Online Marketing

Why SoundCloud WON’T Die!!!

That’s the Homer anyway yeah artists like the leads and gives condolences if it sounds loud, our sixty underneath in get it’s great. So many other artists making comments.

But what I want to get across in this article is the fact that I do not believe SoundCloud is going to die, and I want to talk about how we should say about this situation so far. We got to think about why people even believe this earlier. This year, SoundCloud actually reported that they lost fifty two million dollars in 2015. It was kind of arming for a company that raised over under ninety million dollars and is ten years old.

They tried to frame it infamous people that don’t bad days or behind them. Until this week, when SoundCloud reported a 40 percent lay off that’s a lot of people, just gone no job now, there’s a more specific rumor that they only have enough money to get them to queue for basically they’re earning more money than they are speaking and are About to run out after rumor and in my mind, there’s two out number one: SoundCloud doesn’t have any money and they’re about to death.

Number two sound flower doesn’t have any money, but killing off forty percent of their staff will position them to be forgiven of their sins and saved by an angel. In other words, investors do understand the value of the assets that SoundCloud pad, which were the most part of the user base of the data, but they don’t want to hop on a sinking ship, so SoundCloud by cutting their employment. Cutting their cost in return increases their probability, even if that’s from like new negative fifty million to these negatives, 1 million even filled a healthier company, which increases investor comedy basically like when Ashley gets hurt in the rest of their career, depends on it.

They in turn around, like Adrian Peterson, came back and had a record-breaking season. Active ACL injury for is they’ll kind of fizzle out and only be a shell of what it used to be kind of like a Derrick Rose situation. These investors need to evaluate that. I strongly believe it is that second situation SoundCloud giving in a healthier position to be bought out or to increase investor confidence, because the value of their access is extremely that valuable.

Yes, yeah things like Apple, music, Spotify and tidal, who have increased the competition in that market, but really they still haven’t kind of touched completely on that court that balance loud has created. There is a little bit of goodwill of it. It’s out loud. Not only has a user base and some sort of revenue coming in also there are a lot more unique compared to the other streaming services, because they have this culture that is developed within this system and what they mean right now in the assembly line is how Artists are getting discovered, and this is so much extra there, which might be hard to argue to investors.

They just want to see their bottom line but, like I said, the data alone is very valuable. If I can say valuable, because I can put the number on it, I don’t know enough of the details, but what I can say if they aren’t required by some investors that allow them to act independently, they might just be acquired by some bigger companies that data Size Esquire than before, but is looking a little bit more bullish on them after they’re available for discount.

Once again, I know those other streaming. Services has created a lot of competition, but they really had it fully stepped over into South our market. Actually, an amazing title: Spotify those are really built: distribution networks that are geared a lot more towards curation for the consumer, we’re SoundCloud census. Birth has been more for being people who are uploading, the sound it’s a DJ, the person who has a podcast, an artist, a producer whatever so again, we’ll SoundCloud, I I don’t think so.

Will it drive and come this stronger than ever? That’s left anything that if you know what to do hit the subscribe button,


Online Marketing

How To Get Famous Doing Cover Songs On YouTube [7 Tips]

Before I get started. What are my people for those who are doubting? Yes, you can blow up and become big off of cover song. I have a legitimate career. I readed people from Nicky design to Tori Kelly, Andrea Chloe and Halle. I’m talking about. I love reading these people at the beginning.

As matter of fact, I was reading Justin Bieber on YouTube before he blew up back when everybody was saying. Why are you so talented you surf the world can’t wait. Til you blow I’m going yo girl, I’m your blog to the bathroom and I realized like. Do you suck? That’s not the point. Number one choose your quality. Yes, you can reporter, covering that you can do it. Mp3 playing and kind of lip sync or you can do a live unplugged.

You can do something in the studio. You can do just a raw straightforward in front of the camera singing and that, personally is my favorite, because it has that raw feeling and connections that allow people to feel like you not start, yes, you’re, just somebody in their room that I can root for it. I’m catching you before the world knows about you. That’s the biggest advantage of that one right. There number two consistency.

There’s no fancy way to say it to get attention over time to build a fanbase. You just have to stay consistent. You might not get you the initially, but eventually you’re, building up a catalog when people start to discover you and next thing you know they say. Oh my gosh. This person is amazing, so when you’re doing colors, don’t think about necessarily the first day the first week at the innovation plan to at least dedicate eight months, so you can give it that time to blow up and really start to feed and create his own loop Of audience generation and speaking of other generations, of course, you want to engage with the people who are engaging with you all people who are appreciating you think of them.

