Online Marketing

Best SMMA Outreach Method in 2020 – Step by Step Training [beginner friendly]

Hey I’m actually trying out a different style of article, I’m going to be hopping on my computer and walking me through a sideshow that I’ve put together for you guys before. I do that real quick. I just wan na give a little background info on me. My name is jaime for those of you who are new to this blog, and I started my agency a year and a half ago I managed to score my did you see two six figures in nine months now? This is not to brag this, not to you know, look at me and in fact it really was in the cie.

I worked a ton, and I struggled a tunnel and I main struggle during those nine months was lead generation and signing clients. At the same time, I was relieved to see that other you know, agency owners and SME owners were struggling with the same thing. Maybe maybe they had an anything. You know that the best systems and process in place make a general results for their clients, like no one else, but their problem was signing clients and so doing those those nine months.

I pretty much tested every single variable possible and after months months of failure, I started to get really good results and quitting this. This very very you know the spool pipeline of leads and landing minutes on autopilot, to a point where I managed to sign clients and skill, my PC to that six-figure mark, not what I’m doing it. Some teaching others on YouTube completely for free the the outreach and sales part of build an agency which is really the biggest bottleneck.

I see for EDC owners out there, and so that’s enough about me. Let’s go ahead and hop on my computer, I’m going to be walking you through this slideshow okay. So here we are inside my computer. If you guys, probably you could see the setup that I’ve got going on here. I tried this out, but it’s hella clunky, so yeah, let’s get right into this into this, and let’s see how this plays out, so the best outreach method for SMA in 2020 updated improved and to the point.

Okay, you know this. This presentation, yeah and you’ll, soon realize it’s not going to be the cookie claw, cookie cutter approach to outreach. I’r not going to be saying you know this is a bad best outreach, I’m not going to be vouching for specific outreach method. It’s going to be a very systematic and scientific way of arriving at the best average method for you, and so that’s what I want you guys to keep in mind throughout this presentation.

Now I see as may here, but really it’s it’s. You know what I want to focus it on is for all agency owners out there. This applies to any service that you’re, offering whether that’s social media marketing, whether that’s you know copywriting whatever it is. This still applies to you. So if you’re selling anything online to clients, this applies to you, so let’s get right into it. First, you need to understand this.

This is not one best, there’s, no one best of which method in client outreach. There’s not once you know one best hours method for sales. There are only superior outreach methods, it really depends on a number of factors, and so these are the factors and the things that it depends on and that I’ve identified throughout my experience that you know choosing the best outreach method depends on and the choice of your Outreach method depends on, and so the first thing is your service.

Different services will require different sales processes. A for example. Your your service is a high ticket offer or item. For example, let’s put the example of you’re selling a very high tech course. You know, let’s just say you know, 5 to 10 K course to get that sale before that we put the sale. You, probably you know, you probably have the the prospect Habanera on a call and then because it’s going to call by a sales rep or you know, a height a bit closer and so yeah different services are were quite different sales forces, for example, if your service Is very, very low, tier a for example.

It could be. You know, social media management and you just start an hour and you charge in the four 400 to 500 dollars a month for to each plan. Then you know, for you know in that event, if you guys, if you have a for example, you have good case studies or you just have a very good personal brand or you’ve. You know, for example, you’ve conveyed enough social proof and, and just your your online standing is it’s good enough.

You might not even need a meeting right, so it really depends on the service. The second thing you depends on is the niche. Your prospects will hang out in different places depending on their niche, and they will respond and be attracted to different things. Number three is your personality. Different people are suited for different methods. One man’s strength is another man’s weakness. Okay, I understand that number four.

Is your location getting accustomed to the ways people expect to be reached out to in specific countries? This really applies if, if you’re, a pure service is bound by a geographical location right, if, for example like me, your your new, your services, Facebook ads and paid ads at forty compliance, then you can have clients all over the world and location. Is it’s no limit? There’s no limit to after the you know, it really doesn’t limit your outreach right, so yeah location is important and number five.

