is just for Facebook ads and then, if anything, sometimes I’ll share article over here I’ll share article. To my to my my I’ll share my youtube article to my Facebook, page I’ll share my youtube article to my LinkedIn page I’ll share.

My YouTube article to my Twitter page I’ll, share my YouTube article to my Pinterest page I’ll, share my YouTube article through an email broadcast or through an email sequence as well right. But all these platforms are locked and loaded, but over here all you’re going to do is click on create and click on. Add right there. Okay, that’s going to bring you to this this! This back end ads manager bookmark.

This part of this page right here for sure – and this word starts man. This is the basics. This is frickin FB ads for beginners. That’s the link that you see in my description, literally just starting a little training, a little train squad. You know squad of a bunch of protégées that I can really just you know, as I advanced and as I keep learning I’m investing thousands of dollars in education in facebook advertising as far as learning from the best of the best right, I’m actually investing in training And courses and coaching at this very moment you know March 2020, and so that’s why there’s I’m way far from my mentors and then there’s people that are also a few steps behind me.

So that’s what I’m saying man you don’t have to be the Harvard professor! You could be a teacher at the at the local community college and still provide a tremendous amount of value to an individual from what you could. What you could teach right like knowledge, comes in all shapes and forms man, whatever the heck. You want to teach other people want to learn and that’s why, when it comes to building it online and now turning it into an actual business, you just want to make sure that there’s a demand for that.

You want to make sure that okay, yeah people want to learn it, but is there a shitload of people that want to learn it and and in learning it? What does it mean to them to them? What does it mean for them to learn it like a business owner? What does it mean for him and learn Facebook Ads dude? It means the world for a husband and wife going through a divorce. What does it mean to invest in therapy or coaching or counseling? What would that investment be right like? What’s it worth? That’s how you want to kind of break stuff down dude? What’s it worth, you know to invest and and and start learning this stuff right, because I’m telling you man, this is basic stuff.

This is something you guys all need to be all need to be learning, and it’s like Facebook Ads is one thing: if your new FB ads for beginners, let me take you under my wing that link is in the description, but whether you’re learning this for yourself And your and you’re investing in yourself or you’re, investing in yourself to bring value to others, I’m both I’m investing in myself and I constantly keep learning so I can bring value to my clients, and so I can bring value to myself right cuz.

I have products I’m trying to get the clients. I got to get them first right, so it starts with me right. It starts with me. It starts with you right. You got a better yourself, you have to invest in yourself, you have to make it happen. That’s how you’re going to find that client. That’s how you’re going to be able to use your experience and be like hey. It worked for me, I’m going to do the same thing for you right and that’s that’s a lot of that.

A lot of that! You know comes down to how I even present to clients I’m like dude. Look at this page. Does it look a little better than yours? Look at my page. Does it look a little better than yours? I mean just these little basics, you guys, I’m telling you man. This is where it starts so bookmark this page, okay, depending on what industry you’re in this special ad category. This was at. This was added at the end of 2019.

If you’re not complying with this, then your ads will be disapproved, but if you’re in any of these three categories – housing, employment, credit, obviously comply and just check that box. But to answer his question: let’s go back to to my boy Josh, I’m just trying to run regular Facebook ads okay. So what is a regular Facebook ad? Let’s start there man? What is a regular Facebook ad man at the end of the day? I truly believe that, no matter what type of business you have and that’s why I shot to shout out to Debra, I was on a strategy call with her yesterday and I’m like dude.

Every business is the same when it comes to marketing we’re all looking for attention. You either need a lead. You name it. You need to take me somewhere and you need to. You need to get me to click on something. Let me go back, you got it. You got it, you you’re, trying to get me to click on something to opt-in, right, you’re, looking to capture that lead right or you’re. Looking to have me, do that and schedule an appointment right.

This could be. This could be an appointment page where you’re driving traffic to a page, to schedule an appointment same thing, man, how many of us take appointments? All of us do that’s what I’m saying every business is the same chiropractor. They need appointments dentists, they need appointments, yoga gym. They need they need appointments, they need people coming into the class real estate agent.