They have a quest, go with the request. It’s helpful to help you build a relationship with your fan base and puts. I hope that I didn’t put this on the list, whether your YouTube or Instagram YouTube. You should be doing full songs, probably for may be shortened to minute urgent and then on Instagram 15 to 30. Second clips will work better than doing a full minute number four new songs that are hot while there.

I the reason, because this is when there’s hot song, people are already searching for that song and it makes you more easy to find if I’m looking for bad news next thing, you know, I see it. Girl kills bed and Gucci color on the side of my screen, I didn’t like sleep on it, ketching popular songs and something that a lot of people use. So it’s not necessarily likely not going to have competition, and it’s so faster.

You can do that and turn around a new eyes on the bed. Five same songs that people don’t expect. You saying you know that high vary for different people. You think about people like Nikki heat. You have this writer who doing a lot of track or hard writing. Music covers of songs like the weekend baby job. It might be interesting for a little kid in singing being grown and will resolves that you get a lot of tension.

I’ll necessarily recommend it. But if you’re also being interesting for a wrong woman or a teenager or grown man or whatever to be doing these new renditions of nursery rhymes or if you were doing these slow, sexy renditions of television show lean song kind of like a Jamie Foxx Bill. Brady Bunch he made that for alma mater here’s, a celery who was bringing a three very lovely girls, all of them a hair of gold like their mother er, responding like a song off the TV make it sound good enough to make love, even if the song Was bringing the free burial of the girls all of their venerable Noctem, bother seeing us Waurika number six take fast on the slow down or take slow song.

This beat them up or putting more beat and punch tool. When you change up the arrangement, it helps. You stick out more and it helps people to disassociate with this person’s are singing the song. I even sounds good, so we have a nice voice. It helps them get captured in your talent as a whole, often times just nice to people ears. That’s why a lot of times when people take the bass version of a song and slow it down and do it cool, see people.

Obviously this person so much that it it’s a thing but look. He was covered and you’ll always see that somewhere, another s7 get creative. This could be the most important of all of them, especially if you’re failing to really start getting some directions. You might have to do something really creative, create some kind of series possibly or get somebody involved. I don’t know if you get another person involved and they’re beatboxing with you or you’re, just singing songs, to your dad or with your dad there and reading his reaction or maybe you’re, going to every Starbucks Embassy and singing outside each Starbucks and create a series out Of that somebody does that I swear eventually, if there’s not like vulgar, songs or kind of corporate friendly type songs, they’ll, probably get signed or Starbucks or probably do some kind of sponsorship for because it will be getting incision for Starbucks.

All in all, you just have to look for different ways to entertain people, in addition to your views, there’s so many ways to get creative. You have to figure that out for themselves. I remember this one guy who can sing. He was kind of like a comedian too. He would do these singing reactions to stuff if I could find them I’ll put them in not whatever, but anyway, that’s it hotel bill y’all. What to do is dead, subscribe, good,

My favorite musician as of right now.


Online Marketing

How To Make Social Media Ads That Actually Work

Now this article was inspired because I noticed that a lot of musicians are really just wasting a lot of ad dollars by not really customizing their ad campaigns for the platforms that they’re making it in and oftentimes just taking regular content. They have like a music article and then running an ad using the entire music article, and the first thing that you want to keep in mind when you’re creating an ad is.

What is the goal that you have at the end of the day? Are you trying to drive music plays? Are you trying to drive overall awareness? What do you want the in behavior of the user to be? What do you consider a successful campaign to be so for this? I’m going to use three examples. None of these have been necessarily considered these huge viral campaigns where you might necessarily know about people in the first one I’m going to actually use an on a music example.

A few days ago, I was hit with this article on Instagram. This is also a metaphor for your car, so when you don’t put toyo tires on your car, you’re, basically doing this to choose 12 times, not spray juice. Now the first thing I actually saw scrolling down my feed was food that beautiful looking steak. You keep reading for a few seconds and then BAM. This cheese happens, obviously especially on a platform like Instagram you’re, going to catch a lot of people’s attention, using something as beautiful as a steak, some good-looking food, but this ended up being a type of commercial.

You can see that a lot of people got got when they talked about it in the comments. So why this commercial works, which is really important to remember and take note of, is the fact that, even though they had to stake in a transition to end up being entire commercial, it wasn’t like some straight spammy stuff. It made sense in the narrative of the actual story itself. The steak was ruined by cheese.

They were using it. As a metaphor to say your car is ruined. If you don’t have our tires, don’t put cheese on your car, I want to drive that point in because a lot of people call everything clickbait these days, but clickbait isn’t necessarily clickbait or at the very least, it’s not so much of an offence. If what you’re? Using or the content after, the click actually makes sense and it’s providing value at the end of the day.

