Online Marketing

Email Marketing – :59 Second Friday with Josh Miles – Marketing and Design Tips in Under a Minute

Okay, kids. I’ve got something to admit: * GASP, *, I’m kind of a giant nerd. My favorite piece of email marketing advice comes from Spider-Man * With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. * Number 1. Write emails that you would want to read Friendly neighborhood emails are always more Engaging Number 2 Remember, over 50 % of marketing emails are opened on the phone, So use big type short paragraphs and buttons Number 3 Pay attention to subject lines and preview text, so even if it gets cut off it still, Makes sense When it comes to email marketing, don’t be A web-slinger Email may be the most powerful tactic in your Marketing toolbelt so use it with great responsibility: * Woo-hoo, *, Remember.

.., Like this article and subscribe to get more Marketing and design tips every Friday. Thanks for reading We’ll see you next time, Don’t forget to subscribe.


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Ladies and gentlemen, silent Mike another Q & A back to my roots. This is where it started raw loose, quickfire, silent mic with two K’s on Instagram and Twitter. If you want to get involved, we’re twitching as much as we can live stream, we built a dope community to be able to chat with you guys live link in the description, momma’s boys’, podcast weekly episodes, if not twice a week, iTunes, stitcher SoundCloud, soon-to-be Spotify on The voice podcast comm check it all out below.

Let’s get to your questions, ladies and gentlemen, how do you warm up before a benching? For me, the most of my warm-ups are pretty specific, so I take the barbell, for you know 1 to 3 sets of 20 to 30 reps, and then I slowly add weight building up to my working weight. I also do like to do some kind of band pull apart warm up my back my rotary cups as well as some kind of a school. If I’m feeling real cold or something feels a little iffy, then I’ll do a little extra warm-up.

Some push up something of that nature, but that’s typically it Mike another warm up question Mike. How many sets do you do before getting in your working weight? So that’s almost impossible to say my man, because if my working weight on bench is 275, I may only do 3 or 4 sets to get there. But if I’m warming up to 650 pounds for doubles on deadlift, I may take 8 sets to get there. So it all depends on how strong you are.

Typically, you know five, maybe 10 % jumps for the couple beginning jumps and then 5 % jumps leading onto the working weight. It’s a good general general guideline. How come I don’t need to adjust my one rep max for a 10 week program? What are the percentage no longer represent my true 1 rep max, or does it not matter great fuckin question so when you’re running a you know, 8 12. 16 week program? Do you need to update your one rep max, because perhaps you got stronger in that program? It all depends on the program.

It all depends on the goal and it all depends on the individual. I know you hate that answer, because that’s the truth and everybody hates the truth. So, for multiple reasons I would say: no, you don’t have to update it, but it kind of depends if you’re a beginner, a true beginner you’ll, be able to PR and your 1 rep max will go up every single week. How so Mike? Because you’re, a D trained and your body is so willing to adapt to the new stimulus and the new skill acquisition that you’re getting you’re getting better at the bench.

Press weekly plus your muscles, are getting stronger, repairing quicker because you’re not actually handling the type of loads that you body’s actually ready to handle, so you’ll be able to progress very rapidly from there. It might be every two weeks, every four weeks that you can PR in the lift. This obviously depend on age, genetics and some other things. This is talking about pure beginners. As you get more advanced, that’s pretty much.

The defining factor between a beginner and intermediate is how long in between it takes for you to PR or hit a new personal record. Eventually, you know the best in the world are hoping for a small five pound, ten pound PR, every 12, 16 or even 20 weeks. And that’s why I says it depends now, if you are not a pure beginner and you can’t PR every week or every other week, I still don’t think you should update your 1 rep max again, based on the program, let’s just blanket statement say we’re going for A 12-week peak program so we’re going to test our 1 rep max at the end, the chances or the percent that you got stronger throughout the entire program won’t really affect the program that much until you test anyways at the end, because you, depending on the program You’re not going to make a 150 percent gain in your 1 rep max.

You know if it’s 5 or 10 % that will all show itself at the end when you test anyways, and then you can repeat the program with those updated when we’re programming. I mentioned this in the last Q & A as long as you’re kind of hitting a range on that day. That’s why our Pease become so popular and it is very effective because you just kind of have to hit this right. This target, you don’t have to hit the bullseye every day of the weight to get the proper stimulus to progress as long as you’re kind of in that range that we’re aiming for that certain stimulus, depending on the program depending on the day and the intent of That workout you’ll make progress and be just fine, so I wouldn’t overthink it don’t over stress.

It follow the program test at the end and then we run a program with the new updated maxes. Will I ever go back to conjugate training um, probably not not, while I’m competitive power loop, you know, I think the frequency is enough for me the variations, I don’t think they work the best for the majority of raw power. Lifters. I’ve done a many articles on this. I think, if your raw powerlifting, you need more competition lifts than typical conjugate does.

I know I could make it my own and these things, but I prefer the style of training. I do I believe in it. I think it’s time tested, I think it’s it’s proven through many other coaches and systems, but it’s proven through myself as a lifter and as a coach with everyone. I’ve worked with. So I think I’m going to stick with that. If you know I totally wrap up and just don’t power lift per se anymore yeah, I can mess around with some cons.

You get taking up variations. We got a decent lifting question here for WordPress or floor press as a very simple bench press which one do you prefer and why I’d say if I had to choose, one would probably be the floor press personally and from experience with other athletes and being in The gym a board press is an awesome movement, but for a lot of lifters, they’re so uncomfortable with that bench on or excuse me, the board on their stomach that they’ll miss groove and all untighten their back more often than not that their bench form will just Go to the window and they’re just worried about touching that board.

So I would say what I would throw in. There is. Maybe a Spoto pressed we’re kind of pausing at different heights. You know true, which is off the chest, just a little pause it and come back up just controlling it yourself. I think this moreso reinforces a tight back and control the barbell and then I’d say the floor plus for the same reason, if you’re going to use a variation, let’s go outside of the box a little bit and, let’s really you know kind of pause, our triceps On the ground, before we explode back up, and I think you’ll find it good groove and a good carryover from the floor person stuff what to do in the gym after a meet or a peak kind of you know, if all is healthy and you’re feeling good.

It might be another time to have some fun and try something a little different. It’s also a good time to just chill, maybe do some dumbbell work, maybe take it completely off. It kind of depends on your mental state and what will get you motivated to continue on the gym? So maybe just another one rep max, maybe just do some dumbbell work, have some fun or maybe take it completely off and then get back into things.

In a couple weeks, what tip you would give all lifters where they’re, beginners or experienced that’s a good question tip. I would give anybody – and this is lifting life business – is have some patience, have some patience. Things always take longer than you think they will and if you have patience and stick to the plan or stick towards your goal, or at least have that goal in your mind. Daily you’ll get there and that’s not to be some motivational, bullshit guru, because you all know I hate some motivational bullshit gurus.

But truth is this: if you have patience and you stick to a plan you’re going to get a lot closer that goal, then you ever would without those two things and those are literally the only two things. Two things you need. You need a little bit of patience, maybe a lot of patience, more patience than you think you need, you need it and some type of plan to get there and that’s all you need. You welcome that’ll, be $ 8,000, send it to my pickup.

What are your thoughts on? Only dead lifting singles, I thought so only dead, lifts and singles is, is probably not optimal. Now there are some instances that you might be able to get away with something of that nature. We’re only dead lifting singles once a week at a higher intensity and catching some volume on a variation like a block, poor stiff leg or something of that nature. But I think the majority of time all lifts are going to be similar to some extent where, if we want to get better at that lift we’re going to have to slowly build volume and frequency over time.

So if you want to get better at the deadlift, we’re going to have to get some deadlift in muscles and the way to get deadlift in muscles is to build them with some reps – maybe some variation, but definitely some reps. Some volumes for frequencies so deadlift singles. Can you lift a lot of weight that way sure I’m sure somebody has and their comments are going to be blasted below, like some so deadlift at 900 pounds by only doing singles proud of that guy and proud of you for knowing that random ass fact that No one cares about, but I think for the majority of people you’re going to have to do some volume we’re going to have to do some work.

If you had to pick three exercises besides the squad deadlift and the bench to build a routine around, what would they be Chinna love me. Some chin-ups overhead press build them delts, and I don’t know if this counts, but I hope it counts. We’ll do the front squat and if that doesn’t count, will do the Bulgarian split squat there you go shove it in your pipe smoke on that one Mike. What is your best and/or favorite point guard in the NBA right now.

Y’All know I love some basketball comment below your favorite point guard or favorite player and all professional sports right now type it in hit enter tag. A friend tell them say: hey you’re, your player, sucks my players and that’s my favorite point guards. So I can’t make any decisions in my life right now. Steph Curry might be one of probably the best point guard in the league right now. It’s pretty hard to argue against my favorite point guard in the league.

Right now is a tie with my man. Isiah Thomas, I know he’s been injured, but he’s still a boy and the one and only Russell Westbrook, that boys is stud. I love reading Russell Westbrook. If I couldn’t make me somebody I’d make me some Russell Westbrook from the style to the big dunks like this. Coming down the lane, Russell Westbrook’s, a man, I’m a big fan, but there’s a lot of good point guards: Kyrie Irving’s a stud, although we left my calves, I’m not that mad about it.