You need appointments loan originator, you need appointments, you work at the bank, you need appointments, like everything consist of a lead grabbing, a lead or getting that person to schedule an appointment or making a sell, bottom-line. Dude, it’s very black and white. That’s kind of all. There is to it now, if you’re talking brand awareness and and in personal branding and going out there and putting 50 hosts up a day on 50 different platforms.

Okay, you better have a ton of content, because that’s going to take a lot and your your glue to your phone all damn day right, because you’re posting all damn day on 50 different platforms, all damn day who got time for that Jerry be right. It’s like dude, if, if you’re not doing that, then for sure you’re simply you’re simply doing this you’re you’re driving traffic and it’s going to be for one of those things capturing a lead, making a sell or or even capturing a lead, aka scheduling, an appointment.

Okay, anything outside of that dude to run a Facebook ad would be would be some type of brand awareness, you’re they’re, going to you’re, either going to promote your brand organically 50 times a day 50 different platforms or you’re going to run Facebook ads for maybe brand Awareness, reach or or or or or or you can even you can even do an engagement, but at the same time you guys that’s, like you better, have some money like you.

This is for a business. That’s coming into Facebook ads that actually have you know a few bucks to spend, because not many even focus on Brian awareness or reach, or even engagement, because, again nine out of ten of us, no matter what type of business you’re building is looking for, that lead. You’re looking for that cell you’re, looking for that scheduled appointment, so if that’s the case, that’s either traffic conversions or lead generation, so it just comes down to what is a regular Facebook ad Josh.

You know I mean what are you trying to do? That’s the objective! This is where it starts. That’s why this this is what I call it three pillars campaign ad set ad okay, and so this is where it all begins: men bookmark this page. I truly believe that this this part right here, I probably spent an out – I probably spent a year and a half going with the wrong objectives on different campaigns and ads, because most people that I was learning from weren’t, even teaching these basics, it’s like dude.

Here’s the deal Josh most likely you’re trying to do one of those one of those three things. What was it get a lead, get an appointment or make a sell right. Are you trying to do? Are you trying to do one of those three things? If you are here is a regular Facebook ad to me, okay, a regular Facebook ad to me would be either traffic or conversions bottom line. Okay, I’m running traffic to a landing page right, so my facebook pixel, because he also had that question.

So what we’ll address that? But I’m running traffic ads, I’m running traffic like it says right here, send more people to a destination such as a website. Okay! So that’s what I’m trying to do! That’s what I’m telling Facebook? Hey man, here’s 10 bucks a day! Here’s five bucks a day: here’s 20 bucks a day, drive traffic to my page and when you’re driving this traffic to the page make sure your Facebook pixel is embedded and make sure that Facebook pixel is tracking everything.

Okay. Now what what? What? What is there to track on this people who landed here? So what what I want Facebook to do is I want Facebook to create a custom audience of people who viewed the page, and so that’s a that’s a custom audience so make sure you have a custom audience set up in fact, stay to the end of this Article and you’ll see you’ll see a article come up. That’s I’m walking you through how to set up a custom audience and if you’re new to Facebook, man, Facebook Ads make sure you’re on my VIP list right, I’m going to have a ton of training coming in.

Coming out of that, coming out of that list, FB ads for beginners dot-com, that link is pinned at the bottom, but stay to the end. You’re going to see custom audiences because that’s what’s super important – is that yeah, I’m going to run a traffic ad to this page. It’s one page: it’s not a website. Okay, so we’re not running it to a website and that’s another thing that Josh brought up was landing pages.

If you’re looking to capture lead schedule an appointment or make a sell nine out of ten times, it’s going to a landing page, okay, one page one page – and this doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter what business you’re in one page, all right, I’m driving traffic, I’m capturing The data of people who now not named a number there’s privacy law right Facebook’s: it’s not Ali dad Facebook’s not going to give you freaking.

You know it was John Smith. Here’s his phone number heard his address. No, but what they’re doing is Facebook is going to categorize all this data and put all this data into what they call a custom audience, but you have to set it up. So read that article at the end of this one, that’s setting up your Facebook custom audience. That’s number one. Okay, number one is installing the pixel and the number two is making sure that you have a custom audience set up because here’s what’s going to happen as people, let’s go to a let’s go.