But so the point is they were able to use something to capture people’s attention and then transition. When you have something as boring as tires right. A lot of you guys are working with music, or just everybody has different. These interesting brands but tires is pretty boring. How do you capture people’s attention? I never heard of toriel tires before this ad or saying this, but now I do. These type of campaigns are really to build awareness, they’re really not meant to drive some kind of specific clicks or behavior, or I personally wouldn’t use that type of AD to do that, but just getting people intrigued and captured by what it is, and maybe a lot Of people might even send it, so they can get somebody else, whether I actually end up saying it to my sister, because I know she likes food and I knew she would be thrown off by the ad your transition.

Or so so you got to pay attention to, and all these ads are the structures. You have something quick that brings in the attention and you use that somehow to lead to another narrative that makes sense for whatever you want to do, or at least want them to know and because you’re, using this type of AD to drive awareness with a lot Of people not necessarily know you already, this is one of the type of ads.

I would recommend doing like a Facebook ad campaign and actually paying for it, because it has the ability to stop people in their tracks for just enough time to get informed of you number two. The second day I was actually just an Instagram post, so I’m going to go ahead and start and say this type of ad is not to build a fanbase or bring in new followers. This is to engage and direct your fans, your current fans, to a specific action, a lot of people, just post, hay now available on Amazon or now available on Spotify, all of those types of things.

What this person did a blacksmith, he actually engaged and entertained. The fan base and even made them laugh a little bit around what he wanted them to know, and they provided a single call of action, which is basically going Amazon, Prime, if you got it and listen to the music. Once again, this type of head is not to build a fanbase, it’s to inform your current fan base and then lead them to a specific action.

Doing things like this allows you to constantly inform them when you can always have the regular post hey. This is available here on Spotify, but now I’m going to entertain you this time and then once again, let you know it’s available on Spotify and then I might do something else. So you can come up with a lot of creative ideas that are small. They don’t even have to be funny, but just something where you give them value in addition to the information itself and then hit them with the fact that you want them to know something and then direct them to the action number three.

So number three is my favorite, because not only definitely utilize influencer marketing, but it does it right – is going to think of it too much as an ad. It’s straight up or gank they’re listening to music as they get ready, which a lot of girls and just people in general do so it’s them being their natural selves and then they’re interacting with each other and they’re, interacting with the article just looking like they’re having Fun because of the song like they like this song, but they actually know this song that’s way different than a lot of these other acts.

You see, oh well, I don’t have any personal insight on the first two eggs, but I tell you from this alert. One is the song in this article is called mozzie by artist named Joanie in and then shown here had an additional fifty thousand plays in a very short period of time on that song after it was posted. Now the track has about five hundred twenty two thousand plays on soundcloud, or maybe it’s five hundred eighty-seven thousand, I can’t remember also, which is most important.

Joni Ann said about five hundred of those people will end up following him on Instagram and they really stick with them and stay active five hundred legitimate fans. It’s a nice amount coming from one Instagram post. He hasn’t even maximize the use of that particular clip or push the song really heavily. Yet a lot of people will talk about hey use, influences to reach out to influencers pay them for an ad, but it still depends on what they do when they promote your song.

With a lot of these losses, they’re going to want creative control just make sure that they’re doing something creative instead of just posting. So two quick tips, especially if you’re doing an Instagram hat. If you can make a article that actually gets people’s attention and maybe even you can make sense or be funny or intriguing or even confusing, without the sound at all, then you’re doing yourself a great service because hey a lot of times, people don’t have time to Click the sound also a lot of times, people just can’t because they’re in a certain place, but if you can get that message out and make them laugh, that could be a pretty effective article, especially for awareness and then, of course, when they turn to sound on.

Hopefully, the article is just that much better or explains what they didn’t get but got intrigued by before. Turning the sound on and then the second tip is a be testing, as you notice, I did not say, hey dude this one only do this one. I always talk about experimentation. A lot of people will tell you that articles do better on social media, then text ad. But I say you test that for yourself, because it all depends on your goals.

What a lot of people get confused by is they’ll, see a bigger reach or they’ll see bigger numbers as far as reades when it comes to the articles, but it just means people might never saw the article, but it doesn’t mean much good. They like the beatty or anything like that, so you might just want to use that as awareness just like the first article, because a lot of times what you might find in my experience with text is, you will have more clicks and better drive people to specific Behaviors, even you don’t have a good article ad and itself or even just good copy.

Where you’re writing your text ad. We can do a article about how you use language in your ads later, but for now that’s it y’all know what to do. Hey Dad subscribe button

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