I mean I’m mad about it, but I’m not that mad about it. It’s healthy eating beat training for my man, dankey meme, well, dankey. Let me tell you a thing or two: the healthy eating. Now, I’m going to say that depends on the goals. I think the combination of everything you’re talking along jet, it longevity of life healthy living. Having a long, healthy, happy life, happy wife, whatever these people say, he’s married folks or be able perform performance athlete my mama said it’s the UM doula I’m got ta.

That makes him upset. Sorry that was a bad quote. I had half the quote. I was trying to my honor, you know his name Bobby Boucher, mom I’ll knock, her boobies, hey. She showed me her boobies it uh. I liked them too back to the question. Think you mean what she say. I like Becky. If she liked me too, she showed me her boobies and I liked them too. Oh my mama says about a devil. That’s all I got Conner.

Sorry, bro no handshakes in the article we’re on one the dailies and Joe. My too many rock stars does healthy-eating beat training, dinky, memes, dank memes. If you’re just going for a longevity of a life, I think it has to be almost combination of both if you’re going for pure performance, I think lifting is going to take priority. If you’re going for pure looks or losing weight, I think diet is going to take priority.

Hopefully that breaks it down for you. Obviously, I think optimally for a longevity of life performance and looks combination of both, but I’m just saying if you have to just choose one, you know, and I just want to live a long time. That’s a hard question. A living. A long time is a hard one to say, cuz, I think such combo of both performance. I definitely think that training is priority and losing weight gaining weight.

Obviously, I think priority nutrition, but obviously the combo is going to matter bro. Mr. Bokun that hard school it both eat. Decent, listen weights, eat, decent, listen weights, more type of leg exercises. Excuse me, what type of Lake exercises did you do while dealing with my back injury? So when I didn’t squat down lift, I took six to eight weeks off to chill to work. Give my back a break. If I had the option which I didn’t because I was traveling to places, I would do a belt squat.

That’s what I did last time. I tweaked my back. The belt squat is a lifesaver this time around. I didn’t have access to that. So what I did is, I did some Bulgarian split squats with holding a weight on my up on the opposite of my up foot on the Bulgarian to add some balance and some coal work. You know that’s right, put it where eat that salad, no dessert and then lunges just focused on staying, even and still working.

Some of my legs plus I was doing some high intensity, endeavor, ball, training, mmm kit and I was doing some assault bike sprints. How to build a bigger bench? My man’s, I can’t say how many articles I’ve done on building a bigger bench, eat some foods being a calorie surplus focus on your technique, focus on a solid program that has you benching a couple times a week. Do it for a long time, rinse and repeat bench bow! Oh guys, appreciate you I’ll see you on twitch I’ll, see you in the next article we’re dropping articles Tuesday, Thursday Saturday Sunday subscribe.

China notifications, I preach you, solemn Mike head down chin up me. Do me we out of here


Online Marketing

How my song hit 100k plays on SoundCloud!! (Vlog)

Your boy lay back look welcome back to my blog make sure you hit that subscribe button. Oh I said I went going flog but um. I got ta close out this year with this type of vlog man. My song hit a hundred thousand plays on soundcloud today, which is December 26. 2017. The first time one of my songs, everyone SoundCloud, hit a hundred thousand plays, and I just wanted to share that with y’all.

I know we still building this blog and stuff like that, but let’s go ahead and get into this man. So this is my soundcloud. That’s me, Laidback, dear far, you can search me. Follow me all that good stuff, but this song right here see this song right here here a hundred thousand plays man boom. You can see it right there, a hundred thousand of loaded. Five months ago, the first song ever on my page, a hundred thousand plays – and you see, only got a hundred and nineteen way followers.

So for me to get a hundred thousand plays those people were sharing it and possibly SoundCloud looked out for me with the algorithm. I was probably one of the first people to upload a remix to that scissor record broken clocks. You know what I mean so, like I said I wasn’t going to flow. I was going to close out the year with that one vlog, but this is a monumental moment in my career, my music career.

You know I’m saying I’m going to tell you a little quick story behind it too. So I uploaded this freestyle to um the weekend by scissor and don’t it was doing numbers it was doing got like 11,000 plays and less than a month. My page never seen that much activity before saddle cloud got on me boom, snatched it down. So I was late. Ah I’m going to make another freestyle the same artist and it’s going to do more plays so what happened? I did it to the broken clocks, joint and next thing.

I know I started seeing the numbers go crazy, but I was not expecting 100,000 plays on this song, but I appreciate everybody that listened to the song and I’m going to leave the song link in the description below. So if you want to check out the song you wan na follow me, you know I’m saying go ahead and do that and at this point in time I was dropping a freestyle every week on soundcloud, so it was building up traffic with people.

Just you know listening and different songs. I was trying different songs to do better than others, but it was just a thing that I did so just make sure. If you want to check out the song, the song is going to be linked down below make sure you hit that subscribe button, like I said before, I wanted to end with just one vlog, but this is too much of a monumental moment in my career. In my music career – and I appreciate the people that listen – and I appreciate the people – that’s going to actually go.

Listen to it now hit that subscribe button. It should boy lay back. You already know what it is. A


Online Marketing

Thank You Family… I Love You.

I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving for you guys that don’t know this is my grandpa Billy. That’s my grandma, Pat, it’s my mom patty. This is my dad big Steve, so I didn’t want him to make this article for a second. I think it’s going to be pretty good. So, as you guys know, you know the past five years, I’ve branded myself made this business.

It’s been very successful and I can’t thank you guys enough for all the support and more enough, these guys are right here I mean my whole life. You know I’ve been raised like around them and they’ve supported me so much, and if I could describe these people, you know like one sentence for each of them. If I could, if I could describe my dad, definitely like straight up to the point in a hard-working my mom, just very you know, calm and kind, my grandma, like kind and sweets, like everyone and my grandpa, definitely like positive and hard-working 100 %, and I feel Like they did a great job raising me, and I’m very thankful for that, so that’s why I made this article and it’s hard and I’m very thankful for them for raising me so well when I was younger and I feel like pretty much all of them, like All combined makes me – and I just like to thank you guys and just say that I love you.

It means a lot good people proud of you son. Just so you know what you guys know. The greatest measurement that you can ever have in your life is having a son. That’s happy, healthy and fantastic as Noah is, and that that’s the best gift of Thanksgiving that anybody could give me funny. I don’t even know what to say about reading. You grow up and become successful and become the man you come because you’re you’re more than I ever was at your age and you’re more than I ever dreamed.

You would be at your age and I’m just blessed that I get to read. You would be there with you and I wouldn’t trade any minute, but we ever spent on the boat on the road. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I wish I could go back and do it all over again. Every day they come to every every single event. With me, you know every single one there’s been a few and they’re just rare occasions where they had had to miss one, just emergencies and stuff, which is completely understandable rather than that, like every single event, they’ve been to the support me and everything I just like To say a big things I hate to bring like depressing stuff towards Thanksgiving guys.

President. I think this was a good article for everyone, and you know over the past years. You know I’ve got a lot of hate. You know saying I don’t work for anything and all that and I just like to say the best way like as in my family’s rich and all that and honestly, I don’t think that’s the case at all. Only if people knew – and I think the biggest thing I could gather upon that and put it into one thing is my family has helped me a lot.

You know many of things and the biggest thing possible is raising me and you know teaching me right because it’s like discipline and everything from all of them like combined into me. That just means so much to me since I really don’t let them talk, I’m going to let them say a few things, because they they seem to one want to say some stuff. I can’t cry, I want to say I’m so proud of you you’re. So hard-working.

I love you so much, I’m so proud to be your mom. You amaze me every day and how hard you work. The best grandson in this world, so much we’ve grown up together. Fish should finish them away. So I appreciate that so much I’ll leave. Well, that my whole life and trying to be, I sure you are the best Grand Admiral. I think his positive attitude comes a lot for me. You had a lot to eat the poisons better, quick.

I was married into this family by luck and I assure you that you feel the family bond and you know coach calls us the unit because we do everything together and I just think it’s important there’s only one thing I want to put forward dad just get Out there get off your butt and go spend some time with me kid. I don’t care dude if your son loves do what he wants to do and just just spend some time with your families.

That’s all that matters in the world. The rest of this, the the boats, the trucks, the cars you can take, all of it it don’t it don’t mean anything, just spend some time with the ones you love, because tomorrow may not be there. It’s a blessing happy. I want to talk too much more. I want to hold you guys too much longer and make this a depressing article, but thank you guys so much for the support you guys mean so much to me on my grandma, my grandma, my mom and my dad.

Thank you guys so much and of course you guys the fans, you guys are awesome, but thank you guys so much support. I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving catch. You guys in the next article

What are you eating? Check out the video below to find out about a healthy snack.


Online Marketing

How To Build A Brand | Starting a Blog Tip #10 | Sammy Blindell

Of course, you know it implicitly, and you know it really well and the people that are connecting with you are clearly interested in it or they wouldn’t be following you, but of course buying into a brand people are buying people.

So you don’t just want to be talking about your subject all the time, because that could become a bit monotonous and people really want to get to know who the person is behind the brand. So people want to know who you are. This is a great way of using blogs and article logs to get your creativity flowing so every now and again just chuck in something that is just getting your personality across, and it might be, for example, like miles, and I will take Bonnie for a walk over At the local park and we’ll think I know actually we could do a article on this.