Let’s go look at some random ads as people scroll through the newsfeed and they come across a sponsored ad. Okay, here’s what’s going to happen! There’s your learn more button! There’s your image! There, your text, there’s a link to the business page. I click on learn more! Okay, this person could be running Samsung. They could be running for what I’m thinking it could be brand aware, see. That’s what I’m saying if you’re a little guy like me, then you’re not really running brand awareness or reach Samsung being a freakin multi-billion dollar company right Samsung they could easily that ad could easily be a brand awareness or a reach.

Now why would they even spend money on that? Because they have the money bottom line because they have the money that that’s why they would be running a brand awareness or a reach just to get the brand out just to get the name out whether people click? Whether they buy it doesn’t even matter, that’s not what we’re optimizing for we’re telling Facebook came in just get people aware of our name and and and that could be a brand awareness.

But us little guys were not focused on that, because we are more of the direct marketer and the direct response type of marketer, where what I’m doing is I’m putting an offer in someone’s face right now and I want them to click now, like there’s no awareness. There’s no freaking! Let me you know butter. You up, unbutton, you up through other content that you’re seeing me from that you’re following me from right: I’m I’m creating content in these other places, which is creating that whole authority figure for me right.

But as far as my ad, as far as what that person seen and again, that person could be seen my fourth fifth sixth, seventh ad by this time right because I’ve been creating custom, audiences and retargeting them. So there’s a lot that goes into it. Man there’s a lot that goes into a, but let’s just keep it on this one. These guys could be doing a brand awareness or reach, but here’s where they they take me when I kind of they’re, when I click on, learn more and I come to their full-blown website.

It’s not really a landing page, a web site. It has multiple buttons of a website. Has all this going on? That’s a website, so any of you guys reading this, you guys got this. That’s your website right, but your landing page, your landing page to us little guys we’re not driving traffic to a page like this at all. We’re not driving traffic to Adel to a website like this at all, because we got the budget to mess around we’re running paid ads directly to a page like this, where there’s only one button, only one call-to-action and that’s to opt-in.

That’s it not to come to my site and browse like ain’t. Nobody, ain’t got! No, no! I ain’t got money to have you just come to my site and browse like. I need to take you directly to what I’m what I’m trying to try to share with you right, but these guys they’re taking me to a Webster taking me to a website now, here’s the thing at least their Facebook picks on me now, if they’re smart, which I would think they’re smart.

I mean Samsung right if they’re smart, they’re, putting me in a custom audience right, because now they have my IP now Facebook, the pixels tracking me right. So what these guys done is if they’re smart, which I know they are they’re now, I’m now in a custom audience I’m in a custom audience of people who clicked I’m on I’m in a custom audience of people who viewed the page. Now what these guys can do next next week, what they can do tomorrow, what they can do right away what they can do, the following ad is they can retarget that custom audience with traffic or they can now retarget that custom audience with conversions and rather than Taking that person to maybe this website, maybe they take me when I see the next ad look, because I click devices and their Facebook pixel in my every move.

Look at this up here in the top right there, Facebook pixel in my every move. Here’s what’s going to happen next because I’m clicking through – and this is for you – ecommerce people, man, so those of you that have Shopify stores any type of online physical product store this. What you need to be doing you need to be putting that Facebook pixel on every single page, because here’s here’s here’s a power, here’s how how powerful this could be.

Let me let me close this out real quick. They know exactly where I’m going right, I’m coming over here, I’m clicking on this galaxy s20. They know exactly what I’m doing so. What these smart, smart folks would do at Samsung is now I’m in a custom audience. Now I’m going to actually look actually here we go okay. Now now it lit up. Look so they’re pixel is tracking the view if these, if these dudes were smart, what I’m going to see next in my newsfeed is a link where it says buy now.