Your current available resources there’s quite important, and this is something that people don’t actually think about. Enough is how much money and time are you willing and able to invest in into it to still get results right because look if you get into this in a much more detail, but look if you’ve got a nine to five and and were you doing this, For time you trying to sort out your agency, but you don’t quite know it.

Don’t we have the time, but maybe you’ve got and you’ve got a better money that you can invest into it. Then you know complete different. How which method should be implemented right in this case? But if time is more abundant to you than money, then you probably have traded out at the start, because you just don’t have the money to invest in you know in in so force that can systemize that whole process right so yeah.

These are the five different factors and, by the end of this article, you’ll be able to self diagnose and choose what the best out, which method is for you, and so that’s that’s really. One of the you know the the very important things that I want. You guys to take away from this article is that by the end of this article, you can be able to diagnose yourself and really pinpoint the the average is that best to you, you’ll niche, your location, etc.

These factors that we spoke about here so last thing into it now your service, the first thing that you want to consider with your service. As I talk as I said here, is the price point. As I said, higher tier services will require more vetting and you will need to build more trust and authority. For example, something like online advertising will require strong as social processes. Then social, media management, because more resources will be allocated to the former one, and so more trust needs to be built.

This you know, especially true in my experience, for example, you know when I’ve you know at this point my my agency really just goes for, for you know the very clients right and so, with the spring clients. There’s there tends to be a lot more vetting right. There tends to be a lot more top man’s top management that needs to be voting in the decision said racks are so there needs to be a lot more vetting, and you know a lot of people will require to see specific things.

For example, past results, etc, etc. So the whole process becomes a lot, it becomes a lot more time-consuming and – and you need a high degree of expertise. But if you’re offering in your social media management and you’ve charged in 400 per month for your services, they’re not really going to suspect they’re. Not we can expect you to go to that length to convince them right and if they do to be honest, you might as well pass on them, because you know they don’t see the value if they can’t believe pay 400 a month for social media management, then The puppy and not a very healthy business – and you can’t won’t stay away from that, because there’s a ton of fish in the ocean right so yeah, that’s the price point, then.

The second thing is the nature of your service. This is something that a lot of people don’t talk about right. Your outreach process will be the first inside into your work by a prospect. 99.9 % of people forget this. You use this as an opportunity to show it off. In many cases, it is your chance to show your skill, for example, girlfriend copywriting email will be the best which method that that will see you.

It’s it’s an opportunity for you to showcase your product, your your service, for example. One of things that I do is when I do outreach. I incorporated a lot of article because I, like article, I think it is one of my strengths, although you may not think so, but you know we. I try to incorporate that, and especially because I think article I can be a lot more persuasive. They can actually see me they can see that you know they can see my face.

They can see my hand gestures, they can see by the way I carry myself, etc, etc. So what I’ve seen is that base to my strength. So we find what the nature of your service is and also find what what your strengths are and then use that use the outreach to play to advantage when they’re, making a decision whether to work with you’re. Not so that’s the service, the next thing is your niche. Now what you need to do is you need to understand their typical day.

Where are your prospects more likely to be? Where were they where they’re more likely to be hanging out and I’ve hold this for? For some of the the grammar stakes here, what I just want to get this out to you guys but yeah. You need to really figure out where they’re going to be hanging out, and we understand their day right, for example, if you’re, if you reached out to a dilution or to restaurant, and you calling them up and you hit them up by phone chances, are that’s not The best that’s not the best thing to do, because their typical day is talking to clients just a very, very busy, and you know, client facing day and so they’re.

You know the good before I run around the whole day, and so calling them is going to be an inconvenience for them, and so don’t do that. We understand what the typical day looks like for them and then understand where you can reach them best. Next is receptiveness and saturation. This very very important realize that your prospect receives a ton of outreach today, no matter how good yours is it’s of no use, if they don’t even open it or even worse, see it figure out the platform’s.