You know we’ll be talking with so why don’t we do a article on that and we’ll just literally get our iPhone and start recording and you may have seen it already. You know throwing the frisbee for body in the background and you know, and that’s just you know, I think that when you are getting your communication across on a daily basis, you’re building friendships and you’re building rapport, so people want to see who you are behind the Brand and not just who you are on the face of the brand all the time so use your blogs and your article logs to be creative and have some fun with it.

So what other hobbies do you have? What are the things that you do outside of the business that you could talk about and actually build more rapport with your audience, because when they know who you are behind the brand you’ll find you have a lot more things in common with the people who are Following you, so that’s our final tip in the series you’ve had 10 top tips on making the most and building your brand using article and blogging.

If you’ve got any other questions, do please get in contact with us either pop your comment in the box below or get in touch with miles or myself on facebook. So I am Sammy blend l and miles is miles fryer. So if you want to connect with us on facebook, do please send us a friend request and if you’ve got any questions, send us a message personally and we’ll do our very best to help you over the next couple of weeks.

So we’ll see you tomorrow for another tip have a great day and we’ll see you soon, bye, bye, you

Content is King! Bloggers are the best! Add more content to your digital world!


Online Marketing

7 Problems That Small Businesses Face In Modern Online Marketing

M. In Melbourne, I don’t know what time it is where you act, but it’s the lunch and learn with prosper here from leave long digital, I’m assuming that you’ve had a fantastic weekend and you’re ready to toggle on the next week coming ahead. Today’s topic is something that you know, troubles a lot of people and we’re just going to be talking about the seven problems that are actually facing small businesses in modern online marketing.

Now. The reason why I chose this topic is, I have had experience in the last four years, working with small to medium businesses, like yourself and coaches and consultants, to actually help the market scale and grow their business all right. So this is reading from this book marketing strategy by Walker there right it’s one of those off-the-shelf type books and it’s talking about opportunities right now, every single day we are exposed to an online opportunity right, but it says opportunities are as good as the marketing and Their business people who will pursue them, that’s if, even if some combination of marketing and industry factors presents an opportunity and that attractive edifice plant, there remains some critical questions.

One does the opportunity to seek what you want to do that. Your mission, your aspirations, your passion and your objectives, and do you have the right resources right, people right, organizational, confidences and other critical success factors necessary to implement your plan successfully and number three? Do you have the right connections and business networks to actually go in with this and most industries their number of people and critical factors that tend to separate the winners that does tend to separate the winners and the also-ran okay.

So what religion is saying is you are being presented every single day with some sort of new and shiny object, new and shiny opportunity, but is it meant for you? Are you the right of a person to execute on that opportunity, because that the end result is? I end up working with people that are not passionate about something they’re working on. Oh that project, oh that dropship serves been doing, was just a means to an end: okay and they’re, putting so much money.

Now they can’t get out of it because they’re too legit to creat all right now. The goal of every sort of digital marketer and online business owner I know, is to get leads, and I usually generate revenue for your online business, and I assume that will be what your goal is. But are you aligned to the business you’re starting? Is it something that you would wake up and really want to do, or is it something that you were sold on to by somebody who wrote really good copy on a Facebook ad, because some of the people I was talking to a very beautiful couple earlier on In the morning, they’ve got a website that they’ve just recently started, but it is not aligned whatsoever to who they are as a person to what they want to achieve and where their goals are and just look like.

It was going to be an ATM for them and now they’ve spent so much money in it and it’s not working for them. Okay, so you really want to look from the get-go whether the business is really aligned to who you are is really aligned to your goals and really aligned to your vision and your passion as a person. You cannot sell something to anyone that does not read. That. Does not respect you? Okay, so if you have a headache, if you’ve got a headache right now or if you’ve got a toothache, would you go to somebody who is a janitor to help you fix that today? No, you go to a dentist or you go to a doctor.

Okay, so that’s the Rick. That’s the same thing that people online are also doing. If you’ve got a shop that selling things that you’re not passionate about people can tell you, don’t have the lingo, you don’t have the expertise and you cannot talk to those people in that particular manner. Okay, it’s just like myself opening up a shop and I want to sell dresses. I don’t know anything about dresses, I don’t know what women wear in winter or if they wear dresses.

When they go to sleep, I don’t know where dressing the one. So how am I going to connect with the customer and expect them to give me money when I am NOT passionate about the thing that I’m selling all right, so how these things they’re, self-induced all right, and so that’s the reason why I want to talk about Some of the problems that people are facing online, one big problem that people are facing is they’re not aligned to the products they’re selling and it’s not easy to discover or to even see have you ever seen somebody who, when you ask them, what do you do They just send you a page or a link to what they do know.

Enthusiasm, no explanation, nothing! It’s because they’re not connected to what they’re doing. Okay every single day I put up a post on my facebook, and I ask people what are you doing? What what makes you happy Christina? Thank you so much for sitting in ask people. What are you doing? What makes you happy what what’s happening in your life? Some people just post a link, and they expect me to figure it out on my own.

That is not going to work, because, if you’re, not it passionate about whatever it is you’re selling or you’re presenting to anyone who is going to be questioning about it. Okay, because have you ever noticed if you have a baby, because I’ve got a little girl. My little girl is the cutest girl in the world, okay, according to me and she’s the cutest in my world, but somebody else might see her and say what an ugly baby okay! So if you are not going to present your little girl or your business to people, no one is going to see it in the same light that you see it.

Okay, people are now buying on emotion. They never buy it on the basis of how cute or nice your logo is okay, you might as well go and spend $ 20,000 on logo, but if you’re not putting in the passion, if you are not talking to people connecting and relating to everyone, that you Come across they’re never going to know that you exist. I think you would have seen on my post. I put up a picture. You know I like dressing up and saying the problem that a lot of enterpreneurs are facing.

These days is because nobody knows they exist. Nobody even knows their business exists. It’s up to you to bring it out to the muscles. It’s no longer a situation where you build and they come all right. You got to bring the people to you so that they can. You know you can have a business. That’s profitable and enjoyable, okay, so if this is something that you’ve been struggling with a lot figure out, are you really really aligned with your business, because people can also tell that’s the reason why people are not connecting to your business all right if you’re, not in It no one is going to be in it for you, okay and one other thing, one of the problems that is facing a lot of small business people.

You know with this whole modern online marketing is their message is not aligned to the market they’re, sending it to all right. Your message really has to be aligned to a market that will purchase and buy from you all those things that will then help you deliver. That message, like your Facebook, your website and your Instagram, those come in secondary I’ll, give you an example. Coca-Cola has been a business for the past hundred years.

Okay, what has been their message? Their message has been open happiness right. Their message has been: we create happiness and ground your meals, all Christmas, okay and who is their market. Their market is usually everybody else, but basically families and people that just want to be happy right and you get a coca-cola. So that message has been pounded up on us right now for the last hundred years, and as much as when you go to third world countries, every soft drink is called coca-cola.

Every soft drink, no matter brendan is even if it’s of Pepsi people would say. Can I buy a coca-cola alright because they have been pounding their message now? Their market can be anyone else which is the different product, but you need to specify who your market is and the media they have been using has been totally different and keeps evolving. They were on newspapers very on TV, on radio on buses or anything that you can think of that has a coca-cola advert on it on billboards all that stuff, that is the media and it constantly changes.

Now the small business person of the day is concentrating on the media. They want to know how to write ads. They want to know how do you know we have lots of following on Instagram. They want to know how to market their business. But what are you doing? Who are you communicating to and why should they care that’s where a lot of people get it all wrong, they’re going in straight for the media and the media keeps changing I’ll.

Give you a perfect example in this day and age. Right now we’re reading the biggest infinite height we have ever experienced. Facebook is totally ripping off everything. Snapchats built okay, so in the coming year, snapchat might not be working as a business and that we knew it as a social media platform. Look how’s it going. Man tips for tuning in Peter, so if you are concentrating your business and growing it on snapchat, while everybody else is being drawn back to Instagram and Facebook, all right, you see when the media, you see, you see how the media is not important, and since businesses We’re concentrating on advertising on newspapers, people are reading blogs know if people are concentrating on having um, you know commercial slots on TV.

People are reading YouTube now. Okay, and if people in your brand was concentrating on advertising on radio and people are listening to podcasts now. So you really want to make sure that your message is set in stone to who that message is going in the market and if that market can’t understand that message with ever media, you can use that can change so the biggest problem that a lot of small Businesses is facing is they’re, starting off with the media chasing the media chasing Facebook chasing.

You know your Instagram chasing snapchat. Okay, if you manage to gross Facebook for one day, they’re going to come in and change the algorithm and then you’re going to go back and learn it again, but you’re neglecting what your messages you’re neglecting who you marketed? You need to concentrate delivering a message to a market that actually understands you. Market is a person who gives you money market is the person who votes for your product and market is a person who actually raises his wallet and says you know what I want.

More of what you’re, having here, take my money: that’s the market, the person who ought to be value-based, your business, the person who actually says yes, I want to have more of what you have. How are you connecting to that person? What message are you leaving into them? That’s what small businesses do not realize that base should concentrate on. Thank you. So in an agenda you say good content. I’ve learned a lot from your process.