Instead of learn more, the damn thing is going to say buy now, and it’s going to take me straight here: that’s retargeting at its finest that’s retargeting, and that would be conversions. Okay, so that would be conversions now. Let’s say they ran brand awareness. They ran reach. They ran traffic, let’s say they ran a few weeks or, let’s, let’s say they ran a few hundred under those ones right to get people to click, come to the site browse around and then create a custom audience of all those people who landed on a specific Product and then again, the following ad would be conversions, retargeting all those people now getting them to buy that right.

There is what it’s all about: Josh, that’s what it that’s, what it’s all about man, every single business owner, wants to run a Facebook ad now and get a lead today like sometimes it works out ways. Sometimes it doesn’t like Facebook. What they want you to do is they they meet, what it’s not that they want you they need to. They need to warm up the pixel you’re coming over here and saying: okay, Facebook, here’s my audience: here’s my demographics! Here’s the targeting here’s my message who’s to say: that’s even a good message: it’s you on a cell phone article right like or you’re saying here’s my image and you’re, bringing all this to the table and you’re saying: okay, Facebook! Do your thing or you’re, saying Google or you’re saying TV, commercial or your scene rate or you’re, saying radio, ad or you’re saying freakin newspaper freakin ad, like dude? What are you guys doing for marketing, like whatever you could be doing? It’s like? Okay, in this case online in front of people audience but at the same time who’s to say that that audience, just because you know that demographic who’s to say, they’re, going to they’re going to resonate with you like, and and how are you going to base that Judgement in two hours of turning on an ad like how like like hell, unless, unless you have a crazy, crazy budget and you’re, putting let’s just say a hundred bucks a day, then you’ll get a ton of let’s say twenty bucks a day.

Twenty twenty-five bucks a day and you get a ton of data fast. You can do that, but there’s so many people that Mickey Mouse sit and they’ll start at super small budgets. Three bucks a day, one chick said she was spending one one dollar a day and and I’m like dude like really like and then she’s wondering why she’s not capturing leads, I’m like really like so everyone’s different man, but at the same time we all have the Same well, not at nine out of ten of us, have the same objective man and again as to capture lead, get a scheduled appointment or make a cell and and and to warm warm up the pixel to start gathering data to start letting Facebook gather gather data Of who is landing where that’s what you want to invest a little money up front in doing is is running, is running some traffic ads, not brand awareness or reach, so forget about that.

It’s not going to be brand awareness or reach it’s going to be traffic. You can run traffic and and again, if it’s for any of those three reasons, you’re taking them to a landing page, okay, you’re, not taking them to a website. I guess you can based on what I just told you right: if you’re taking them to a website, make sure your pixel is tracking everything and just create custom audiences around everyone, who’s clicking on anything right on that website, because there’s fifty million pages and it’s a Full-Blown website your pixel has to be tracking everything, and then you just create custom audiences of the most popular product and then in then, and then and then that’s all from traffic and then after you you’ve gathered a decent custom audience you go conversions! Okay, you go conversions, that’s where the money is at you guys, that’s where the money’s at okay, it’s not it’s, not an engagement when, when you run an engagement ad, those are the posts that you see the ads that you see.

Let’s see if we can find one, those are the ads that you see that have a ton of engagement. I mean it has. You know freaking 100 shares look. This is this perfect example: perfect example secure the bag, here’s a sponsored ad, here’s the image right and here, if here are the numbers – absolutely ridiculous numbers that right there is an engagement ad; okay, that’s an engagement ad and again for those of you that have the Money for those of you that want to spend – and you just want you know – to spend more than really you need to up front.

Then engagement go with an engagement and get these get these sexy ass numbers over two thousand likes a hundred and six comments. 457 shares that’s crazy, right, that’s absolute social proof and, and those numbers like that people like to see people like to see those types of numbers and and and and if I had the extra hundred bucks or extra couple hundred to make that happen. And and – and I just had – let’s just say you know whatever to spend per month – I would do that – I would do that.