Were you prospectus going to be more receptive to you? Outreach, for example, as I said here, cold call in a clinic or sakoku in a Russian or a successful clinic. It’s not really a great deal, because it’s very client facing the run around a lot and it’s not the best idea and Instagram and Facebook. The aims are not a good idea for personal personal brands and influencers, for example, if, if you’re trying to reach out an influencer that has a big personal brand, for example, your wishes, its coaches and and and personal brands.

Instagram is probably not the best place to do that, simply because they probably get a ton of the ends and they’re just going to treat to a span. But if you get their email and send them an email, they’re probably going to check that out, because you know pretty much: every business person checks out their email and it’s not as situated as I said, Instagram DM I will be, and so that’s the niche now Number three: is your personality comfort? What are you most comfortable with? This does not necessarily mean taking the easy way out, but it really means playing To Your Strengths.

Now you know, I’m not saying don’t, don’t you know, don’t do this because you’re, not a you know, is doing easy way out right. What I’m saying here is see what you’re most comfortable from scratch see what your strengths or from scratch on page two, those okay, if you’re, for example, if you, if your killer, add writing emails, do that you know, probably, if you’ve a very, very kind of shy Or yours, not very good on camera, don’t do you know, don’t necessarily do as much article which try it out see how it you know how it performs.

It is not truly believe that we, you know we were very malleable right. We can. We can learn very quickly and we’ll poor mind something we can. You know really develop right as people, but when you’re starting just start out, you want to play to your strengths because that’s we’re going to minimize first of all, the learning curve and the time that you you take to get results, and so that’s the the first Thing that would say now.

The second thing is skills. If your communication skills are great, something like cold calling might be better suited for you, if you can right click copy messaging is the way in this I already covered in comfort. So number three is location. You win to understand the landscape. This only applies if your service service is bound by location, if it is understand the possible limitations you may face in your country and where people expect and do not expect nor want to be reached out to on and on which platforms.

For example, I know for a fact that and and there’s you know, you might find this a bit weird, but I know for a fact that the US LinkedIn they see a platform of you know. You know to start business relationships. They they’re much more open to new things, whereas with you know in the UK, for example, it requires a you know, Tom more, it’s more cold. You need to really build out the trust and you might need a bunch of it.

You know article audits, to reach you know to rehab them trust you, whereas you know the US, for example, they’re much more open and more willing to try anything some to jump on opportunities if it makes sense right. No one gets wants to get scammed right. So yeah understand the landscape of your tire of your country, for example. I know some countries that really just despise cold calling and for some you know for some of them, it’s not even loud, and so really just you know, take a look at at what what is seen is normal in your country too.

You know what is seen as as normal business interaction in the country and then you know apply those when you’re doing outreach. So that’s the first thing and second thing is the tone, understand the tone people use when doing business together, some countries or more to the point and aggressive works in other countries. It’s about establishing rapport, building trust and slowly breaking down walls.

You know this goes back to you to what I’m saying about you know the UK, the UK versus the the u.S. In the u.S. It can be. You know, business is done much more to the point, much more aggressive. You know every this. What I found from experience – I know Ireland so form from talking to a bunch of colleagues. You know everyone knows the everyone’s trying to look for a win-win, and everyone knows what they’re getting, and it’s just much more straight to the point.

Also they’re, not, as you know, that they’re much more open to talking about money fees, you know how much X is making etc X around so, whereas in the UK for example, you need to establish a lot more report. You know you need to kind of keep. Keep distances at first until they, you know you build that trust as well, and you slowly break down the walls and so that’s location and, lastly, available resources.

Number one scale: remember you’re, not you yourself, the flash you in the flash is not scalable based on a computer, though, or, and I always recommend, find the most suitable average method and then the niche, because, depending on time you have available. For example, you work in a 95 you’d be able to get results with specific methods that you would not with others. Let me explain this right if what I recommend you know when someone comes to me or even to my coaching students, what I recommend is first see what your see, what your current lifestyle is see, what your available resources are in terms of time in terms of Money in terms of really just analyze and diagnose your current lifestyle, if you’ve got a job, for example, and if you don’t really have much time to invest in in to actually go in the the agency.