Thank you so much. This is so fantastic Brendon, thanks for sitting and reading answers and all good. So if you’ve got your message delivered to a market once you’ve got this to setup, you will realize that you now have a business, that’s profitable and enjoyable. The media can always fluctuate and change the media can be your grandmother if you want it to be. If you ever hurt your grandmother talking so much about you when she goes to play, bingo all crush sitting with the other.

Ladies, there she’s medium, but you got ta, give a message so that she delivers into a market all right. Some people are just going in to tell grandma stop that grandma does not understand. So you need to make sure your message is congruent either on all these little stuff platforms that you have you sighs social media. Everything is uniform because you know what somebody might get a chance to see your stuff today and they go away and do something else right now.

Look at this time is an illusion in Australia, as we speak, it’s 2:15 on the monday, which means we’re already halfway through a business day while where you are right now, it’s you know, you’re going to sleep alright. So if I put out something you are going to sleep right now, you will forget overnight and then tomorrow is your Monday and you’ve got a whole day to start off with now. If my message is not consistent and if my end user and this my message is not consistent and congruent, how what are the chances of you remembering what I’m just saying now, if I don’t come back again and reiterate that message, so you need to figure out What exactly you are bringing out to the market so that the market will then reward you with the walnuts, the credit cards and everything else that validates your business? Okay, because if you’re just going to be a one-click wonder you know you’re here today, you’re little more you’re here today, your head, then Murray’s doing that you’re doing that people people get tired of you and before you know it you sitting there and you you’ve got More months at the end of your money and you doing it all but you’re not realizing that you’re not reaching out to anyone, so you want to figure out if your message is particularly set to a market that understands you that likes you.

That will vote for you amongst all the other players in the market. Then, whatever media you can choose from all, you can play around with that’s up to you. It depends now. You then go into Facebook ads. You know why you don’t just target people that already know like and trust you and your eyes spread is not that much. You see what I’m talking about here when you’ve already crafted your message, and you already have a market that you can now send that message to Facebook ads in the media.

You know I mean you can then just send whatever you you created through your. You may be the blog that you got a picture on hovers at pixel and then just said ads, particularly to those people that are on that pixel. Those people already know like and trust you and it’s a cheaper way to convert okay, but other people are just praying and praying and hoping that something is going to stick. If you’ve noticed on the market right now, you are actually now getting paid to buy people’s books.

I don’t know you’ve seen those ads going around. You know give you twenty dollars I’ll, give you ten dollars, so you can buy this book. You never know. What’s going on in people’s front day, but at the end of the day he’s trying to put his message into the market now, if your message is not set in stone, you also just be a wandering generality or a one-click, wonder and that’s where most of the Problems were then stable from that are facing a lot of small businesses right now, because you know why the message is not in place and their market is not defined all right.

So this is exactly what the online prosperity blueprint is going to teach. You guys will help you capture the right kind of person figure out what pain they have and what they are they going to receive and what pay up you will receive, because if you don’t know how much a client is worth to you, it’s going to be Difficult for you to pay money to get that corner and if you know something guys anything that is offered on the market limited time on the facts.

As long as it’s going to work for a limited time, you don’t want to be a limited time only person. You want to make sure that your message is going to a specific market and that market is defined, whatever media you’re going to use YouTube Facebook Ads or whichever way that will come in secondary, because you know IR you’re going to be speaking to people that exactly Want to hear your message: you’re not only going to be performing to an empty theater, okay, so I know it’s impossible to survive as a small business person in this modern world.

You know without some sort of online and strategy, so your strategy really has to come from who you are what you can provide and who means it and who you can provide it to once you get all those things sit you can you can. You can use this example with anything. You could be an online store that sells camping gear. All right, that’s who you are! You are camping, enthusiast and you’re, going to be looking for those people that are also camping, enthusiast, okay, but also within the camping enthusiast.

You need to differentiate who exactly your target market is because, if you’re looking for that weekend camper, it’s a different message to somebody else who is a gator farmer or who is always out in the woods, hunting or a duck shooter, or something like that. So you need to figure out who exactly your market ISM once you can talk to them, you can influence them with impact and influence comes income all right.

So you want to really make sure that it’s there’s anything you’re going to get out of this talk today. Once your message, who are you sending that message to and how are you sending that message message – market media the media can play around you can turn you know you can do podcasts. You can speak on top of the mountain you can play drums if you’re African, you know, swing by trumpets, that’s the media, but what is the message you’re delivering and who wants to hear it? Okay, so sometimes people are just concerned about bringing traffic to their website.

Of course, people will come, but what are they going to come and get? What are they getting? What are they? What value are you providing into the market because you get paid in accordance to the value that you provide, so you bring in people to your website? Yes, that’s cool they’re coming in they’re coming in, but it shouldn’t they come to that party. Are you playing the right kind of music? Do you have the right kind of food for them, some of them are vegetarian, some of them are gluten-free and some of them don’t even eat anything.

That’s it. I because they are in a diet. So have you got all of those things set up for them as soon as they come to your party? Do you have strategies enough for them that, as soon as they get here, they know where the buffet table is and from that buffet tables you and literally get them too? You can literally get them to you know start. You know benefiting from your content. So half the time guys we’re not doing enough, we might think we’ve got a business, but who are we serving? What are we telling them and how are we reaching out to them? The fact is that all make sense in and as much as, yes, everybody wants to start an online business.

But what are you selling who needs it, and why should they care, so you got to make sure your your-your-your message is going to a specific market and that market connects through media. So those are the three ms that you need to be specific about as soon as you start, your business, okay and you need to have a strategy of how you’re getting those people receiving your message and why should they actually care because you got ta, let people Realize what to want they’re not going to know you existed until you go out there and let them know alright, so you want to type in blueprint so that we can start working together.

I put up a post again a little bit early after that. If you really want to figure out where you’re going, how you doing this, because we can tell when, when nobody’s really doing anything online, that I know it’s painful, I know it hurts I’ve been there. It’s not your fault. This whole thing, this whole internet is, is still too small and that a lot of people don’t realize how to play around with it.

And it’s not your fault. Okay, some people might just have a clue. Some people might just have an idea, but the principle is still the same. You really need to know what your message is, who the market is and what the media you’re going to use to reach out to them. Okay, so just type in blueprint. If you really want to get a close close up of how I’ve started creating you know really good successful people that I actually talk to and really good successful people that actually are working with me.

Somebody tell my students guys ask for this. Some of my students are any more than the Guru’s out there. You know why, because we’re not doing looking for the nice fancy schmancy, we really harvesting the core principles of marketing who or what is your message? Who needs to hear it and what media are you going to use? If you just play around that realm guys are sweaty, you will be, you know reaching the top.

You know people that are out there on the market. Anyone can come in and tell you. This works that works that works, but if you miss it, it’s not reaching on to a target market. You’ve lost a ring. Okay! Imagine somebody if you’re a girl right now, somebody comes in and wants to sell you a necktie. What are you going to do with it if you’re a guy somebody comes in and wants to sell you a bra? What are you going to do with it? You know so that’s that is you know, misguided marketing messages that are going out up there in the you know, space of the internet, then all right so either you’ve got to have a strategy or if you don’t understand it, you invest a lot of time to Learn these things? Okay time, investment is another concern that we see small business owners.

You know has a facing problems with the thing. Is you have a lot of time, but you’re not budgeting it? Well, all right you’re allowing people to send you emails, and then you look at the email, 24/7 they’re putting their agendas in your head and then you fill overwhelmed and then you don’t do nothing for your own business, unsubscribe from all that crap. How for them? You don’t even open anyway right, just unsubscribe focus on who you really want to speak to what you’re going to tell them and how you’re going to reach them.

You know how’s the house of the problem. It stems of not having a focus or not exactly knowing what it is that you’re supposed to be doing. If you were meant to be solving problems for people figure out who exactly needs your service? How can you reach out to them? So what will you tell them as soon as you and in their space, because people are busy? You know, I mean every every time you look at the what’s happening around you right now.

You might be reading this, but you’re, probably reading TV or you know your little. Kid is right in front of you or you just had a sip of water or you’re, just waiting for your middle to be ready or something is happening. No one is just going to be sitting here and waiting for prospers life show every single day and that’s what exactly is happening to your work out there in the market? Who are you sending the message to? Why should they care? How are you sending it to them? The house is completely flexible.

You shouldn’t compromise on what your message is, what you stand for and why people should care? Who are those people that you’re talking to and why should they stop whatever they’re doing and listen to you, how you reach them? That’s a figure of your imagination. Alright, because some people are just going out there with regurgitated statements with rehydrated. You know you need propositions. They’re not unique you’re, not the first person to come up with anything new people are tired, there’s no.

What is called adds fatigue. That’s why your ads are not working right now. You know why? Because people now have trained themselves not to see ads that sponsored things that shows on their Facebook they’re tired of that stuff. Alright, so I urge you, I mean teach somebody that you want to learn from trusts and experts, because people people, people like myself, people that have been there – have spent their time money and effort learning these things and they can shortcut your learning curve.