I’d. Go engagement, run that for a couple weeks, because this right here two thousand likes again. It’s all about your budget. If you’re spending 100 bucks a day three days, there’s 300 boom you’d have those types of numbers, but if you’re spending five bucks a day, dude and you’re, trying to run it for four days come on, I speak to people. Do that spend $ 30.00 on an ad they’re selling a $ 3,000 product, but they’re spending, or they make 3,000 per deal, but they’re spending 300, but but but but but they’re spending 30 bucks but they’re spending 30 bucks and in trying to assess you know data From from a return they’re trying to justify not seen a return on investment, I’m like do you spent 20 bucks like what the hell, those small numbers aren’t going to make.

These big numbers happen you got to spend. You got to spend a couple hundred to make these big numbers happen, but again, there’s there’s benefits in doing that too number one you you have that big number, which is social proof all these shares. I look at this atom like damn dude. These people are really crushing it and then what these people can also do is create custom audiences around everyone, who’s engaging.

So all these people, who actually click to actually comment it, who actually shared they’re, also all in a custom audience that these guys can then turn around and run conversion ads for why conversion ads, because damn well, they got something to sell or they’re looking to schedule. An appointment or they’re looking to capture a lead bottom line. Okay, so you could go engagement. If you had the extra you know dollars.

If not go straight. Traffic man go straight. Traffic go straight conversions, test test, one one go traffic and then run conversions at the same time. Go ten bucks a day traffic, ten bucks a day, conversions run that for a few days and then assess it from there. If anything, traffic for the for the first couple weeks would probably be good because that’s driving traffic to the landing page. That’s that again, Facebook needs to know, as I was trying to mention earlier, just because you have all this stuff and you’re bringing it to the table.

Facebook still has to find your audience. They still have to find the people who actually like you right. So it’s like how how does Facebook even know who likes you yet right, you’re, putting out selfie article, which is the best, and you have your own audience out there. Let give Facebook a few days to freaking find it. You know what I mean so a lot of times. Even Facebook will tell you to start with traffic start with traffic, just so you can get the pixel warmed up and just so facebook can start seeing.

Okay, these are the type of people that are viewing it. Facebook system dude operates like a it’s a machine. As you know, it’s a freaking robot, it’s AI, it’s a freaking machine. They operate. It operates fast man, it operates fast and once Facebook, after, if once facebook, once that pixel starts picking up a certain type of person that is, is landing here. Facebook ends up finding you millions of millions more of them, and so that happens that happens in the beginning, with traffic driving traffic and then once you have that audience, then, and once that pixel has been used a few times its conversions, okay.

But here’s the thing with conversions with conversions: you you have to have your custom audiences set up and you also have to have a custom conversion set up. Okay, so go into my playlist there’s, there’s a FB ads for beginners playlist subscribe to my email list. It’s right in the description and it’s also pinned FB ads for beginners, calm I’ll, send you I’ll send you a article on on the conversions okay, because that’s super important for conversions.

If you’re looking to capture lead schedule, an appointment or make a cell, that is conversions. Okay, that is, conversions, drive valuable actions on your website. That’s a valuable action, an opt-in right. So that’s that’s conversions, but to do that, you need to set up a custom conversion and that custom conversion is set up around the Thank You page. So, for example, whether I’m opting into something okay, whether I’m opting into something or whether I’m buying something I’m coming over here, I’m hitting this blue button to opt in, I could be coming here and buying the Samsung, adding to cart entering my check.

My entering my credit card number and then hitting buy, and then I go to a confirmation page when you’re running conversion adds everything everything is about that confirmation, page, okay. So here’s what you have to do this, what you have to do? Okay, so again, whether you’re, opting in or buying something or whether they’re doing that on your on your page right, here’s, here’s what it’s all about this person option and they’re and they’re brought to a thank you page.

This is my confirmation page right, so I created all this. I did all this through through through frickin, through cartridge, a simple thank-you page man, it’s great to connect with you check your emails and stay in touch. I have a ton of valuable. I have a ton of value coming your way and three basic steps, and then this right here is a link to Carter. Okay. So when you opt in to mine, I’m simply and so shout out to Joshua man, I’m walking you through it this through this basic step right here, man, this page Facebook, ad traffic, is sent to a page like this, and this is my affiliate link, which takes People to Carter and allows them to set up a 14-day trial, and it takes them straight to the to the landing page article that Karcher has up on their site, which is powerful man powerful.