But you still want to sign clients and still get results. But you actually have resources, then you really don’t want to pick a niche where you need to Coco. We need to visit. You know, businesses where you know businesses. Business owners expect you to meet in person, because that’s just not going to be able to to happen right because from 95 you’re locked in and so what I tell them is for example, if you, if you have very little time what you can do, is pick A niche that that is completely online right.

You don’t have to first of all meet with with clients. They don’t because they don’t have you know there. We have a physical location like e-commerce, businesses or clients that don’t you know, don’t need to be boots out on the phone, because that requires you picking up the phone and actually calling that’s, not scalable, whereas you know, if you pick ecommerce, you can actually automate, and I have a article on this.

You can check it out right here. You know with with with e-commerce, you can pretty much automate. You know you can automate the outreach by email or LinkedIn. You can build our sequences and you can pretty much plan the meetings on on autopilot and you can invest in some really good softwares that way, and so you don’t have to invest that much time into outreach and still get results right, and so it’s all about Diagnosing your lifestyle see what niches fit that lifestyle, so you can still get results right.

We we, you know, the last thing we want to do is sacrifice results, and so that’s why I always rock man. You know that diagnose your lifestyle and then pick the hours method that best suits you and then pick the niche that that suits that are which method it’s it’s completely backwards, but it works right it it’s the best way to do it because, as I said, I, Which is the biggest roadblock and the biggest bottleneck that as agency owners, and I saying agency owner yourself or if you, if you don’t have any change starting to you know you, you want to start out, you can have right and so, for example, if you’re working Full time and one of the few outreach methods that working full time and one of the few hours and methods that can usually get resource for you is school, calls it’s going to take one tool and your first client, whereas you could certainly automate link to messages And emails and land meetings on autopilot in a different niche with the most suitable hours.

What is LinkedIn Annie right, so that’s the scale and, lastly, the money. If you have money to start with, invest in software, that will automate a systemized route, which would be extremely revenue generated in tape and and time-saving for you yeah. It will cover this very, very important thing to keep in mind. So, as I said, what I recommend is to always determine your most suitable outreach method first and then pick a niche and service that you’re passionate about, in which you can close plans using that outreach effort and not sacrifice and results right.

The reason being out, which is the biggest bottleneck for ages most agency owners, if you can sort of sort this out from the start, will have much greater success and faster so guys. That is pretty much for that. That’s pretty much it for this presentation. I hope you guys like this tau. I hope this presentation was a value. I apologize for the little grammar mistakes that had in there but yeah. I just wanted to get this out as soon as I possibly could, because I I really truly believe that a lot of people are struggling with this right now and it can literally be solved by first of all self diagnosed in a u.

S. Person where you’re like And then working backwards right, seeing the the you know diagnosed in your lifestyle seem what average method best suits you and then picking your niche and the service, even that you want offer so guys. If you have any questions any comments, you want me to answer as well: leave them down below if you have any article ideas or already topic that you want me to cover, also leave them down below, and that would be it for this article.

Also guys, if you enjoyed this article like this article, it really helps our hopes of the blog helps out with the algorithm, and so I really really appreciate if you like this article also, if you like this content, to show much more after I’m putting out in The upcoming week, I’m actually uploading three times a week and so go ahead and subscribe to my blog. I always say this, but there’s a ton of bluff out there in the century of people telling you to do this.

To do that and giving you advice when they haven’t actually been through it and they haven’t actually gotten. You know amazing results. You know they may have a little. You know clinic restaurant or little dentist in their clients, but really they’re, not getting predictable, consistent results for their agency, and then we haven’t taken that ad agency to new heights. Oh my youtube blog, I’m sharing all my advice and everything.

I’ve learned throughout my journey completely for free and so go ahead and subscribe to that blog to my blog. If you want to check this out guys hope everything’s going well in your journey, keep at it and I’ll see you in the next article bye, you

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