Okay by a course or just really going udemy, there’s $ 10 courses there or just you don’t look for ask me. I will help you out. If you keep doing you know, you can’t escape the situation by doing the same, but you know things that got you into that in the first place, yes, you can start off by typing in blueprint and I’ll give you a bird’s eye overview of what this blueprint Does we help you find the right kind of people to send them the right time and content, so you can engage them and convert them all right.

I want you to convert them. You e-mount connect with them so that you have perpetual business and you get more and more referrals, okay. So a lot of people are just themselves in the food and worrying about competition because of viscosity mindset figure out where exactly you want to be figure out exactly what you want to do, who you want to help and then just go out there and look for That person find out how much it will cost you.

Oh what a customer is worth to you, because, because, if you don’t talk like that, you’re not going to be aware if you’ve got to be gotten the right goals that you want for your business and that’s. Why people keep you know treading on water and then spinning their wheels in mud? There is no competition. Are they if you’ve got your own message and your own market? They are no two people who have the same thing.

They. Never any competition. Are there right? You know it’s just quite popular to do the same thing, but if you come in with something totally different, because your message is your message, your market is your market. No two people can be like at exactly the same time. You know why, because it’s just human nature, you know, and then, whichever way you’re going to use to reach out to those people, but you got to figure out what are you giving them to? Why should they care? Why should they trust you to work with you? Alright and once you’ve done that just show up for those people guys, because you cannot just be a one click one that people want to know that if they purchased something from you, are you going to be there to help them? Are you going to be there to implement? Are you going to be there to support them? Because if you’re not going to be there, then that’s why people go elsewhere? Oh, you know there’s things that are going on a run, faced with all support, small businesses and stuff, like that people want to support small businesses, but also small businesses, I’m not producing enough for showing up enough for them to to have faith in our being they’re.

Tomorrow so once you start showing your people, your market, that your present and you’re going to be consistent in saying that message, they will bring referrals to you and that then becomes your media all right, I’m more than happy to help out a few people. If you type in blueprint it’s a Monday today and maybe a Sunday for you, but you know what we’re here to help you. We really want to see you win at this and we also have another group of people that are actually getting results and getting somewhere.

So if this is something that really, you know, struck a nerve with you get in touch with me, let’s fix you up, let’s figure out what your message is: let’s figure out who your market is and let’s figure out what good media can you use to actually Reach out to these people, otherwise you just wasting money right now, otherwise, you’re just wasting time. You know why, because you’re creating something that’s not built to last, I’m here to help you create a business, that’s profitable and enjoyable.

It’s your choice! If you really want that figure out what your message is figure out, what your market is and figure out how you’re going to deliver that message that, in the meantime, enjoy the rest of your week I’ll see you again tomorrow.

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Online Marketing

Nails & Planners | VLOG

It’s counting. This dog tests me every day, guys every freaking day so hi welcome. Back to my blog, my hair is wet, which means I just showered. So we got to clean Emily on our hands. No makeup Emily. As well, because I need to get my skin a break because I’m wearing makeup like a lot and my skin shows it yeah anyway. Today is a fun day. I am going to polish con, which is a nail polish convention.

I have totally nude nails, which is kind of funny. I don’t have anything on them, but I’m going to a nail polish convention with my friend Libby. I met her from the Minnesota planner addicts and we are going to go and have some fun in Bloomington today and check out some nail polish. So I figured I would vlog and bring you guys along. It’s been a while, since I’ve done a vlog on my blog – and I know some of you guys really like vlogs and other people really don’t, but that’s okay.

So I’m going to get going here, it’s a little before 12:30 and I told Libby I’d meet her there, probably about 130 or so the doors open for our tickets at two o’clock. So yeah it’ll be good and I have an Erin Condren shirt for her and I’m also wearing for the first time at my Erin Condren shirt, so yeah. But this thing is like ginormous but anyway that’s a whole nother topic, but Doyle over the hell.

He is there he is who does not want to get in his kennel. So I don’t know. I turned some lights on, so he’ll be able to see things but he’s going to stay out today so which means he’s probably just going to sleep on my couch or on the bed and that’ll. Be it for him. So yeah. Alright, let’s get going, and let me show you guys some nail polish, oh hi had a little issue with my debit card. While we were in there because everybody has their own like like little swipers and stuff and not everybody is from Minnesota.

So it’s my bank called me and actually they like froze my debit card for a few minutes and they were like. Ah, this isn’t working because there were vendors from like Texas and Oklahoma and minnesota and, like all of these other places – and they were like transactions like a couple minutes apart and they’re like wait a second, this is going weird. There were very small transactions, but yet transactions anyways, so they called me and were like.

I think this is fragile and I’m like no, no, no, I’m just shopping in a nail polish convention, so I got to see Libby and actually, when Olivia’s co-workers came as well, which was really fun. I did a couple little clips of just panning the room. I didn’t feel comfortable taking articles of anybody’s tables, but I will link down below if I can find the nail polish companies that I bought stuff for from.

So you guys can check it out if you really want to but Libya nyeh Bach tickets, you didn’t have to buy a ticket, but we bought tickets, and this is what the little bag looks like. So so this says polish town, 2018 Minneapolis, and so it’s a cute little reusable bag, and so I just want to show you guys what I got. So this is from the first place from blush lacquers blush lacquers. There we go and, like I legit, can’t remember all the things I got oh, this is what I got their seat release cycles, something like that.

It’s a really pretty kind of like bubblegum, pink with a little bit of like gold reflux in it. Well, I’ve had it with Purdy. Alright. Next up is this big purple bag? What did I get? Oh, this is one that gave me like this cosmetics case that I probably won’t use, but that’s okay, and it was from KB, shimmer and Olivia was telling me like Libya’s like a big like nail polish person, but she was telling me that they have really great Polishes so this one’s called meet me at the bar and it’s ba RR e and it’s a really pretty like creme pink.

So I really like that and then I found this other one. That’s really pretty and it says, hide and eat, and it’s like a white and it’s got some like it’s like a white cream and it also has some like flecks in it, and it’s not flexed it’s more like I don’t know a little dots in it, but I thought it was cute, so you know why not right, oh and then I stopped at bohemian polish and got these two and this says let’s get lit and then this one is Lyngen Li NGO.

In me, I think that’s how you said. I have no idea, but this one’s like a really pretty like kind of cranberry issue, and then this one is like kind of like a a jade color like really dark Jade. But it’s got some shimmer to it as well, with different colored like little flaky things in there. I’m really bad at this. You guys this was in my like in the bag that we got. We had some free stuff, so this is from ever after.

It’s cuticle Crowley, Fruit, Loops and smells really good. It’s just like a little cuticle lotion. So I’m going to keep this by my bed. So I’m going to use that and look legit smells like fruit loops. This is the little like Polish con information, so yeah and just like it says where everybody was that and all that good stuff and just has like little advertisements for everybody. So very cool, oh and I bought this from ever after.

I just got their business card and this was a cuticle oil in grapefruit Bellini. As this one was 8mm mil. It says: there’s grapeseed oil – I don’t know olive oil, jojoba, oil, coconut oil, vitamin E and natural and artificial fragrance, and it’s a like cuticle pen. So let me try it right now. It smells really good. Oh yes, yes, yes, oh this smells good and it feels good and I need more cuticle oil in my life.

The last time I had it, it’s really good, but I just haven’t purchased anymore yet. So my nails have been looking kind of sad lately because at work, I’m like all about the papers currently so a lot of papers in my office so anyway um. What is this one? Oh, this was the one that came with my bag and it’s from lesha’s lacquer, and this one is called. I don’t know. Oh it’s just a mini a Polish VIP, okay.

So this is what this one looks like it’s kind of like a greyish type of a color with some like holographic reflux, and it’s also got this little thing from river wood, apothecary and there’s like a wax thing and then also a lip balm, which is really Cute what else is in here? Oh this one yeah, this one came with the bag as well, and it was called a first kiss from tonic. It’s got like the little holographic kind of a look to it and then also with the bag was a pen and a keychain which I won’t use.

But that’s okay, let’s see here. Oh I actually purchased this one. I think yeah. Okay, this is from Great Lakes. Lacquer – and it is called with a spoon – and it’s this really pretty dark purple with some. You know multicolored reflux in it very pretty, and they gave me like a little holographic sticker that says love there. We go, I’m like y’all can’t see it now. Was this one looks like a choose-your-own-adventure, I’m like okay, here’s another one that came with the bag and this is blush lacquers and this one is called forest fern.

So it’s like kind of a lighter soft green with some reflux in it. I got ta say like the majority of the places didn’t have any like crema publishes. I mean there were some, but I don’t know why. But I’m like really industries polishes. I like the way they look. I don’t know I do like some like, you know, shimmery stuff, once in a while and whatnot, but I don’t know I’m more of a a cream polish kind of a gal which is funny because I can do I freakin like nail polish convention situation.

Okay and this one is from sassy sauce polish and it’s called just polish con Minnesota VIP 2018, and this is also very similarly colored. So it’s kind of that like light green color, and it does have some of those reflux in it as well. And I’m sorry if this is like these colors are not coming off really nicely on the screen, I’m in my car. What can I do guys? What can I do and then the last place I went to? I got a lot of stuff at because there was a lot of good stuff there.