So what you got to do, man is for sure for sure back over here revisit your objective. What is your objective? Is it one of those three or is it not one of those three, and rather than going brand awareness or reach, I would put out a article and just go article views, because, with article views, you can create custom audiences around people who viewed a certain percentage Of it, people who readed three percent of it, people who readed the first 20 seconds of it, people who readed 50 percent of your article.

You can start creating custom audiences around all these people who viewed your article and that’s powerful. You create custom audiences and then you retarget them. You run multiple ads in the future and you retarget those viewers with conversions, okay, so that’s kind of what you want to do, man is is is, is have have a landing page software for sure, and if you don’t have a landing pages offer, if you have A Shopify store or something like that.

Okay. Well, then start it’s! It comes down to the content. Obviously, what type of what type of content do you plan on putting out? Are you putting out images with images? What I would do, if I are you man, anyone putting out images? I would brand yourself with the image like, even though even though it could I mean it’s, that’s why ecommerce is a little different man, because you’re dealing with physical products – and sometimes I mean it’s just a physical product right like a mug, I guess it’s just a Mug like how can I brand that right like, but but at the same time so just depends on what you’re selling also men, because that’s going to your content, what you put out and how you’re able to put it out is going to make the difference.

That’s that’s what that’s the top of the funnel your content is the top of the funnel. So my content over here, my top of the funnel over here, is YouTube. What am I doing? Long-Form tutorial articles teaching you some right, teaching you and trying to stay on topic of social media, marketing, Facebook, advertising and and making money online right, and so that’s my content, and so I’m putting it here.

So it just comes out of your content. Man, your content and what you’re trying to sell and what you’re trying to sell is going to really come down and what a regular Facebook ad is to you. I would do article for sure, like I would do article man if your if your personal branding yourself in any kind of way its article, it’s article views and so article Facebook ad. This word would go okay, article, Facebook ad any other, and in also that same article I would also Park it over here on YouTube and, if you’re doing article on your cell phone for Facebook and for YouTube always hold the phone, horizontal, alright always hold the phone Horizontal not vertical this for Instagram but hold the phone horizontal for YouTube and for Facebook article, but that’s a great way to that, could be your regular ad right there, man that could be your regular ad, is article views and you’re literally creating custom audiences around every Single article and around different viewers of those articles and then just retargeting with conversions, conversions, conversions, conversions, okay, so lead generation is, if you don’t have a landing page.

So if you don’t have a landing page, you can use lead generation. Facebook provides a forum, and you can capture leads that way. Only reason why I don’t do it. That way is because then I have to export that lead off of Facebook, and then I have to import it into my into my email autoresponder, which I don’t want to do, or you can connect it to a third party email out, responder, which I don’t want To do everything I do is all in one it’s in Carter, so I just stick with I just stick with with traffic conversions and article views.

Man, that’s what I do. I don’t do I don’t do I don’t do I don’t do anything else? I don’t click on any of these other ones: traffic, conversions, article views and, and and that’s and that’s that’s kind of that gets the job done man. So when you set up the ad it’s in this third section over here, Joshua in step three in the ad, when you set up that ad and I’ll end it here, when you set up that ad, the link to your landing page.

Okay, the link to your landing page is what goes in the call-to-action. So it’s this link right here. I’m looking at drive traffic right, I’m running a traffic ad, I’m looking at drive traffic to this page right here. So, as I come over here – and I add my image, what I do is I put that ad post, whatever you want to call it, I put that on the business page, first, okay, whether it’s an image or article I’ll put it on the business page first And then, when I get over here I’ll come over here and rather than um, where did it go? Normally, I would say, use existing and you would just click on use existing post and you could just use use the existing one.

But here down here is what I wanted to show you. This is the call to action button. So you’ll see this. This is the third step right sign up, get quote, get off or download. Learn more subscribe book now apply. Now these are all the kata actions. The most the most clicked-on – and this is a facebook stat – is learn more that’s the most clicked on. But again you know based on your business, what are you trying to do? You know? What are you selling and what are you trying to get them to do? Learn more is always the best, and so, when you put that learn more button, this is where the link is going to go you you can actually put it right here as well.

This is this is the display link. This is the display link, which is not now where you want to put like the you like the long URL like you want to customize get like what I would do right here is I’d, put inspired digital dot-com. That’s the actual domain that forwards to this one. Okay, that’s what you want to put right there: okay, so and remember the whole objective over here: let’s go back that was lead generation! That’s why it wasn’t giving me the link form, let’s go back under traffic, so now we’re under traffic and, let’s click on links over here so over here.

This is where you could put the long URL, the ugly one. You could totally put that one right over here. That’s why I wasn’t showing you the existing cells in her lead generation. Welcome. You guys didn’t tell me that man, okay, so this works out so I’ll post that article that image that adds all of it goes on the business page first and then I’ll come over here and use existing post and just make sure you’re in the right page.

Right make sure you’re writing the right account. Is there come over here, select post and you can select that post on the page, but down here? Actually let me just select one okay so down here. Okay, so right here, you’ll see the call-to-action button right here. So if I change that this is where my URL would go, that long, ugly, one, it’s okay, because it’s not going to it’s not going to show. So it’s not going to it’s not going to show yeah, there’s already a learn more button on that.

So I can’t change that and I don’t even have access to that account and because the Instagram and the Facebook pages mix matching, so I’m just showing you this as an example, but that’s where it would go. That’s where your URL would go. Okay. So that’s a traffic ad taking them to that landing page, creating a custom audience retargeting them retargeting them with conversions. And that’s what I was going to show you that’s.

I was going to show you. Let me end it here, as someone comes over here and they opt-in, your custom conversion is all around this page and I might have, I might have mentioned that, but if in case I that’s what I meant to mention, this URL is what you’re going to come In and just again go to my playlist to to find that article custom conversions, how to set up a custom conversion, but all you’re going to do is you’re going to come over.

Here. Click all tools and click on custom, conversions, okay and you’re – going to create a custom conversion around the Thank You page. Facebook doesn’t want to know your goal. They want to know your ultimate goal. Your goal is to get people traffic to the landing page. Your ultimate goal is to get people here, that’s the ultimate goal, and how do they get here? Fill out the damn form? That’s it.

Facebook wants to know when it comes to conversions. They want to know the confirmation page they want to know the Thank You page, create a custom conversion around this URL okay and run conversion ads. Okay, that’s it! You guys so read that article it’s coming up here! That’s custom audiences! Go to that! Playlist and you’ll see custom conversions, that’s where I’m taking you in this bad boy right here and setting up that custom conversion.

Are you guys I’ll see you on the next article subscribe smash? The balfour notifications drop me. A comment below see ya.

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Online Marketing

How To Set Up Custom Conversions In Facebook Ads Manager | 2019 Tutorial

So what you use custom conversions for is basically, if you have a page and you want to track something – you can use – use the custom conversion to track that. So I’m going to show you how to do that, but before we get into that definitely subscribe.

If you’re new subscriber hit that alert button, so you know what I post a new article event: any comments or suggestions for future articles or for this article leave that down below alright. So let’s actually get right into it, don’t waste any more time! You know how I roll, so what you want to do is once you go to business, stop facebook.Com and you have your account set up. What you’re going to want to do.

Is you want to go to your ads manager? So you just click over here and then you want to go to all tools and then under measure and report you want to go to custom, conversions. Okay, I can make a different articles on different topics. I don’t want to go too in depth today because you can kind of get lost, but that is a good idea that might actually just make a little mini Facebook Ads course, for you guys, you know where things are um, so let’s actually do that.

Actually, I’m right on the spot right, that’s how we do around here, just kind of got to do things alright, so once we’re in the custom conversions area, this is actually a pixel that I don’t really normally use, I’m just starting to use it some more. So, there’s not that much data for my custom, conversions, but what you want to do is click on create custom conversion and then from here you can give your custom conversion a name.