Oh my gosh, here we go like wait whoa. This is all from tonic, so this is the tonic and nail polish, and this one is called death Proof. It’s a really really pretty dark, dark red and it doesn’t have any like glitters or anything in it, which I kind of liked. This is also very similar. This is called cookie monster very cute, and this one kind of like has a it’s like kind of shimmery. Looking and it’s blue, but then it kind of flex to purple a little bit, but it’s not like you know it doesn’t have glitter like chunky glitter in it.

This one is called hot to trot with like a bright, bright, pink and then also has like some kind of blue little, like micro glitter thing going on in there, and this one is called you’ll move mountains, which I love, and this is so pretty, and I Can totally see myself wearing this like in the fall? Maybe this might be in my next color eyewear. I don’t know, and then this one’s called in the glow and this one has a little bit of glitter to it.

But it’s like a purpley blue ish color. I don’t know, and then let’s see this one is called bloody hell and it’s like a really pretty brown, but it’s got like multi chrome like holographic in there as well, I’m so sorry these are like they’re not coming out well on camera, I’m going to be So mad, when I’m editing this later, it’s just not coming out well, and then I got this one. It’s called detox, it’s just a black creme polish, but my friend Liddy, that was with me, said that it was a really good black polish, like a one coat black polish and that’s kind of what I was looking for and she recommended it.

So that’s what I got so those are all of the things I got. I’m definitely set for, like I would say a few years with all my stuff but um yeah. I had a really fun time. It was really really fun to go and just see this kind of like it’s kinda like a little bit of a different world in there losing polish bottles all over the place. Here we go but yeah that was all the stuff I got. It was really cool to kind of like go and see like a totally different world for me like clearly I’m into like the planning world.

Hence my shirt today but yeah it’s. It was really really cool and there’s lots of other people that do lots of different nail polish she kind of things in the world, and they had so many different things. They’re, like I don’t know stuff like specific ones, for like stamping and Libby, got some of those which I thought were really cool, but I didn’t realize that there was like actual stamping polishes or just versus like a regular polish.

Like I don’t know these things anyway, a lot of these brands only had like specific ones that they brought with them. They didn’t bring like their whole collection and stuff, but, like I said I’ll link them down below, if you guys are interested and checking them out. Clearly, this is a whole new world for me, so I’m actually excited to try some of these and I think I’m going to go home and go through some of my nail polishes I mean I don’t have very many like colorful nail polishes.

I have a few, but I really only grabbed for like three or four of them. I don’t really grab for the majority of them, so I feel like it’s time to just give some of those other ones away that I just haven’t been grabbing for, and just you know maybe are just not my thing any longer. I don’t know, but all in all polish con was really really fun, but I think I’m going to say goodbye to the vlog here I am going to go home, I’m really really hungry.

I think my dad’s going to come over in a little while he wanted to do something or something I don’t know he was like. Are you going to be home like no I’m leaving in like ten minutes, so he had given me a call before I had left but yeah, I’m going to head home now and I check on the Doyle dog, because Doyle has been out all day. So that’ll be interesting; hopefully he didn’t like mess up the house too.

Bad he’s, probably sleeping, could be honest, he’s probably just sleeping, but thanks so much for reading the vlog. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Okay, so change of plans today actually was a well. It still is a Minnesota planner like meet-up day. I don’t have any planning supplies with me. Nothing. However, it’s at the Rosedale mall and we’re going to pin there a bread which is like right over here where, if somewhere, I’m sure, I didn’t show it on camera right.

But anyway, I sent a message out to the group and said: like hey: is anyone still there because it said it was going on from like 2:00 to 4:00, but it’s like 421 right now and people can like come early stay late whatever, and so there’s call People that were applied yeah, I’m still here so Rosedale mall – is kind of like on my way home. So I figured well, why not stop it and say hey not sure from in a vlog in there, but I just want to let you know that the vlog is not over now, because we going to go to Panera.

I think I’m going to might get a little something to eat too, because I had like a late breakfast / early lunch, I like 10, so I’m getting a little hungry. It definitely wasn’t going to drink like I need, like a water or something, but anyway I’m going to go in here, and I will see you guys a little bit well hello now I am home, put the hair up because it is becoming a little bit of A grease pit but yeah it’s 10:45 in the evening, it’s very exciting times and my cheek is like breaking out so irritating anyway.

Fun things for Homer, vanilla imbalances, just got home and took boil he’s right. There took that little kitty cat on a walk, so report is in. I don’t believe that he pooped while I was gone, so that’s good. I haven’t checked upstairs yet yeah, so I don’t know but we’ll find out later so anyway, I’m going to turn on the aggressive light, just boom aggressive um, so anyways but yeah went to the meetup and it was just kind of on the way home.

So can I help you, sir? There you go um, so it was kind of on the way home and stayed and chatted with a few people for a little while and then most people left and then actually I got to meet Ryan from a man with the plans. I will leave his info up above and down below. You guys should check him out. He does like planning and budgeting articles and stuff like that, so that was really really fun. I didn’t really vlog the experience because I don’t know we were just chatting about life and whatever so I think, maybe October ish November ish.

We might do a article together. I don’t know we’re kind of chatting about it so yeah, but he has to move into his new place before we do the article cuz, I told him we had to break his new apartment in you know we got to break it in for the article extravaganza And Doyle really really wants to be on camera right now, hi buddy, hi buddy. I know I know it’s a very exciting time for the Doyle dog, but anyway I am going to go before I do.

I am very excited about my nail polish haul situation that you guys thought in the car. I’m sorry if the colors didn’t come out just like exactly perfect, but I will like I said before it link as many places as I can down below, and I’m pretty sure that y’all will be seeing a lot of these colors very very soon, because I need To start doing my nails more often because they’ve been bare for a little while so yeah once you give you guys some interesting to look at when I do my hand articles, but anyway I got ta work tomorrow.

So I’m super super tired, but just a little bit but yeah. I got to do a little bit of work tonight and go well not go to work but kind of work a little bit tomorrow and that’s on the docket for the weekend. So I hope you guys enjoyed the article if you did make sure to give a thumbs up. You can give it a thumbs down too. If you want, but a thumbs up is preferred, feel free to subscribe to my blog and be part of the fde family, and I will see y’all in the next article bye guys well, folks is time to kick it old school


Online Marketing

planner changes | day 16 #VLOGTOBER

It’s like 8 o’clock, but I am so tired, Doyle’s behind me doing his Doyle dog things and I’ve just been jamming on my planner I readed. This is us because I missed it yesterday, because I had my hair appointment, so I wasn’t able to read it. So I just readed it like you know, NBC calm or whatever they have the episodes up afterwards.

I ordered some shoes on Amazon which will be here this weekend because, sadly, I actually already threw them away. My gray superga sneakers, like completely broke yesterday, like it was bad, like the part of the heel, came off on one of the shoes, as I was like trying to slip them off. I’m like what the heck and then I looked at the other one and the other one was all ratted up there to him like okay.

Clearly, these shoes have seen better days. It is time – and I was debating I’m like well, could I donate them or something? I’m like no they’re they’re beyond repairs, Oh anyway, yeah, so those needed to just go away. So I ended up buying the same super goes again and then I had these tennis shoes. I think they were adidas tennis, shoes, they’re, not very expensive, but I had them in my cart or like my wish list for a long time, and I’m like, I should just get those and try them on because the those ones like whoever the seller is.

It’s free returns like back, so I don’t to pay for shipping back, so I’m like well. If they don’t fit or I don’t like them, then whatever what else did I get it? Oh, I got furnace filters, but that’s exciting, but yeah. What else did I get? Oh and I also got a humidifier for my room, so I needed to grab one of those, so I did I just I was trying to get the cheap ones like the $ 20 ones because they tend to get all gunky like, even though I clean them.

It doesn’t matter so it’s like at the end of the season because I use it every single night. It just gets really gross, so I don’t know of a good way to clean them. I’m sure, there’s probably like YouTube article. I should probably read or something but I live in Minnesota and it’s really cold here and I’m constantly like outside walking the dog and all that good stuff. So it’s like going from warm to cold to cold, warm and all that good stuff, and it’s not good for the skin either so anyway, while I was reading, this is us.

I was jamming on my planner, so, as a bunch of things have changed due to me not having surgery tomorrow and then my mom not coming in today, which is unfortunate, but she changed her flight, so we’re good to go um yeah, so I just jammed on My planner and then this Friday I have an oil change, so this is like. Let me give you a better view, so that is my first half right there. So anyway got a bunch of stuff done.

This first half of the week got my hair done. What a girls night with some friends um this my tubal had to get rescheduled, so I had to talk to them about a different time. I talked to my mom also my pH test, which is supposed to be on the 30th, isn’t happening then, because I have my surgery on the 31st and I can’t have my pH test like still inserted in me. It’s a time so anyway, so yeah had a lot of good things and then this is today did a bunch of stuff.

We had cake day obsolete folder. My client, I cleaned like my cube, and then this is kind of what I’ve done. Oh and then I had an Instagram winner as well. I am currently giving away a simply gilded little pack of stuff. I typically do that. Every single time that I get a subscription box, like whatever I don’t, whatever, whatever I won’t, keep and use, I will gift to somebody else and I held the held it on Instagram.

I always hold on Instagram. So if you guys ever want to follow me it’s down below but um, I have a winner and I just sent them a message like maybe five minutes ago. So you’ve always got 24 hours to contact me back with their information and then, unfortunately, if they don’t contact them back within 24 hours, then I have to move on to a new winner. So um yeah, it’s just really all I’ve been doing yeah a headache is still there.

I know a lot of you are going to ask. The headache is still there. It never really goes away anymore, but you know I’m powering through trying to take just some advil and not take my crazy migraine medicine but um yeah. It’s it’s! It’s not going great, but you know I’m going to try to have a good attitude about it and power through guys. You just sometimes just got ta try to power through, and sometimes it really sucks, but you got to do it, but anyway, I’m just going to do this.

One take vlog here, cuz. I am going to run and go to bed because I’m tired and I didn’t really do anything fun after work today, like I didn’t go anywhere. So I didn’t even take you guys with me, but Doyle and I are going to go. You guys probably can’t hear it, but he is snoring it’s funny um anyway, but I’m going to let you guys go. Thank you guys for hanging out with me today and I will see y’all tomorrow with another vlog bye eyes.

Well, folks, it’s time to kick it old school


Online Marketing

Find Your Purpose, Find Your People | Influencers and Entrepreneurs

This is my second live event ever and it was terrifying, but it was so amazing. So if you guys read my last article, you may have saw me break down a little bit roll the clip. I want it to be easy where I just know exactly what to say, and I’m like it’s easy for me to pick up this camera and like talk to you guys, and it hasn’t been greatly and there’s even been points where I’m just like done.

You want to take a break, and I don’t know what to say, and it’s just like my creativity has just been like suppressed number one. I just want to say thank you guys for all the love on that article. I still feel you guys and where you guys are at. I do want to say that, after this weekend that that confusion, it honestly just left my body after the whole entire event went down. My students flew in from all over the country from Alaska from New York from Oklahoma from all different places from Montreal, and it was absolutely incredible.

It was like 10 times better than the last one. The last one was amazing, but this one everyone said that was just so so much more. We went through with so much emotional stuff people cried people found their life purpose from one of the speakers. People realized what their next steps were. We workshop with each other and we just really got to know each other and the amount of love and clarity and peace and happiness and powerfulness and empowerment that we felt all weekend was the absolute best.

So let’s go ahead and get the article. So we started off the morning with a little bit of emotional work. We had a workshop piece going on where we were listening to each other and just like not responding to what people were saying. We were just opening up her hearts, opening up to how we felt at that moment, and everybody in the little groups were just listening and everyone got to rotate. It was super powerful.

We set our intentions for the day and then we got into speakers. Our first speaker was Brian Pataki. He is a life coach. His podcast is actually coming out super soon guys stay tuned. For that Brian is amazing. He has a huge personality, but he also knows how to like really bring you in and clarify what you’re trying to do in your life. So you guys can also utilize a sample session with Brian. He opened that up to the influencer Academy and if you guys are interested as well, his emails are down below you see someone at Starbucks.

You make a judgement about them. You decide this. How much money this bitch has it’s kind of cost reduction. This kind of kids like an array right normal, that’s a normal part of being human being because in the olden days like way olden days, you would assess somebody out check out they’re going to kill you because you were a cave person right. So it is normal that we have a quick way to make judgments about people.

There’s two parts of your brain that I want to talk about today. Your fast part of your brain and your slow part of your brain, the quiet, the slower part of your brain, is where you can get closer to hearing what the universe wants for you and you’re going to close your eyes, we’re due for short visualization. Okay is your future self? Your future self begins to speak to this large group of people.

Suddenly, you become aware of a shift that has happened to you and the entire audience aware of this impact on yourself and the others. You leave the room altered for the rest of your life. What was that impact your future self had on you and the others? Who was your future self being to have such an impact? You will have a chance to have any impact you want on this entire group. It will be only one chance, one impact, but all of these people will be changed in some way.

They will have a different life because of the impact you have had on them. Go back and look at your paper now just take a minute notice, if any words were repeated and if they were, would you just circle them? Knowing this kind of what I want to do is talk about the impact you can have some going towards a phrase where I’m heading is a phrase. It’s like your life purpose statement all right. This sounds a little hokey when I say it I think, but what it is is it’s a way to know.

Am I running my business in my life from the point of view of who I really want to be, let me offer one tune, we’re going to say. No, I hate better. Yes, I like it, let’s change it, so I am the fingernails, but I’m not that what great that’s the word, so people can feel compassion. If you love, does that compass, these words for you yeah great. So can you stand up and say that I am the person [ Laughter ], so our second speakers with Laurie and Chris harder, two of the most amazing humans that I know I admire them so so much just their stories are so incredible, but they both have Podcast II earn your happy podcast that I was on but Laurie, and I interviewed her for mine and a Chris Carter has the for the love of money podcast, which the motto of is.

When great people make great money, they can do a great thanks. We’re able to keep up on that ridiculous pace until all of a sudden. One day I took a $ 150,000 pay cut and we looked at each other said: what are we going to do and we thought that was bad. The next year I actually lost my job entirely and we had to start from scratch. So we had to sell the homes, the cars, the rental properties, we lost our rental properties like we didn’t start from the bottom.

We started from like below zero. Now here’s the cool part of the story, though it forced us to start getting into self-development. It forced us to start figuring out who we really wanted to be because while we were while I was successful in banking, I wasn’t happy with every promotion. I got further further away from what I really wanted to be doing. If you guys ever woke up one day and just said: how did I get here yeah? That was me.

I always had like these solvents. Do you know what I’m talking about when you know you’re just born for something, and you know you’re supposed to be doing something bigger than you’re doing, but I was just so damn comfortable that I wasn’t doing anything about it. So when we actually lost everything, I had this moment of you know, reading him kind of lose who he was because his identity was so attached to this business and making money.

It started training, people, sorry prior to the six years, realizing well. At least I want to help people’s transformation because Fitness had become such a huge part of my transformation, so I was really forced into starting to train women, because I had actually gotten certified twice before this and never used it, because I was too scared to do It I shared my dream with everyone. That was one thing that I will tell you once I started realizing what I wanted to do.

I started talking about it to everyone and, if you don’t do that things most likely will not happen in your life that you want to happen, because I really do believe it’s all about tribe. So, like just share your passion with every single person, you possibly can no matter what it looks like an Instagram or anywhere else. When you see other people’s businesses the only way they got there, if they’ve even really gotten there is they started in that really shitty place where everything was ugly.

Everything was broken and everything was just barely pieced together and they spent more time in that place. Then you probably think that they spent there and here’s why I share that with you, the majority of you said you are less than three years in to building your business you’re, probably still in that place where it looks like everybody else is growing faster than you, Where it looks like your stuff feels so half-ass and their stuff looks so polished.

Trust me, their stuff is not as polished when you look inside of it, as it looks on Instagram or anywhere else that you see them or it is as polished and they’ve spent. A lot more time in that rough zone, where you are right now and so you’re exactly right, we should be. The second thing is – and you left this part out your story, but it’s so important. Do you remember your first client who came down to this super crappy half-ass finished gym? Yes, so I remember she pulled up in this brand new Range Rover which, to me Range Rover, just meant success or something I don’t even know what it meant to me.

I was like, oh, my god, she’s going to come down to the base, and so I bring her down I’m like I’m remodeling great so for a year she was my client didn’t see any remodeling done over the question here. But that’s! The second point is your egos going to get in the way and a lot of people will stop right there or they’ll check out right there and you can’t, like it, doesn’t matter who’s going to judge you.

It doesn’t matter how you’re feeling inside about you know your own personal business. You’ve got to step through that ego anyways and we actually develop the saying, and that is your egos, your greatest overhead, think about it. Your egos, your greatest overhead, because your ego will stop you from speaking up when maybe you’re about to speak up to somebody who could change your life or change your business.

Your ego will stop you from inviting somebody into your business because, you’re afraid of judgment, your ego may cause you to buy too nice or too shiny of things. Well, you’re, not quite ready to have bought those things. And now you don’t have that revenue for your business, like your ego, truly is your greatest overhead and we had to learn that the hard way from when we had to sell everything that was shiny and start over from when we had to have people’s own clients Show up and Range Rovers in our horribly disgusting broken mirror gym.

Those are the parts that really shape who you are and last but not least, we got to go around the room at the end of the day and talk about everybody loved the most from the day saying that I can go to and talk and listen to You guys talk, your stories are so inspiring. It just motivates me to keep going, but just having that clarity of like where I’m at now and where I am going to be amazing everyone.

This group stretches me so much and I love all you guys for being here. I feel like after today, I’m like so in purpose, and you guys I just felt at the end of the day that it was just, I felt so clear, and I felt like what I was struggling with the other day. I felt like at the end of this day was what I was I felt like. I knew what I was meant to do in the world, even though like it might seem like, I know, and I put together and stuff.

Sometimes it can be confusing and you kind of know, but then the path gets a little blurry we’re all human, and we all had that happened to us. As I can tell by the comments section at the last article and then at the end of the day when everybody was going around the room saying exactly how they felt, I felt it’s so deeply in my heart that I was put on this earth to do This – and I remember specifically when I first moved to Los Angeles, I didn’t want to go, I was resistant.

I thought I had no money. I thought that I wasn’t going to make it. I thought I wasn’t going to get a job. I thought it was going to be too hard to have like a new city, new friends, all this stuff, and somebody had to convince me to go, and once I finally said yes, I like basically got dragged here. Obviously it was one of the most monumental times in my whole entire life. It changed everything for me, the trajectory of my life went in a completely different way, and that is possible for you.