So you can say something like signed up for training. You give it a description. If you want so, for example, signed up for live training on November 15, all right and then you select the data source, so the data source is basically your pixel and I can make another article showing you how to actually put your pixel on quick models. I already made a article about that, but I’ll do an update, a article for you guys coming soon.

So then you want to select the URL traffic, so you can select all URL traffic or you can select standard events. So, for example, if someone were to view content, you can select that or you can select a purchase. So this is basically basically saying if someone view to page and you will select the URL or if someone made a purchase on a particular URL, you can do that. So, let’s actually just say view content for now.

So what we want to do, though, is you want to go into our clickfunnels account or wherever your URL is for whatever particular thing you’re trying to set up all right, so once you are here inside, your clickfunnels account you’re going to want to go to the Funnel that you’re going to actually use and they’re going to go, find the final step, so I’ve been promoting a live training. So if you haven’t seen my live, training on YouTube ads definitely go read that it is getting taken down tomorrow.

So definitely go read that so, let’s just say that I have this training and I want someone to as someone signs up so if they get to the Thank You page, which is this area, I want them. I want to know about that. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to open this up and I’m going to copy this URL and I’m going to go back to Facebook, ad manager and then what I’m going to do here is I’m going to actually put in the rule here.

So the rule is basically as long as this URL contains or doesn’t contain or equals, and someone lands on this, and this will equal a few columns in so we can say equals we can say contains, or does it contain there to clear I like to either Use contained, depending on what I’m doing so, if it’s someone’s making your purchase, though I would select, I would select equals to make sure that that page is the specific page they have to land on.

In order to make that purchase. You can also add multiple other rules, so you can say rule number one they have to land on this page and you can do like doesn’t contain, for example, so like if you had a page. So if they got here, but they didn’t go to the actual, live training room, you can say doesn’t contain and I can actually make a article talking about retargeting as well, so you guys know how to do that.

You can also setup a conversion value. So if you have some type of value for this particular conversion, this is mainly used for like if you have purchases, but so this are just a few content, then you can just leave it here and then once you have done this just by selecting the website Event, you just click create. I wonder if this loads other no okay, it doesn’t other events. Okay, so you can click create and then it’s going to say your custom conversion for sign up for trading has been set up and that’s pretty much it.

So as people go to this page, it’s going to it’s going to trigger this, and it’s going to say this person signed up and then you can make look-alike audiences based on how many people signed up for this training. For this particular train, you can make a look like audience based on the people that actually do sign up. Okay. So, for example, this one you can see here it says active, no recent activity because I’m not promoting this, and this one has no activity X.

I just made these so, for example, for this one it was show active, because someone actually did take this step here. So this category is a lead. That’s what I’m trying to try to show you, but I don’t know why it’s not allowing me to show that, but in any regard, this is how you would set that up and then, if you want to go into your ads manager, you can actually on the Actual dashboard itself, you can actually show those custom perversions.

So if you go to, if you scroll up here, columns and you go to customize columns and you go to convert under conversions and go to custom conversions as soon as it’s loads. You can then select your custom conversions from this area, so you can look at the total, so if you want to select so, let’s just select, some of these are deleted. Okay, let’s select this and we’ll just have this in this actual window, and then we can click apply.

Um Benni adds up those not going to show, but you. If I was running ads to this particular page, then I would know how many people signed up because based on the custom conversion um and then this will show up right here in this area. So that’s pretty much how you would set up a custom conversion. You can have custom conversions for different things. Facebook ad manager used to have different custom conversions, I’m not too sure.

Wouldn’t they change that. So I have to look into that, but it’s pretty simple to set that up and then you can kind of use that for your business but, like I said I will definitely have more tutorials on Facebook Ads just because it’s something that a lot of people kind Of get confused and it’s really not that hard, and you know once you kind of know what you you can definitely get some good results using Facebook as if you know you’re doing so.

If you have any comments or suggestions, leave those down below and if you haven’t subscribed, definitely subscribe and hit that alert button. So you know when I post a new article. Thank you guys so much for reading and if you haven’t checked out my live training on YouTube ads, you definitely want to go check that out that is going to be shut down pretty soon. So definitely go check that out and I’ll see you guys in this article.

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