It is possible for what you’re doing right now, where you feel cushy. You feel comfortable if you do feel like that. It is completely possible for you to change your own life, whether you’re, starting to read new in different books, whether you’re starting to listen to more self-help personal development stuff, whether you’re just like gaining new skills. For something that you want to do. Whether you’re just getting sign of your comfort zone and going to a karaoke bar alone and singing because it’s what you love, whether it’s moving to a different state.

Even if it’s just the next town over and you have to make new friends. And you have to go to a new job and like the outgoing and do something that feels kind of icky and weird to you at the time, not icky, just just like cringy. I guess it’s terrifying. It’s terrifying trust me, but you are the only person that can change the trajectory of your life. Nobody else can do it for you, people can guide you like I’ve guided them, but they all came here.

Did the work they’re still continuously doing the work throughout the rest of the time that they’re in the program and then they’re after forever after as well? Sometimes you just need a couple more tools to guide you, whether that’s podcast books, a program whatever it happens to be, but I just want to let you guys know that it is possible for you guess: Realtors! That’s around you! What the Shekhar opening jar have you ever, that’s great, but uh, let’s take a champ.

Have you ever read on that’s great at the end of the day? For me, I’m just so happy that each and every person felt like empowering at the end of the day they knew the structure and the blueprint of how exactly they were going to leave and pursue their dreams. And that’s what made me the most happy today. I just want to show you guys what’s possible for you. This makes me so happy and I hope you guys find that kind of happiness in your life as well.

Thank you guys so much for reading this article. I have a hot dinner date tonight with Celina I’ll catch. You guys in the next article

Meet the guys behind one of the top-rated pumpkin seed snacks on!


Online Marketing

OFFICIALLY a Gymshark Athlete – How To Become a Sponsored Athlete

This right here is a article that I’ve been making, or this article is in the making for over two years. You might think wow, there’s this incredible edit coming right now. He works on a article for two years and all you do is talk. What do you mean? So I’ve been waiting to say this line for over two years, actually longer than that, I would say actually three years or maybe five.

The reason why I’m saying that is because what I started going to the gym, my friends were always wearing gym shirt. They had these luxe pants. The looks outfit like the most Oh G of OG outfits that Jim shark had back in a day. The first thing I ordered ever of Jim, where was Jim’s shark, looks outfit the the trek suit and a tank top. So the reason why I’m saying is I’ve been wanting to make this article for five years is that I now can officially say that I am a Jim shock Atlee and this article is about becoming an athlete giving tips on how to become one.

This is such a huge huge deal to me and it’s not just because I’m an athlete, the title alone sounds awesome and it sounds like something crazy and I’ve worked so hard for it. So the title means a lot to me, but it represents much more than a title to me. It represents a grind. It represents a vision that I had for myself. That is slowly and with small steps becoming a reality, and it sounds really confusing.

Maybe – and it sounds really vague and really like philosophical, maybe but this title means so much more than just a title to me and let me explain why when I first started in the gym. Obviously I just wanted to work out. I wanted to better myself – and I’ve explained this many many times in my articles. The gym for me was after football or soccer like an individual thing, that I could better myself in and actually see myself get better at over the time.

For me, this represents a lot. It means a lot the fact that I’ve been with Jim shark for over two years, and I started as a small affiliate. I had 4,000 subscribers. If that I had a couple thousand followers on Instagram, I was pretty much a nobody and I still consider myself a nobody, but obviously, on a little different level. I had a little bit of luck on becoming affiliate with Jim shark, since I knew a guy face sensor who was becoming an athlete and he pretty much got me in as an affiliate.

So thank you Doug. I really appreciate you recommending me to Jim shark. It really changed everything for me so two weeks ago I got a call from the guy. That is the point of contact from me. It’s my met. Well, my Jim shark managed, I would say – and he said so Jasper we’re getting rid of the Academy. I’ve heard it’s like some of the Academy other Academy members, I’m a friends with so I talked to them and they’ve heard some stuff.

They heard from other people that getting kicked and I was getting really worried because I’m really passionate about the brand. I’m really. I’m still a big fan of the brand so to be affiliated to be an Academy member on Jim’s shark. It’s like was like the the biggest best thing for me. So I got a call two weeks ago and he said Jasper were getting rid of the Academy and I was in a gym. I was with Vera, I was training.

I was like Vera. This phone call right now is going to either break me apart or is going to really like something incredible is about to happen, so I told her I was like listen if this phone call goes south. If he goes back, I need some shoulders to cry on the position that I’m in right now, with faze clan being employee training with the guys traveling is incredible and I’ve that’s what I’ve worked for this, like the face out of my life, like I’ve, worked so Hard to get there and Jim sharp the other side is also the same thing.

I’ve worked so hard and believed so much of myself that I could do it. If I was getting dropped, it would be a huge blow for me, a huge huge setback, but luckily Derby said they wanted me to take me on as an athlete. But Jim shark showed me – and I showed myself that working hard for something will eventually pay off, and this is this is what I want to talk about in this article as well. I know this article could be a little bit long, but I’m really passionate about talking like this.

I, like I really like, because I truly truly believe that at some point, if you have something in mind that you could actually achieve it like this, is not some sort of fairy tale and there’s always going to people who going to we’re going to tell you You can do it or it’s too big or – and I just want to say this – but for five years I’ve imagined myself being a gym track athlete for five years, five years and two and a half of these years, I would say I was affiliate getting in Contact with Jim shark, I was promoting the brand for not much pay, but I was doing it because I loved it and I love Jim shark, and I know that, if I put in the work it will come back to me in some way.

Some form like. I don’t care how, but it will get get back to me and Jim shark showed me that, because they said Jasper, you’ve done some amazing work for us. You promoted us, you work for us. You were always open to do everything for two and a half years. Now it’s your time now you’re an athlete! That’s why it means so much to me, because it’s not just about the title is about the idea that for two and a half years you grind for something without getting much back, but it will get you somewhere that you otherwise couldn’t come.

So to all of you who are reading this article right now, we want to become a sponsored athlete or become sponsored by someone or wan na join phase or wanted whatever you want to do, I’m here to tell you this. This is the truth. You have to put in the work, even if you don’t get anything in return for it directly, it will pay off eventually, if you want to become a sponsor, let’s just keep Jim shark as an example.

If you are someone reading right now, and you really really really want to get sponsored by Jim shirt, you have this vision, you want it so badly. One always always believe you can do it, no matter what I don’t care, what you say, you always have to believe you could do it. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have, I’m not the biggest Instagram. I don’t have the biggest YouTube, but I know the guys are reading right now.

You guys are so loyal and you guys are so hardcore. It showed Jim shark that we’re worth something we’re of value to show your dedication to the brand. Like do stuff. Like I wrote a blog I did stature takes over. I was always down for new ideas. I always hit my guy. I was like yell. What can I do better? What kind of do more ask for feedback, see what you could do better for the brand? You know become friends with the people off the brand honor.

This is one of the most important things, the guy that I’m in contact with his name is Derby he’s different greatest guy ever I could just hit him up about football, and we could just talk about Ronaldo Messi for an hour. It’s the best thing ever pretty much. What I’m trying to say this is kind of something. This whole article is kind of vague, maybe, but it maybe make a lot, but it might make a lot of sense to you.

So if you want to, if you want to join Jim jar as an affiliate or whatever you want to become an athlete, just know that it’s possible look at me: I’m not the biggest guy, that’s strongest guy, I’m not the greatest youtuber. I don’t have the biggest following, but still I’m here after two and a half years, I can call myself a gym. Shot got Lead Belly. You know sick. That sounds to me. That’s so crazy.

They I’ve worked may half years with Jim shark and I’ve. I’ve wanted this for more than five years, but a key point was: I never stopped believing it sounds so cliche. I never stop. Stop believing and the myself and my ability to do it because I knew, if I would put in the work it will return to me. I want to say thank you to all of you guys like for the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much you guys, all of you guys if you are reading right now, you made this possible no matter how long you’ve been subscribed, or this is the first article you’ve ever readed of me, hi, I’m Jasper by the way.

This is all because of you. This is, I may put in the work because I make the articles, but you guys are the reason why I still do it well, I have all these great opportunities. This is thank you I would say. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much so other people I want to thank is Dan. Dan Krane is one of the the guys that put me took me on two and a half years ago, he’s unfortunately not with James Sherk anymore, but if you’re reading this, I wouldn’t say.

Thank you Dan. I wan na say thank you to face and say because he’s been here with me and for me for all this time from now on, I just want to work even harder and even better to become one of the the great guys in Jim shark, like David, Laid like a Lex like a Steve cook, so that’s going to so that’s going to be the next goal. For me, I always set new goals for myself. I can achieve one and then it’s on to the next.

Always aim high always aim higher. Thank you. So much again, if you enjoyed this article, if you got something from it, if if it could these articles more for, like this article, I hope to god some, maybe to you 10 20 40 hundreds, a thousand people may realize fuck. I can do this like. I can do this all right now put in the work and let’s get to work, peace.

Meet the guys behind one of the top-rated pumpkin seed snacks on!